Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Twitter Thread: Distinguished Felines Cosplay Lord Of The Rings

Only the most distinguished of all felines could even attempt to live up to the tremendous roles of Frodo and Sam, two dynamite characters from one of our all time favorite series, Lord of The Rings. As you will see when you momentarily scroll down, this is cosplay done right! Done with class, done with the utmost respect and appreciation for the original masterpiece. 

We love getting creative with our cats, they don't always love it back, but we have a good time. These hungry hobbits have not been fed second lunch yet, we recommend steering clear of them and sneakily filling up their bowls so they don't even have a chance to meow in discomfort. More silly cat cosplay twitter threads like this one, please!

Insane Neighbor Karen Leaves Note That Festive Gargoyle Decoration is "Not Appropriate", Revenge Ensues

The Legendary battle of Frank the Christmas Gargoyle and the neighborhood Karen. A tale that will pass on into Christmas tradition. 

This neighborhood Karen forgot the true meaning of Christmas when she waged war upon the unsuspecting forces of the Christmas Gargoyle and Hippopotamus. Little did she know that a little Christmas miracle would bring cheer to all and ultimately lead her to have a change of heart in the face of true Christmas spirit and human kindness.

They didn't necessarily join hands and sing at the end of this story but joy and laughter were had by all. Except for Karen. 


For more festive Karens doing festive Karen things check out this Karen who really needs to learn how to cook a pie.

The Wildest Junk People Saw Other Drivers Do While Driving

For some reason, a lot of people see driving as a secondary activity to eating a bowl of Chex or doing their hair. Here are some of the irresponsible and straight up absurd junk truckers and other drivers have spotted their fellow drivers doing behind the wheel. It's as if their windshield is just a tv screen to them or something. So watch out for these morons and other incompetent drivers who should be banned from the road.

Entitled Wife Threatens to Show Up In Sweatpants to Thwart In-Laws Christmas Dress Code

If this is all you have to worry about then you must be doing pretty good. It just seems like such an odd hill to die on. Dressing up for Christmas Day is a pretty normal tradition as far as these things go. It sounds like this daughter-in-law just wants to make her mother-in-law's life more needlessly difficult. 

No wonder they don't like her all that much.

For more wonderfully entitled marriage entitlement check out this guy who thought it was a good idea to buy a PS5 with his wife's emergency fund. Yeah. He's getting coal in his stocking for sure.  

UNhinGED huSbAND wAtcheS as BiRd dEStroys wiFe's MeaL, RECorDS Entire EveNt

In bird culture, this is considered to be a dick move...

I just cannot possibly understand how this wife is able to put up with her husband's entitled, immature antics. It's no wonder that she hasn't finalized the divorce papers already. 

She's probably cheating on him with the bird... as commenters have already suggested. 

This is truly tragic. Read on at your own risk. 

On a completely unrelated note. Check out these wholesome memes.

Spelling Fails That Had Us Shaking In Our Boats

It's not like we expect everyone to have a doctorate in English. At the same time there are waaaaay too many people out there saying how they love the smell of their boyfriend's new colon, or that they're trying to get into essential oils and incest. All we're saying is that knowing your way around a word or two can prevent awkward moments such as these spelling fails that gave words a hard time.

Husband Delaying Wife's Day By Playing Games on Phone in Bathroom, Gets Banished

This guy just sounds like he could use a hearty dose of fiber. That or a shot of espresso before going into the restroom to camp out for an hour. 

At any rate... He is definitely the a-hole in this situation. There is no reason that he can't go camp out in the other bathroom instead. As some commenters have suggested it would be as simple as getting a portable heater and putting it on a timer to go off 30 minutes before he gets up. Then he can still be warm and do whatever it is that he is doing in there in peace. 

Sounds like the wife has tried to be pretty reasonable here.