Sunday, April 18, 2021

Cringe Moments That Haunt People To This Day

We've all had our low points. Those moments when judgment was terribly out of reach, and decisions were made, cringeworthy decisions, that go on to haunt us when we're just trying to catch a restful night's sleep. It's terrible how that happens. Maybe these people's moments of notable cringe will make you feel better about your own moments of profound cringe. 

Twitter Thread: People's Work Horror Stories

Some jobs are more unforgettably terrible than others. You can start up with a new gig that showed all appearances of being nothing short of your dream situation, only to learn that it's actually a waking nightmare, and that the boss is a completely maniacal lunatic. Or, maybe you'll end up dealing with a coworker who has impossibly obnoxious boundary issues. That's why it's key to keep a wary eye out for the red flags before you ever take on a new job. With all that being covered, let's take a look at what people had to say when it came time to share their most notable work horror stories on an emotional rollercoaster of a Twitter thread. 

Film Tropes That Grind People's Gears Like None Other

There are far too many elements present throughout a movie that can possess the audience with all kinds of unrealistic expectations, or just flat out frustration that life certainly ain't like it's portrayed in the movies. Like the whole waking up with no bedhead situation. Or perhaps the frequent examples of entirely unnecessary self-sacrifice. Maybe you'll resonate with some of these. 

Teacher Assumes TV Trolley Doesn't Need To Be Plugged In, Learns Otherwise

Just because someone's a teacher doesn't mean that they haven't fallen through the cracks, and missed the boat on something that's so obvious it's pretty much in the realm of common sense. With that being said, it sounds like this teacher was just having one of those days. Tech support has to weather the storms of ignorance enough as it already is. The least the rest of us can do is to show them the respect and patience they deserve. Glad that everything was able to be resolved in this tale though. 

Freaky Close Call Decisions that Saved People's Lives

The universe is shifty and unpredictable, and it's impossible to know when an unforeseen danger will be thrown right at you. But sometimes our spidey senses light up, allowing us to make either fast or seemingly precognitive decisions that help us dodge massive bullets. Sometimes a crazy close call is up to chance, but other times people feel a gut instinct keeping them safe.

Sparkling Tumblr Gems Uncovered From the Deep

Tumblr is home to a vast array of hopeful goofs, hopeless creatives and insightful doofs, all smooshing their ideas together until they coalesce into shiny tumblr gems. Will it be a list of observations about lawncare? Will it be a fan fiction of futurepunk Scooby Doo? Or will it just be a bunch of complaints about being in customer service? The future is totally open when it comes to ridiculous, random and stupendous tumblr gems.

Woman Can't Stand Roommates, Breaks Lease, Roommates Flip Out

If you're not prioritizing your own needs, then people are bound to take advantage of that and walk all over you. When it comes to maintaining the balance in the fragile ecosystem that can be an apartment/house with younger roomies, it can end up being a bit of a struggle. Dramas can break out at a moment's notice, and if people aren't committed to playing nice with one another, you can find yourself in some real hot water. In terms of the scenario we have here, it seems like the woman's decision to move on out of the place was totally warranted. 

Company Takes Employee For Granted, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time that we've encountered a tale involving a company failing to recognize one of their employees for what they're worth, and we highly doubt it'll be the last time. Fortunately though, this little emotional rollercoaster has a happy ending. Those cheap payroll departments can get to be quite spendy. 

People Describe Nicest Celebrities They Met

Nothing can quite melt a fan's heart like meeting a celebrity that they absolutely idolize, and then not having the experience dampened by the obnoxious weight of a nasty ego. Celebrities are bestowed with quite a bit of power when it comes to making someone's day, or even giving them a cherished memory to last a whole lifetime. 

Company Won't Upgrade Manager's Computer, Manager Forces Company's Hand

Nothing can quite bring the blood to a boil like having to deal with a stubborn company that won't be reasonable when it comes to entirely reasonable demands. Fortunately (or unfortunately for the company) this manager was able to exercise some ingenious strategy when it came to forcing their company's hand, and getting the computer upgrade they desired. For another glory story from the tech support world check out this tale about a shady manager who tried to impersonate an employee, and proceeded to fail miserably

RPG Creator Points Out The Geographical Absurdity of New Orleans

Co-Creator of Pathfinder @Jameslsutter has enough experience in fantasy cartography to know when a place is supposed to look believable or not. His diagnosis is that Louisiana has done a great job of convincing him that New Orleans exists when in fact it's laid out like a real not my job, "4:30 on a Friday" kind of map-making project. For fans of fantasy, here's a Tumblr thread on the theory surrounding Dwarves' super intelligent beards.

Karen Flips Out On Cashier, Gets Her Time-Consuming Comeuppance

Anyone who has ever muddled through the truly trying experience that is working a customer service gig knows that the job comes with a whole lot of waking nightmares. It's stories like these that should serve as a solid reminder to always exercise patience and respect with whoever you're interacting with in the customer service realm. The days are already long enough as it is. 

Absurd Times People and Things Were Singled Out

We live in an unfair world, but one of the great levelers is the belief that at some point in time, everyone is going to have a bad day. It's a lot harder to believe that when people and things get singled out so unfairlythat reality becomes absurd. It seems like sometimes people and things get singled outto the point that it seems comically impossible for them to catch a break.

Tumblr Thread: Being a Purveyor of Fine Clown Meats

In most cases, someone offering to tell you about a dream they had is the most boring and stupid waste of 5 minutes you can engage in. But when it's from the twisted mind of a tumblr user, and it's about operating an all-clown meat deli, it's really hard not to pay attention. It's got action, crime, drama, science and most importantly a whole lotta clown meat. Here are some more funny, random and shiny tumblr gems.

Creepy Times People's Kids Mentioned "Past Lives"

Kids are weird and they lie a lot, but there's a really strange tendency for three and four-year-olds to mention "back when I flew helicopters in 'nam" or "my previous mother wasn't as nice as you." Is it a weird combination of dreams they had, the power of suggestion, and the fact that kids sometimes don't know what they're saying? Almost certainly. Is it also extremely creepy when a very small child insists that they were a crooked cop who was buried in an unmarked grave? Very much so, yeah. Here's a twitter thread of people's kids saying similarly creepy stuff.

Absolute Weirdest Things That Happened To People

Existence is weird. We take it for granted. It's as if we're conditioned from a young age to overlook the more notably mysterious matters of this thing we call life. Some moments are weirder than others. Like, you feel like you witnessed a literal video game glitch, but it's your life. Sometimes, you encounter an experience that defies the very nature of the reality that you occupy. From there, hopefully you can tell some willing listening ears. Otherwise, you can always share your surreal encounter on a thread like the one we have here. 

Woman Refuses To Pay For Husband's Meal, Husband Has Meltdown

Uh oh, this is quite the situation. It sounds like this guy has all kinds of imminent financial ruin on the horizon. And then, when he's served up a bit of a reality check, he reverts to a temper tantrum state of mind. The folks in the comments section were not forgiving.