Monday, December 26, 2022

'To this day, I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way': Cunning teen claims to get teacher fired with her own words

Think of your worst teacher ever, and imagine the satisfaction of getting them fired. Well, this kid lived out everyone's dream, as he shared in a popular post that garnered plenty of praise for him and condemnation for his teacher. He basically had a teacher who would constantly put him down, including with some horrific insults that are just straight-up bullying. So he decided to get back at her using her own words, and it turned into an absolute s***show for the teacher, Ms. Frank. 

Check out the whole story below - it's a wild ride! Then, the commenters shared a few of their own bad teacher stories. And after that, check out this unbelievable Christmas card fail that will have you smiling from ear to ear. 

'There is nothing else we can do': Best retail boss cleverly handles an angry customer

There is no shortage of delusional and angry people in this world, and when you're working retail it can sometimes feel like all of them have decided to visit you on the same day.

'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karens Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

Woe to those who encounter a Wild Karen in their lifetime. If you've ever entered a Wallmart or a fast food restaurant such as Mcdonald's, you'll find that it's basically unavoidable. We often find ourselves wondering… what goes on in a Karen's mind when things don't go their way? How does their brain scan look? And where the heck did they get the courage (or rather, audacity) to approach others in such an entitled fashion? We may never have the answers to all these important questions, but we can (and must!) fight back.


Am I being dramatic? Maybe. But rest assured, not as dramatic as a Karen. While scrolling mindlessly through Reddit, I came across a post on r/IDontWorkHereLady that spoke of not one, but two Karens caught in the wild. As my eyes continued devouring the text before me, I stopped for a second — appalled. I always find it shocking when people think they can get up in each other's space. To be frank, if anyone were to snap their fingers at me, I'd most likely wreak complete and utter havoc. Especially if I didn't work in the place that I was assumed to work at. To see how others might react, scroll down and have a look for yourself.


For more entitled lunatics, click here.

'Our employees are like a family': 30+ People share their biggest job application red flags

Job searching is an exciting and frustrating experience for many folks, but luckily, some Redditors are sharing their best tips to avoid working at a shady business. There is some really good advice here in the comments under this post from r/recruitingh***. For example, if a company advertises a job as "remote" but then requires you to be in a certain city? Bye! Others suggested phrases to stay away from, like "additional duties as assigned." You really could dodge a bullet by following this sage advice

Up next, check out this guy who ordered a McNothing from a burger joint, just to see what would happen! 

'There was so much damage': Raging Karen trashes tattoo parlor, gets arrested

There is no shortage of entitled people in this world, but some people take normal entitlement and turn it up to 11. These 'Super Karens' have a power level of over 9000, and there's no stopping them in their tirade against the world. Anyone who has worked in customer service, or any role where you deal with the public, has, unfortunately, come into contact with at least one of these people, and each one leaves the mental scarring of an experience that you won't soon forget. 

This Karen somehow managed to make her way into a tattoo parlor, despite being utterly confused about the service she had received, which made it seem as if she had probably come to the wrong place. Over the course of an unforgettable interaction, this tattoo artist witnessed one of the biggest customer meltdowns in history. When they left for lunch, they came back to find the place, and their car had been trashed. The most insane part of all of this? The Karen had left her personal address, which made her easy to locate for the police.

Keep reading for this tale, as it was originally shared to r/IDontWorkHereLady by a since-deleted user. For more, check out this crazy Karen who wanted a free pizza. 

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s

Everyone, take notes! Whether or not you want to admit it, there are times in life when your elders may actually know what's best. In this instance, this AskReddit thread, which was posted by u/Professional_Lab7394, contains a wide variety of advice to twenty-somethings to avoid a life of regret in the ensuing decades. As a twenty-something nearing the end of this chaotic decade myself, I have to confess that as much as it pains me to read these, there is unfortunately a lot to learn. The number of people that mentioned taking care of your teeth or exercising more probably exceeds the number of times I've brushed my teeth for a full two minutes this year or the number of miles I've run all year (let's be honest, all decade). As for relationships, it seems like there's a common thread here and that's to stop doing what you already know is wrong. Seems like simple advice, but it clearly bears repeating. Keep scrolling below for more. Once you're through that, take a look at these crazy job interview stories.


Thumbnail background photo credit: Louis Hansel