Sunday, June 7, 2020

Guy Steals Roommate's Stuff, Roommate Takes Nuclear Revenge

Sweet Canadian revenge. It sounds like the thief in this scenario was a real toxic piece of work, in dire need of a wakeup call. Well, he met his match in the roommate that he decided to steal from. Guy kept a calm, cool, and collected head as he went about strategically dismantling the thief's life. 

If this Canadian revenge got you going, check out the time that a Canadian took revenge on their neighbor with a frozen trash can.


Text - r/NuclearRevenge + Join u/r_husba • 317d 1 Thieving roommate gets what's coming to him This got removed from O r/ProRevenge, but I thought you all might want to read it as it still makes me laugh, so....Nuclear it is!!! So, many years ago while still a teen I moved out of my parent's place to live across the street from my junior college. There were many students in the building, so I rented a room in a large basement 3 bedroom unit that was reserved for students at the school. I didn't r


Text - To be kind....Sean was a short fat putz. Older than myself by a few years, he was in some kind of simplified remedial program as he'd failed a couple of school years & mentioned how this was his "last chance" to make something of himself in his parent's eyes. Kinda dim, not too much going on in his life..but harmless, or so I thought. Anyways, I was hoping to start things off on the right foot with him as he was to be my roommate, so I wanted to be friends. As I was moving in my stuff, he


Text - who lived "up the hill" from our apartment (translation: she was extremely affluent). This girlfriend would dote on him; visiting him a lot at our place, to the point where she would regularly hand deliver him delicious meals that had been prepared at her house. This will be important later. Anyways, it slowly becomes apparent that this unassuming guy has a dishonest streak. While moving my stuff in, I'd mentioned that I had a spare waterbed. He immediately offered to buy it, so I moved i


Text - development just up the street. I remember wondering why his parents would make such an offer despite the fact we've just moved into our current apt. The story didn't make sense. Nevertheless he constantly tried to set up some visit with me & get me involved. I wasn't really interested in moving again at that point so I never really pursued it. I learned later that this was not only a lie, but a typical ploy of his. Anyways... As I had just moved out of my old neighborhood, I hadn't opene


Text - keeping track of this money, and barely noticed how my money was going a little quickly until one day I go to get my last $40...and it's gone. Unfortunately, by this point a third roommate had moved in to our flat (a cool hippy dude from maritimes). So although I was convinced it was Sean that had robbed me...I wasn't 100% sure. To resolve things as amicably as possible, I decided to give him a chance to come clean. So one night I asked


Text - him point blank, fairly casually, if he'd taken my money "as l'd noticed a small amount" was missing. I'll never forget his reaction. He immediately stiffened, his eyes glazed over and he blurted out "I didn't take anything. It wasn't me" and just stared at me. I was shocked...he didn't just look guilty, his reaction had such a rehearsed quality, I could tell he'd been accused of similar things MANY times before. I tried my best to be calm, smile and act as if I believed him... but inside


Text - To make sure he didn't suspect anything, the next day I was all smiles. Playing dumb, I exclaimed loudly how "I hope I don't lose my money again, I just got paid!" and leave the apartment. Before I left, I made sure to leave my video camera filming my room. This was so long ago, it was a huge ass VHS tape camera that I had to hide on my bed under pillows & shit...but it still worked like a charm. I came back, replayed the tape...and 16 min in I see that motherfucker going thru my shit. I


Text - Confident we were on the same page, I showed him the video. He freaks out over having a thief for a roommate, but I reassure him to just be cool..cuz some things are going to happen to Sean real soon. Then I WENT TO STAY AT MY PARENT'S HOUSE and waited until that Thursday. You see, Sean liked to talk a lot. Turns out his rich parents had actually kicked him out of the house. The fact he'd actually found an apartment & gone back to school was a big success for him. On Thursday he'd be out


Text - screaming at his mother to hang up, I calmly state "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have reason to believe your son has stolen from me..." Suddenly, there's dead silence. After almost a minute, she replies "take it up with Sean" and just hangs up. Wtf?!?! I don't know what reaction I expected, but it wasn't that. Anyways, now with just Sean on the line, I tell him the jig is up. I have him on tape & I want my money back. His replies "you have nothing on me, fuck you". At this point I real


Text - out he'd bragged about how he'd faked his credentials for the apt. & landlord had never checked. So first step was to drive with my folks to the landlord's office & tell them to evict him for theft immediately. When they start telling me crap like "we'll have to take some time to review this matter..", I immediately threaten a lawsuit over how they're liable as I can prove they never did the prescribed background check. My landlord goes pale & instantly promises everything I ask. I then t


Text - Upon my return to apt. I am greeted with awe by a highly entertained hippy roommate who gave me the play by play of what went down in my absence. Apparently, Sean returned from his dinner to an empty room devoid of any of his possessions, causing him to rampage thru the apt & curse my name. When hippy innocently asked "what's wrong Sean?" he tells him That I stole all his stuff, but that his dad would get it back for him (as if!!! Lol). The next morning his alarm clock was the landlord wa


Text - Desperate, Sean followed his dad outside & jumped on the hood of the car, pleading to go home. The dad had to drive to a nearby police station to have him removed. Last thing I heard he was broke, dropped out of school, dumped by gf & camping in a friend's backyard in a tent in CANADA in November. TL;DR Roommate who I was nice to betrays my trust by lying & stealing from me, so I basically destroyed his life for at most $120 CAD Edit: addendum to show that I made the call that ruined Sean

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