Monday, December 26, 2022

'There was so much damage': Raging Karen trashes tattoo parlor, gets arrested

There is no shortage of entitled people in this world, but some people take normal entitlement and turn it up to 11. These 'Super Karens' have a power level of over 9000, and there's no stopping them in their tirade against the world. Anyone who has worked in customer service, or any role where you deal with the public, has, unfortunately, come into contact with at least one of these people, and each one leaves the mental scarring of an experience that you won't soon forget. 

This Karen somehow managed to make her way into a tattoo parlor, despite being utterly confused about the service she had received, which made it seem as if she had probably come to the wrong place. Over the course of an unforgettable interaction, this tattoo artist witnessed one of the biggest customer meltdowns in history. When they left for lunch, they came back to find the place, and their car had been trashed. The most insane part of all of this? The Karen had left her personal address, which made her easy to locate for the police.

Keep reading for this tale, as it was originally shared to r/IDontWorkHereLady by a since-deleted user. For more, check out this crazy Karen who wanted a free pizza. 

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