Sunday, June 7, 2020

Funny and Creative Textbook Doodles

They say "whatever you are, be the best" and that includes turning school textbooks into art. We've all seen the classic devil horns, mustache and missing teeth, but these folks really upped the ante. With a little creativity and with no one looking, some acts of vandalism can be strangely amazing.


Text - H PHÂN ĐỂ TÍNH DIỆN TÍCH HÌNH PHẢNG (a;b] thì diện tích S của y f(x), trục hoành n số al y-f(x) hẳng giới hạn bởi đồ thị của hậm số y f(x)=x'-1. :hoành.


Text - be a star 948 CHAPTER 14 PARTIAL DERIVATIVES To solve these equations we substitute one. This gives 0 = x" -x= x(x - 1) - x(x so there are three real roots: x= 0. 1. - and (-1, -1). Next we calculate the second partial f.- 12x D(x. y) - f.fy Since D(0, 0) = - 16 <0, it follows fro the origin is a saddle point; that is, f has Since D(1, 1) -128 >0 and f(1. 1)- f(1, 1) = -1 is a local minimum. Simila ful-1, -1)- 12 >0, so f(-1, -1)- The graph of f is shown in Figure 4. FIGURE 4: Palick Sloc


Text - 1995) quê ở xã Võ tỉnh Nghệ An. Ông E lịch sử tư tưởng và đại. Các công trình giai đoạn giao thời rà văn học Việt Nam đại từ truyền thống ướng phương Đông ợc tặng Giải thưởng nghệ. phần II, bài Về vản E, in trong cuốn Đến Nhan đề do người TRẦN ĐÌNH HUỢU


Text - ② クロール キャッチ 手のひらで水をつかむ 水を引き寄せる ブル 3. ブッシュ 水を後ろにおす リカバリー 4. エントリー 腕を水面からぬき, 前に運ぶ 指先から水に入れる をいに中


Text - 酸化聖オルトジアニン·のび大 (オレンジ色ののびた ) HN NH H,CO OCHS


Text - thế quân chú làn hiến à Việt Nam. pichuẩn bị, Hội Duy tàn tổ chức phong trào Đông dụ d ui các trường của Nhật Bản, Tháng 8 - 1908, Chính phủ Nhật Bản cầu với thực dân Pháp ở Đông Dương, trục xuất lưu học sinh Việt Nam, ké cả thủ lĩnh Phan Bội Châu. Phong trào Đông du tan rã. Phan Bội Châu vé Trung Quốc, rối sang Thái Lan nương náu chờ thời, ho cuộc rới tác Pháp Cuộc cách mang Tân Hợi (1911) ở Trnung Quốc tar anh bị lật đó, Chính phủ p. thi hành hàng loạt ch dan chus bộ. Phan Bội Châu từ N


Text - Tu do thu hiếu nh nguas nghệ s khòng thế đơn gián, sơ luợc khi nhin nhận cuộc sống và con người. Thấy đuc nghệ thuật kết cầu dộc dảo, cách triển khai cốt truyện. khác hoa nhân vật của một cây bit viet truyện ngan có bản linh và tài hoa. a anh ih nEU DÂN 100-1 que à lang Thơi, xá huyện Quýnh Lun, vinh dội, theo học im 1952 n 320 ly đủ tà bays I my . e lowyet, 1977han thuy1982. Mh Onge co abiluing th thae NGUYỄN MINH CHÂU gidy Ngu Chiế thuyn h o ), CA u (1989), cay baun phog của và học Việt


Text - THIS BOOK IS THE PROPERTY OF: STATE PROVINCE COUNTY PARISH SCHOOL DISTRICT Book No. Enter information in spaces to the left as instructed OTHER CONDITION Year Used ISSUED TO ISSUED RETURNED The Dark Knight The Spiderman Superman Captain America PUPILS to whom this textbook is issued must not write on any page or mark any part of it in any way, consumable textbooks excepted.


Poster - ための専用バッドが必要, などがあります。 要となりますが, AEDや救急隊員が到着するまでは心肺 って細動が除かれても, ふだん通りの息がない場合は心肺 主はセットで講習を受け, 安全に確実におこなえるように 三電) IAED をセットした状態。 (「指導者のためのAEDを用いた救急鮮生法の指計一般市民用へるす出版より) ) 解析時, 通電時はだれも傷病者の体に触れていないことを 確認します AED設置例(千葉県野田市体育館) AED


Text - peraon toa resuscitator.amachine which forcen air in and out of the ungs. An unconscioua person can be kept alve tor weeks or even months on amachine o this Sometimes the brain recovers Suciontly for the person to stan breathing again. If recoery does not take place. the famly and doctors have to docide whether to keop the person aive on the machine o switch it oft. Oviously this is an agorising dedision to have to make mouth resuacitation or kiss of te With the person ying down, you keep


Kung fu - "you son I told you 14 do it" Figure 20. Tap wnd shout Yell for help, If ssomeone comes, have that person phone 911 and get an AE Whether or not someone comes, check the child's breathing next Actions Yell for Help "YoU'RE NEXT!" Figure 27. Get hip. WeknowMemen


Cartoon - The Th the Thà Twy hing thing dux ng G thuing Th wh một tng nh manh bệ, phng ting the tho YAN BẢN, những tiế bot nuước Tây Ban choàng đó gắt ab-la g thang về miễn đơn độc ang trang chénh choáne


Cartoon - I CART Fap to thiA!!!


Cartoon - ② プリッジ ブリッジをつ 反動をつか い,( かす。 肩は )の ようにする。


Cartoon - THIS IS NOT MY Finser ped antes pp. 250-252


Animated cartoon


Team - 국에술연구회 1930년대 청년 소인극과 학생극의 연장선상에서 신극을 발 전시키고 주도했다. 한반도입진 회 2010년대 짱개배달부와 일진놀아의 연장선상에서 노스를 발 전시키고 주도했다.


Fashion design - 524 M J. ichoel Arteries of the head and runa memal.cartid Estermal carote ackson common .camnd chonphaic Arteries of the upper limb bclavian Ao ah Aar Lat co Reght Munk Arteries of teries


Text - TIẾU DÁN Chế Lan Việp1920- 1985) tên khai vnh Ngọc Hoan, qne ge d a Cam An, huyện Cam 14 Quảng Trị. Từ nan 1927, gia đinh ông chuyển vào ha Binh Định. Sau khi tốt nghiệp Trung học. Chế Lan V Sai Gòn và các tnh nh dạy học ở tryar Trung Tron van mang tháng Tám & Que thực dân Pháp, ông hoạt đ khu IV và chiến trưởng B 1954, Ong về Ha Nội tiếp tạc h a nám tham ga lanh đạo Hội Nà 1975, dng vào sống 6 Thành ph Tri động Việt Chi M t động văn học ha thơ lớn cla nến tân học h Việt Nam. C ng thơ Chế


Costume - d him apping aintings nportant all kinds creatures ew to the ne works 1 some ide rks had a f nfluence fro


Moustache - 事 nintendo 西曆…出 来


Illustration - 10 马崎藤村 瘦目


Cartoon - How about some fruit? rie OK. [ra - Did Momoko get Jim's message? OIOKO: Oure. What can I bring to the party? bring bnin) yourself Ljuarsélf) fruit [fru:t) Jim: Don't worry. Just bring yourself. Momoko: How about some fruit? Jim: OK. ride, riding [raid(in) 1. Did Momoko get Jim's message?


Drawing - re.


Text - Fatuous Love = Passion without Intimacy Infatuation = %3D Passion Alone Defining Love and Ro What is love? The answer is not as simpl. thing, love is multifaceted, with no single & Thomas, 2000; Hendrick & Hendrick, more than one variety of love (Campbell, E The Defining Features of L What do you think of as thn 1 C Baby don't J+ me


Text - My company just started a participative budget program. My manager wants to know how much ! expect to sell next year. Tell them you can sell less than you know you will. When you oversell the budget, they'll love you. Everybody does it. They call it lowballing. I all it lying. Sounds unethical to me. I think l'll just tell the truth.


Cartoon - Помчался Васятка к отцу навстречу.


Comics - 直击片查看下一幅 原出国片重者下一個 WANG 40


Text - WHAT IF I TOLD YOU stances per balls, particles of a substance in a solu- adomly. If there is a concentration gradient ance will move from an area of high con- Cower concentration. The movement of a f high concentration to an area of lower he random motion of particles of the sub- (dih FYOO zhuhn). If diffusion is allowed ventually results. THAT'S NOT GELATIN




Text - Line art - MO74/BIOLOHPMVENG/TZI/XX 20. Women should periodically hate a Pap smear test performed to detect cervicatcaneer, Which letter indicates the cervix in the diagrim below? 21. In human emryo development, what is the approximate tirne span between fertilization and implantation of the blastocyst? A. 12 days B. 7 days C. 72 hours D. 36 hours 5 frgs


Text - Text - ▲關漢卿(今 北 國歷史博物館藏》 ,「秋」是題目名。關漢卿有十首 「冬」四字,是分寫四季相思的聯, 戍,直率中見真具情,寫來極為青巧 <馬e教曲烹派工


Text - Text - 挑隆 爱菜 日流球主国 北山, 1國11九年,前出志小油不 E611王国を統1 也版 Uw e 心主用 开柄 = 旅化鉄を主成分どする赤港色面料。 水率=乾 を一定提間本に,东 石果解公林在五士 子 正親对 中心台中 SUPM 醫 思を 装心症, 装を 。 て表したもの 件用 和 世一 作击 新海 フィクー 人男 典子ロ k戰者大ち S4届け運命の大勝負一所 国城,執念の親子瓦一后,筆者水第Lたもの 【新出演了 炎上 更


Text - Text - tử hidro dưoc giải thích như the rap DAVY JONES để giai tố đơn ao mẫu thuyế Fo. g thei BO kh ng (Niels Bohr, 1885 - 1962, nhà vật lí người Đan Mạch, giải Nô-ben năm 1922) mg


Text - Pattern - IP atr ques Rousseau 78), filho de um de poucas posses, Genebra (Suiça) esde 1742 em ou o prêmio da de Dijon ao con- gunta: "O resta- o das ciências e erå contribuido orar os costu- contramão das luministas depositadas nodea 0, o via com otimism les nvolvimento do progresso. Fe amizade com Dide ot, upo iluminista o qualpartiipavem Vol- bert e bach conyidoa escr ve Fobre mcaa Enciglopedid omo ele as de jean-Ja ues Ruseau sta na o sobre a origeme os n entre os home o, obra gogia,


Text - Text - Section 6.1 Rational Funct hey man) you See that Multiplying Rational Ex quy over he rule for multiplyin thee? To multiply rational e Step 1. Completely Step 2. Use the rule Step 3. Simplify the common fac When we multiply denominator first. Thi product in simplest for EXAMPLE 6 he Draws 1+ 3n in rented a. text Solution 2n - 2n 3n? -2n books 1+3n 2n- a. 2n 3n -2n 15x -1. b. -3x +3 x+ x


Text - Text - to changes in the environment, floppy disks are heat, magnetism, dust, and other problems their sensitivities and because we store so much medium or on the computer system. Whatever you decide. store the original and the copy away from each other so that the same accident will not destroy both copies 4 An administrative assistant accesses a control panel. Figure 7-15 Storage case for disks. Cha intormation Manement 161 Coutey of Kardes


Text - Text - 1 べ。 We are all looking ( ) to 基本 O forward 2 backwar 12) The game was canceled ( 標準 O in spite of 2 instead (3) Can you ( ) yourself uno 標準 O let 2 have (4) It was very cold yesterday; in 標準 case 2 trouble A (5) If you send a letter to a friend i 標準 O by air mail 2 in air ma (6) You should study mathemation


Text - Text - go to Pg.100 go lo P9 27 7. Please fill out the 8. There are few pec 1. Yec go1o pg. 201 Pg 42 I often to go P967 0to 8. Some stu stealing id go b py 300 go Bod of book to Py 306


Text - Cartoon - (像德伊洛北 他斯克馬 : 便只好轉化它,使它成


Text - Text - d Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 53 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 (209) (210) (222) Bi Po At Rr 197 201 204 207 209 Au Hg TI Pb 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 (272) C Rg AH! 111 L nthe element of sur pise 159 163 165 167 169 173 175 Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 68 65 66 67 69 70 71 (247) (251) (254) (257) (258) (259) (260)


Text - Men eo nop AN A op TRAIL NEANDERTALLIDA Par. 109, Iteandegunasu


Text - 自然の不思議をさぐる 58 (1) (3) みそ おおさる 大阪件 《筆者》水口博也 一三(昭和三二) リスト。著書に「オルカー 海の王シャチと風 カアゲイン」などがある 《田)「Fミカと海の旅」 の一部に、筆者が、 文章の内容をとらえよう 次のような方法て内容をとらえよう 文章を読々て、初めて知ったこと、

Submitted by:

Customers Hassle Employee, Restaurant Owner Handles It

Definition of a power move. Sounds like this table was filled to the brim with toxic BS, and making a mess of an otherwise peaceful environment. When the owner of the restaurant found out the table was hassling his employee, he up and kicked them out. Basically, this sounds like the coolest boss ever. A true fairytale experience for anyone working in the industry, dealing with entitled customers who think they're right just cause they're customers. 


Text - r/TalesFromYourServer u/aaanon5402 · 1y + Join The owner of the restaurant kicked out one of my tables for yelling at me about a receipt Long It was my first day at a pizza restaurant. This place was always SLAMMED... it's really where I learned how to be a good server, before that I worked at over staffed burger joints or Italian restaurants. Things were moving pretty fast but I was doing surprisingly well. I had about 10 tables and I was used to 3-4 table sections. I will


Text - never forget this couple that came in and sat down at table 24. They were an old couple. I'm talking both gray haired and over dressed to be at a pizza restaurant. I will say I did give them excellent service despite my frazzledness of starting a new job. I was feelin it, and felt great about handling all of my tables...until I did mess up. The man at table 24 handed me his card to close out. I'm BUSY.. like didn't even have time to pick a wedgie if I had one, busy. I go to the computer a


Text - Man at table 24 had every right to be upset. But instead of asking me to grab the itemized receipt, he began to LOUDLY, in a small room, with a deep and firm tone tell me how horrible I am at my job. That no wonder I only got as far in life as working at a pizza shop. He kept going on with these TERRIBLE comments and wouldn't let me walk away when I tried. So now all of my other tables just saw me get ripped a new asshole, and I'm in the weeds after wasting time getting yelled at by this


Text - Owner: "Excuse me sir," he says to the man at table 24, "I am the owner of this establishment. I'm not sure what the problem is here and frankly, don't care. What I do care about is you belittling my waitress. So l'm going to ask you and your wife to leave and not come back to my restaurant." Man at table 24: "Fine but you'll be losing our business." Owner: "I really don't care, and don't want people like you in my restaurant anyway."


Text - It was the coolest shit I had ever seen. The owner STOOD THERE AND WAITED for these people to leave. It was fucking bad ass. After they left the owner came up to me and said: "Fuck those people. You're doing a great job and I wouldn't have hired you if you didn't show potential. If anyone else talks to you like that I want you to tell them to fuck off and get out. I don't want their money." Coolest. Boss. Ever.

6. Awesome.

Text - sweetrhymepurereason • 1y Awesome story. I had a great boss once who liked to say "the customer is always right, but that guy is not our customer anymore."

Submitted by:

Shrek But Only When Anyone Says "E"

This is peak internet. No reason to ever make this, but here we are. 

Submitted by: (via GrayWalf)

Choosing Beggar Demands Art For Free, Thinks Insults Will Work

Ah, yes, here we have a fine case of a choosing beggar so blinded by their own aggressive entitlement that they think insults will work. The fact that the dude doesn't realize he's being messed with, at a very obvious point in the conversation, really says this conversation was doomed from the start. All we can do with these choosing beggars is try to dish out the reality checks free of charge, when the opportunities present themselves. 

If you're ready for more choosing beggar madness, check out the strangest choosing beggar case that the world's ever seen.


Text - iMessage Today 8:49 PM Yo wahts up brother How ya been? hey, really sorry, who's this?


Text - from the New years eve thing at 's house oh yeah my bad. i forgot to add ur name to the contacts. what's up? I saw on your instagram that you draw, do you do any art for friends and stuff?


Text - i have before, yeah. i'm super busy these days though, so not as much I have an Etsy shop, , that you can look at if you wanna buy soemthing Bro I really want a drawing for my room Like this


Automotive design - cn1527092031tipa i mean, like i said, i've gotten super busy so i only paint off and on. all the pieces i have are online if you look me up


Text - also i'm not sure that that's a painting, btw. it looks suspiciously like photoshop Dude just make this one for me You know me, so its liek for family even if i had the time, that piece would take weeks to make. it would also be so expensive between the canvases and the paint.


Text - Bro come on how hard can it be. You have to think about other poeple too not just yourslef. I can post a picture of it online and poeple will come and buy from you more. okay two things. first, you know there's like a meme online about people asking for free stuff and promising exposure as payment? second, what??? i told you i'm busy, it's not personal. there's plenty of artists on Etsy that take commissions


Text - Yeah but that probablu costs more than if you just did it. Youre being selfish. told me you gave her one for free Stitch It! yeah, for her birthday, over the summer. and it was way smaller than what you want Whatver, you probably just cant make it beacuse youre not good enough and youre trying to find an excuse


Text - okay? i don't have time for this rn hope you have a good night Come on man just do it for me. Your so annoying I know youre only doing this beacuse youre not good enough Come on bro please it would look so cool in my room


Text - Youre a peice of trash And your art sucks hey! you changed my mind! ill do it for you totally free Yoooo thank you my guy How soon can you have it done\


Text - I can come pick it up if you want oh thank you so much ill even throw in $20 because i'm sorry i tried to blow you off Youre a real one. How soon? i'll finish it tonight! i'm dropping all of my other priorities Sickkk


Text - it's done Wth its been less than an hour what can i say i work fast when i'm motivated here ya go Delivered


Text - Are you joking? I meant a real drawing, a big one Your so stupid Stitch It! And that looks like trash anyway I guess youre actuelly the wrost artist ive ever seen I hope you die Waste of my time Idiot

Submitted by:

Landslide Sweeps Away Houses In Norway

It's a crazy sight to see that much earth moving all at the same time. And those houses just plop into the water like nothing. The guy who filmed this, Jan Egil Bakkedal, who owned one of those houses, said that he ran for it when he realized what was happening.

Submitted by: (via Guardian News)

Tech Support Calls Karen's Bluff, Deletes Her Website

Well, that is what she wanted, right? After a long stretch of bullying and threats, this employee finally called Karen on her word and got rid of her account. IT workers receive some ridiculous requests on a day-to-day basis, and that's when they're not even dealing with a malicious and absurdly demanding Karen.


Text - r/talesfromtechsupport - Posted by u/goatwomble 18 days ago O 3 3 3 DELETE MY ACCOUNT *NOW*! Medium This story took place about 6 years ago, and it was my second week into a new job with a web hosting company. I'd taken a call from a customer - we'll call her Karen - about some problem with the hosting service she had with us. I took a look and determined that whilst there was an issue, the fault lay with her CMS and wasn't anything we would fix.


Text - Me: "I'm sorry Karen, the issue is to do with WordPress, and unfortunately we can't assist with fixing this. However, I can send you some links which may help you fix it, or you can ask your developer to look into it further". Karen: "That's not good enough! I'm paying you $10 a month and I expect you to fix problems like this, not tell me to go away and deal with it myself". Me: "I'm sorry you feel that way, however that $10 pays for the server space. We'll gladly help fix anything serve


Text - Karen: "WE'LL IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FIX IT JUST DELETE MY FUCKING ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW" Me: "Ok, I can do that, but it may be easier ---" Karen: "STOP ARGUING WITH ME DELETE MY ACCOUNT CLEARLY MY $10 A MONTH MEANS SHIT TO YOU GO ON HURRY UP AND TERMINATE MY ACCOUNT IF YOU DON'T VALUE ME AS A CUSTOMER" Me: "I can do that for you, before I do, I need to ask if you have a backup of your data, as once I process this it's gone for good"


Text - Karen: "NO JUST DELETE MY ACCOUNT NOW I EXPECT AN EMAIL TELLING ME IT'S DONE *click*" She'd hung up, and I sat there wondering what to do. I thought about sitting on it, but she was quite clear in her instructions: delete her account. Karen had already run through the identity verification questions and had requested (demanded) a cancellation. I took a backup of her account as insurance, and processed the termination. I also created a ticket, with appropriate notes and emailing Karen to t


Text - I went home not long after that, but the next day I came in to work and was immediately called in speak to manager. It turned out that Karen was notorious for this shit - she'd demand we do things beyond our scope, and scream and cry and threaten until someone said "Ok, we'll do it". She'd gotten used to other staff members doing whatever she demanded that she expected we bend over backwards. If she ever heard the word "no" she'd threaten to cancel and go elsewhere. It seemed that other r


Text - Manager: "You're not in trouble, don't worry. You did everything correctly. I've had Karen on the phone all morning squawking about her website. Oh, btw, did you happen to take a backup of her account?" Me: "Yep, it's on my computer" Manager: "Delete it and pretend it never existed" And that's the story of how I destroyed Karen's business website.

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