Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tech Support Calls Karen's Bluff, Deletes Her Website

Well, that is what she wanted, right? After a long stretch of bullying and threats, this employee finally called Karen on her word and got rid of her account. IT workers receive some ridiculous requests on a day-to-day basis, and that's when they're not even dealing with a malicious and absurdly demanding Karen.


Text - r/talesfromtechsupport - Posted by u/goatwomble 18 days ago O 3 3 3 DELETE MY ACCOUNT *NOW*! Medium This story took place about 6 years ago, and it was my second week into a new job with a web hosting company. I'd taken a call from a customer - we'll call her Karen - about some problem with the hosting service she had with us. I took a look and determined that whilst there was an issue, the fault lay with her CMS and wasn't anything we would fix.


Text - Me: "I'm sorry Karen, the issue is to do with WordPress, and unfortunately we can't assist with fixing this. However, I can send you some links which may help you fix it, or you can ask your developer to look into it further". Karen: "That's not good enough! I'm paying you $10 a month and I expect you to fix problems like this, not tell me to go away and deal with it myself". Me: "I'm sorry you feel that way, however that $10 pays for the server space. We'll gladly help fix anything serve


Text - Karen: "WE'LL IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FIX IT JUST DELETE MY FUCKING ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW" Me: "Ok, I can do that, but it may be easier ---" Karen: "STOP ARGUING WITH ME DELETE MY ACCOUNT CLEARLY MY $10 A MONTH MEANS SHIT TO YOU GO ON HURRY UP AND TERMINATE MY ACCOUNT IF YOU DON'T VALUE ME AS A CUSTOMER" Me: "I can do that for you, before I do, I need to ask if you have a backup of your data, as once I process this it's gone for good"


Text - Karen: "NO JUST DELETE MY ACCOUNT NOW I EXPECT AN EMAIL TELLING ME IT'S DONE *click*" She'd hung up, and I sat there wondering what to do. I thought about sitting on it, but she was quite clear in her instructions: delete her account. Karen had already run through the identity verification questions and had requested (demanded) a cancellation. I took a backup of her account as insurance, and processed the termination. I also created a ticket, with appropriate notes and emailing Karen to t


Text - I went home not long after that, but the next day I came in to work and was immediately called in speak to manager. It turned out that Karen was notorious for this shit - she'd demand we do things beyond our scope, and scream and cry and threaten until someone said "Ok, we'll do it". She'd gotten used to other staff members doing whatever she demanded that she expected we bend over backwards. If she ever heard the word "no" she'd threaten to cancel and go elsewhere. It seemed that other r


Text - Manager: "You're not in trouble, don't worry. You did everything correctly. I've had Karen on the phone all morning squawking about her website. Oh, btw, did you happen to take a backup of her account?" Me: "Yep, it's on my computer" Manager: "Delete it and pretend it never existed" And that's the story of how I destroyed Karen's business website.

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