Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Top Hilarious Reasons People Gave for Quitting Their Jobs

People often wonder if they should quit, dreaming of greener pastures, or in other words, more money, better work conditions, and nicer coworkers. Also, let's not forget the most important thing of all… a good boss. Quitting your job can be easy, or hard, depending on how much you enjoy it. Once upon a time, I was working as a waitress, and let's just say that it wasn't hard at all to let go of rude customers, not great pay, and long nights cleaning bathrooms. But hey, I had some pretty legitimate reasons to hate it. Of course, every reason is legitimate… but still, some reasons are sort of, well, weird.

This particular Reddit post asks, 'What is the strangest or weirdest reason someone gave for quitting their job?'. Well, as usual, Reddit has a lot of good answers. People gathered to share their own experiences… scroll down to read what they said. For more, here is an employee who got fired after closing the largest deal the company had ever seen.

'They were immediately let go': 30+ Stories of people who got fired on their first day

Starting a new job is never easy… there's so much unknown and uncertainty before you even step foot in the door on your first day, and it's easy to let that stress get to you. Once you step foot in the door, even if you've worked in the industry for years, there are always new processes and procedures to be followed, and different approaches and understandings achieve the same thing in a slightly different way. There are new relationships to start, first impressions to be made, and egos to soothe and avoid. Every step along that path must be followed with relative precision, and one small misstep can see you sent packing back to wherever you came from. The reality is that, although it might feel that way, it's never usually that treacherous, and most people who got fired on the first day managed to completely miss essential social queues and refused to listen to blatantly obvious workplace rules. If you really have to walk on eggshells as much as your anxiety is telling you to, this job might not be somewhere you want to work long-term.

These people gathered to share their stories of that person who got fired on their first day and stories of other people who managed to get fired in record time—sometimes even before their first day had started.

'My boss keeps calling me when I'm home with pneumonia': Boss texts sick employee 15+ times asking for 'quick tasks'

There are bosses with empathy, and then there's this dude. U/yodascousinkevin told this surprising story of what happened when they came down with a bout of pneumonia, only to find out their boss just would not leave them alone. 

We all want to feel unique and special and irreplaceable at our jobs. We want to think that the work we do is exceptional, and that the place just wouldn't run the same without us. In reality, everyone is replaceable. No one told that to the OP's boss, though, who is acting like the building's on fire without them there. They're quite literally treating the OP like the company can't run if they miss even a single day of work. 

Interestingly, in the comments, no one could agree who was in the right. Most encouraged the OP to report their boss's rapid-fire messages to HR, and told them they weren't the a-hole. A few others said the OP should have known better than to have no replacement for them, but that's more of their boss's responsibility than the OP's. And finally, others said everyone sucks here. They believe it'd be rude for the OP to block their boss's number. Maybe HR will let the OP do that anyway, and give the boss a scolding for bothering OP while sick in bed. 

Next up, these employees got fired at light speed for making hilariously dumb mistakes. 

15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

We have all had a regrettable texting moment, haven't we? It could have been an impulsive moment of passion, a complete mistake, or a total misread of the situation. 


While you sit there and pretend that this kind of thing has not happened to you, I'll chime in and admit that it's happened to me on multiple occasions. I once was on my way to brunch with an ex-friend I didn't like and texted my other friends that I was fully not looking forward to it. Except I didn't text my other friends that…I texted the person I was literally about to meet in five minutes. 


Here's a more vulnerable one. I once went on a walk with a date and threw an unhinged tantrum at the guy after he didn't text me back within 24 hours. Let's just say I was recently out of a relationship, so there were definitely other factors that affected my behavior at that moment.


Keep scrolling below for these wild text exchanges. When you're finished, check out this collection of the top Karens of the week!

'You're so beautiful, why would you do this to yourself?': Waitress deals with customers disgusted by her tattoos

Plenty of people love getting tattoos because they feel like they're an artistic and creative way to express themselves. Some people view tattoo art as a way of turning their bodies into somewhat of a canvas where they can showcase meaningful images and messages. Not everyone in the world feels that way, though – Especially when it comes to the boomer generation and above. 

A woman working as a waitress took to Reddit to complain about the current situation she's dealing with on the job. Instead of being able to show up for work serving tables and earning a solid amount of tips to pay her bills, she's constantly fending off negative commentary from judgmental clientele who don't love the tattoo art she has on her skin. 

Since her tattoos are mostly visible in places like her arms, it's difficult for her to hide them from the world on a daily basis. she explained that she's been called "disgusting" and "ugly" by people who've seen her serving tables. She also receives disgusted looks from people who appear to be completely grossed out. Redditors with similar serving stories have flooded the comment section with their two cents. 

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

Taking over for your coworker in a time of crisis is the nightmare to end all nightmares. First of all, even if they are competent at their jobs, you're suddenly thrust into a completely unrealistic situation in which you are supposed to perform your current duties and your coworker's duties within the same work hours. And let's be honest: you're probably not getting paid any extra for this unless you start making demands. 


Now, what happens if the coworker was incompetent and left you to pick up the pieces of a complete mess? Well, after you hide in the bathroom and have your 15-minute nervous breakdown, you return to your desk and get started. You ensure that as you're uncovering what went wrong, you make it clear that you are not at fault for what you're reporting. You're merely trying to decipher what your coworker did. That's what happened to this Redditor, who was already resentful of this coworker because they had managed to achieve an unfair, "untouchable" status despite being absolutely awful at her actual job. 


The Redditor kept on with their report and uncovered the truth about just how much money the company owed. Keep scrolling below to see what happened when they updated their boss about the whole situation. Let's just give you a preview first and say that all the higher-ups in the company ended up having to get involved. 


For more stories like this, check out this post about another toxic work environment involving an employee's boss and coworker bothering the employee's wife.

'I have a coupon': Customer tries to order pizza from an arts and crafts store

A Karen calls an arts and crafts store and demands a pizza… No, this isn't a punchline for a joke—but everyone who has worked in restaurants or retail wishes that it was. These workers have seen their fair share of wild demands and demanding wild persons—and it only takes one screaming customer meltdown in the lobby of your establishment to make you reconsider your entire line of work. But at least in person, most people have the good graces to behave politely, but phone conversations and email exchanges are another story, that one step of removal emboldens a surprising amount of people to say and do insane things in the same way that "keyboard warriors" are quick to jump down your throat with negative comments online.