Sunday, April 24, 2022

Survival Myths That Could Be More Deadly To Follow Than Not

After a few decades of just packing our noggins with reality TV and hearsay, it's easy to find ourselves subscribing to nature survival myths that simply aren't true, and could get us killed. Watching Bear Grylls squeeze elephant dung into his mouth for water probably did a lot more harm than good for our collective understanding of survival situations, but hey, at least we got to watch a millionaire drink freshly squeezed poop juice.

And it's a little bit our own fault for believing the wrong stuff. We probably hold on to unconfirmed survival facts for too long. It's extremely possible that you believe something because your friend's older brother told some total BS in 3rd grade and you just internalized it without googling it. So every once in a while it's good to do a bit of an audit and see how much you don't know about basic survival.

But honestly, if it wasn't obvious before; don't drink the dung.

Parents Disown Child, Contact Now-Adult Child Years Later Asking For Money

This daughter was disowned by her parents when she was in her late teens for choosing to attend a non-religious university, then subsequently taking up a job as a stripper to support herself when her parents initially withdrew financial support. Now, years later, she is a fully functional and self-sufficient adult and her aging parents have come to her with their health and financial issues asking her for her support. What do you do in a situation like this? What is the best thing and what is the right thing to do?

This thread was posted by the daughter to Reddit's AITA subreddit (Am I the A--Hole) with the title "AITA for refusing to help my parents even if they end up homeless with serious medical conditions?" She posted the topic after initially rebuffing her parent's requests for support and is eager to see whether or not her decision was the right and ethical one. 

Commenters have supported her decision, pointing out that she was not the one who chose to abruptly end the relationship in the first place. At least one commenter has quoted the biblical lesson of "You reap what you sow." in response to her parents now having to deal with the consequences of their actions. 

Should she choose to support her parents she should do so with caution and would be offering them far more than they ever deserved. 


Company Asks Employee For Help a Month After Laying Them Off

This situation plays out exactly like having your partner break up with you and then hit you up for a booty call a few weeks later. The emotions involved are incredibly similar. There's that same sense of drifting hopelessness that comes after being broken up, which then collides with the emotionally befuddling rage and turmoil of being asked to come back and provide an essential… service. True, one is arguably more enjoyable than the other in more than one way… but both still end in disappointment. 

The best thing to do with an ex, both lover and employer, is to cut off all contact and move on with your life, giving them not an inch more.

That's exactly what this employee, Redditor u/thefarmerdan decided to do when they were contacted by their ex-employer's HR department a month after being laid off. They were initially enraged at being contacted and let it ruin their day before becoming resolved to block the number that had reached out to them.

They posted this topic to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit after receiving contact from their ex-employer. Commenters were quick to condemn the employer for their actions. 

Entitled People Who Made Everyone's Day Worse

We all know someone like this. A coworker, a neighbor, a family member. Someone who will text you in the middle of the night demanding that they be taken to the airport. A person who will steal fries off of your plate and then get angry at you for not having ordered enough fries. Someone who will arrive at a crafts store 10 minutes after closing time and bang on the windows to be let in. And then when they are invariably left outside, they'll write a strongly worded yelp review full of lies about how they were treated like dirt by the store.

There's not much we can do when we encounter people like this. It seems like the best option is just to let them yell and scream and run around in circles. At least it's sort of fun to watch.

Here are some more entitled people and their fantastically bold moves.