Monday, November 11, 2019

Unfortunate Moments That Gave People Grief

Unfortunate events and moments.

We're all just trying to get through the day without having our everyday lives derailed by chaos. Thankfully for most of us, we do that. For a select few, unfortunate moments give people a bad time. It's sort of cathartic to see just how every little thing can go bad, and you can count your lucky stars that a day went by without some horrible crap happening.

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Guy Gets Back At Entitled Driver With A Muddy Car Wash

Guy takes revenge on an entitled driver by giving them a muddy car wash.

When this jerk driver in a white Mercedes started acting up with all kinds of impatient honking, the other guy decided to take his sweet revenge. And revenge looks a lot like the muddy car wash that no car would ever ask for. Sounds like the revenge went as planned, and after coating the car in mud, he was on his way with what we can only imagine was a wide-eyed grin on his face. 

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Old Guy Vandalizes Tesla Before Strolling Into Diner

There's really no way to understand why terrible people pull these kind of stunts. 

Submitted by: (via Brad)

Wendy's Old Musical Hot Drinks Training Video Goes Hard

Here's how to serve Wendy's hot drinks in glorious 80s pop music fashion. Frankly it's just too much, but personally we feel extremely informed on how to serve coffee now.

Submitted by: (via Chuck Drake)

Twitter Users Share The Weirdest Things They've Done For Money

A collection of Twitter users share the weirdest things they've ever done for money.

Twitter users are sharing the strangest things they'v ever done for money. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. If you're really in a tight bind with the finances, things can get real wild. 

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Guy's Best Mate Gets Fired, Blamed For Theft, Business Gets Shut Down

Guy's friend gets fired and blamed for theft, so business ends up getting shut down.

It sounds like this bakery was all kinds of sketchy from the get go. Good news is that the guy who got fired ended up getting a sweet severance package, after the store was shut down for being a literal disaster zone. 

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Unfortunate Moments That Added Chaos to People's Lives

Unfortunate moments of failures, messes and mistakes.

Life is full of challenges, but god have mercy on the soul of anyone who drops a bottle of glitter on a carpet. That stuff is never gonna come out. Life's moments of failure and chaos give us add unnecessary pain and inconvenience. All you can really do is deal with them and hope fewer unfortunate moments happen to you.

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Wholesome Memes And Nice Moments To Fill Up That Health Bar

Wholesome memes and nice moments.

There's a lot of room in this world for failure and misfortune, but sometimes it's healthy to have a little bit of compassion and indulge in some wholesome memes because life isn't always bad. So here are some uplifting and light moments because those exist too.

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Unfortunate Applicant's Shoes Crumble Apart During Job Interview

Guy's shoes fall apart during job interview.

This is a crap-gem of a wasted opportunity. One moment they thought they were looking fresh and clean, and the next moment their shoes were falling apart and leaving a Hansel-and-Gretel trail of shoe throughout the office. For other job interview fails and wins, here are some interview responses that made employers go "nope" as well as some weird things people included on resumes.

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People Who Got Crushed By Brutal Words

A collection of people who got absolutely destroyed by the power of brutal words.

We're back at it again with a fresh round of people getting utterly destroyed by the power of brutal words. Some morons desperately need to learn the art of not saying anything at all, on social media. 

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Dumb Mistranslated Tattoos and Shirts that People Witnessed

Mistranslations and tattoo fails people saw.

In this wide world, we see a lot of hilarious translations and translation fails. Languages are complex and hard to understand completely. These frustratingly interesting observations on language and silly literal translations are a good example of that. This can come to a head when overzealous tourists try to get a tattoo in not only a language they don't understand, but in characters that are also completely foreign to them. Case in point, you don't want to misstep and end up as the "goldfish man"

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Tumblr Thread Explains How The Color Magenta Technically Doesn't Exist

Informative tumblr thread on how magenta and other colors are just your brain guessing.

Tumblr gets in real deep sometimes. Sure, a lot of it is just memes and thought exercises, but some threads get into stuff like the historical concept of the color purple in rhyming fashion, or how modern cats became domesticated. So anyway, here's why magenta is a made up color based on your brain just doing its best.

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Message In A Bottle Gets Returned To Sender

A message in a bottle gets returned to the sender with an awesome reply.

What a remarkable case of things coming full circle!

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Tales Of Cringeworthy Rejection

A collection of tweets about people getting rejected.

Twitter users are sharing their most cringe packed stories of rejection. Just a bit heartbreaking when you realize your partner bought a house without telling you. Maybe a little miscommunication going on there. 

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Parents Want To Fake Girl's Hospital Trip To Teach Bully A Lesson

Parents want to fake a hospital trip to teach son a bullying lesson.

These parents asked the people of Reddit whether they were in the wrong for faking a trip to the hospital, to try and teach a bully a lesson. Some folks are saying that they weren't in the wrong at all, while others suggest that everyone in the situation kind of sucks. Can't everyone just be nice to each other. 

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