Sunday, December 22, 2019

Rare Insults That Squashed People Online

A collection of creative insults that ruined people online | Minecraft Steve u take his diamonds. Somewhere out there, there's tree whose single purpose on earth is replace oxygen waste. Go find and apologize. Quickly

These rare insults are carved up and polished to brutally precise perfection. The YouTube comments section is a gold mine for people getting all kinds of inspired and creative when it comes to hatching up savage insults. While we feel kind of bad laughing at some of these, it's pretty hard not to!

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Old Professor Outsmarts Cheating Students With New Tricks

An old professor outsmarts his cheating students with some tricky technological maneuvering | r/ProRevenge post by Mwxh Not my revenge, but my professor against cheaters took final an engineering class this morning. Usually 1 or 2 people will go bathroom during class, however totally unknown reasons, about half class needed use restroom during exam. Obviously

This old and wise professor taught his rascal students a humbling lesson in why you shouldn't cheat in the classroom. They naively assumed that he wouldn't be able to figure out what they were up to, and they couldn't have been more wrong. A solid win for Prof!

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Entitled Individuals with Their Unreasonable Demands

Annoying entitled people who made excessive demands | 25 is much want give my dog sweet l'm sorry still can't go any lower Are kidding 25 is way too much dog toy 's not dog toy and 's handmade can get any dog toy few bucks youre insane GO GET SOME THEN. don't want black want white so 10 about just don't sell at all dickhead Imao

The world is filled with mostly reasonable people, but poking around are some entitled folks whose foolishness knows no bounds. These demands can come in the form of relationships, money, and even an entitled college slacker who demands their classmate's notes. You can save a lot of energy and frustration by avoiding these entitled folks who need to leave with their attitudes.

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Cultures Collide In Scottish Guy's Egg Rant

An angry Scottish guy goes on a Twitter rant about how he can't believe what Americans do with their eggs | JUST BEEN INFORMED AMERICANS DO NOT HAVE EGG CUPS AND AM SO ANGRY RN

This Scottish lad was absolutely outraged when he came to learn how Americans treat the handling of their eggs. You can tell a whole lot about someone by the way they treat their egg. 

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Loopholes That Clever Folks Exploited

Loopholes clever people used to save money | West Virginia there law waived taxes automobile title transfers between parents and children friend wanted buy car his uncle. So uncle sold car his father who then sold his other son who sold his own son, my friend. Three transactions. Zero taxes.

Whether it was an idiotic promotion, lack of oversight, a glitch in the system, an escape room scheduling loophole, or a sandwich place that also sold discounted ingredients to its own sandwiches, these people found a way to play the game and save a couple dollars in the process. The commitment and dedication it takes to notice these loopholes is admirable, in a chaotic, roguish sort of way.

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Enthusiastic Daughter Cheers Dad On In Gas Station Bathroom Emergency

Funny story of dad taking daughter into bathroom and she cheers him on | kids were van, while inside looking cornflakes with my 4yo b- lined into restroom, making just time had no choice but take my 4yo into stall with Aspen watched as struggled, Moana light-up crocs on wrong feet, blue eyes wide and

Here's one dad's story of what happened when he was stuck between a rock and a hard place in an Oregon gas station bathroom. Apparently his daughter remembered all the toilet training support and he got played a reverse-Uno card. Parents often find themselves in strange moments with their kids being weird and dumb.

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Most Canadian Man Ever Rescues 11 Raccoons

Everyone's felt like these raccoons at some point in their lives. It helps that they're all just so ridiculously cute. 

Submitted by: (via Gates Wildlife Control)

Dog Drinks Bog Water By Mistake, Makes Unearthly Sound

The dog is fine, but we've never heard a dog make that sound before. It's like it's coming from the sky.

Submitted by: (via @_josiahsimmons)

Tagged: dogs , wtf , FAIL , gross , noise , silly

Choosing Beggar Doesn't Understand How Time Works

A choosing beggar trolls guy over the time they were supposed to meet up | 60 55 min ago 80 54 min ago 75 if could bring it to me

This choosing beggar either has no idea how time works, or they were just trying to troll the crap out of a reasonable seller. Doesn't seem like this particular negotiation is going to work out. 

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Guy Lies About Being Marine, Gets Catfished Back

Guy lies about being a marine and then gets catfished back by the person he texted | Hey are Sorry who is this 's Justin Justin marine met awhile back Sorry can send picture or something ?1 really don't remember

What a wonderful example of two people being absolutely ridiculous. In all fairness, this dude started it when he pretended to be a marine while texting a random number. From there, the person on the receiving end of the text decides to play the catfish card right back. Talk about some master level reversary right there. Beautiful work, really. 

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Dad Admits He Regrets Having Children During Marriage Counseling

Dad admits that he regrets having children during a marriage counseling session, and asks people on Reddit whether he was a jerk | AITA admitting regret having children. Not hole My wife and are both 42 and marriage counselling after our marriage basically went shit after having kids (6 and 4 year old twins lot issues and disagreements have come up our marriage have driven us apart and have been working through my resentment going back one more baby resulted twins, including one which are pretty

This dad asked the folks of Reddit whether or not he was in the wrong for admitting during a marriage counseling session, that he regretted having kids. This confession comes with a statement from him, saying that he loved the hell out of them, but in hindsight realized that the whole parenting/marriage situation wasn't for him. To make matters more grim and complicated, his wife proceeded to tell their six-year-old about what he said. Ouch. 

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Brutal Words That Crushed People's Souls

A collection of insults toward people online that got absolutely destroyed | good news is i work real estate startup and know law, and my landlord and have pretty chill relationship until this Imfao so just texted him this Bruce DID MY LANDLORD JUST TRY USE BIBLE RAISE MY RENT Landlord Attn: All Tenants Today 2:57 PM hey brucie baby s illegal raise my rent during an active lease term. also federal law fair housing act protects making any decision housing based on religion.

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of people getting roasted to oblivion online for various acts of clueless stupidity. Social media platforms have always served as powerful places for people to air out their BS and get called out for bits of dishonesty along the way. Fair to say we probably won't be hearing any more dumbness from these folks. But you never know. 

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Unlucky Times Misfortune Gave People Trouble

Fails, mistakes and messes | vehicle almost entirely sunk in mud with just the cabin visible, a glass table that shattered completely

Life has its unfair share of unfortunate failures and moments of chaos. Things break, things get stuck, things melt and things explode. Knowing that, you just kinda have to take everything in stride. Wherever you go, chaos and misfortune will follow.

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The Dumbest Questions From Customers

A collection of AskReddit replies to the dumbest questions customers have asked employees | pm_me_your_taintt 3h Lady walks into empty restaurant, looks around, asks "is this furniture store?"

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share the dumbest questions they've ever heard from customers. The responses really end up contributing a solid argument to the case that so many of us, turn our brains off when we walk into establishments. Just cause customer service exists, doesn't mean we have to stop using our brains. 

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Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Covered The Internet With Their Supposed Genius

People who think they are very smart | istening Mozart some people listen rap rather than Mozart is objective proof some people are stupid yupisaidit

Whether it's overconfidence or a complete lack of self awareness, these folks just had to let everyone know how smart they thought they were, and in turn, showed everyone just how smart they ACTUALLY were. So here's a lot of over-explaining and complete bullheaded nonsense from self-titled geniuses whosmeared the internet with their cringeworthy bragging.

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