Monday, December 27, 2021

Wholesome AirBnB Has Neighborhood Dog Visitor

@raycont let the world know about the wonderful feature of this place to stay. Nothing like a well behaved dog to stop by for treats. For more surprise animal twitter threads, here's one about an incorrigible cat that invaded a guy's home, as well as a lizard that created havoc in a garden.

Entitled People And Their Wonderfully Audacious Demands

It's hard to get inside the mind of the kind of person who thinks it's reasonable to request a live-in babysitter for little to no pay. It doesn't strike as intuitive, the kind of thinking that results in an an unjustifiably angry customer leaving a poor review because a breakfast place isn't open at 6 pm. It's little things like these that make us forever mystified by the machinations of entitled people and their fantastically bold moves.

Things That Aren't Exactly Cults But Certainly Feel Like Them

It's totally fine to like things. It's great to be involved with a community. There are big communities of people who like things. But when that community's number one goal is to fawn over what a single pop star had for dinner that day, or insist that they had no direction in life before they bought their exercise bike? That's enteringcult status. And like this Tumblr thread says, the cults are coming.

Deadbeat Husband Steals Wife's Prized Jewellery Set, Gives it Away as a Wedding Present

This guy really needs to get it together. If that's even an option for him at this point. Gotta feel for him with his disability but if he has been out of work since 2013 and hasn't made any attempts to get something going for himself then what more can you really do?

It's one thing to need support. It's another thing to be a deadbeat. But when you cross that line and start taking serious advantage of your partner and resort to stealing their stuff... you are beyond hope.

Time for her to get going and make moves. 

Ridiculous Dads Doing Their Thing With the Most Hilarious of Results

Your eyes will roll and your mom will lol. These dad-tacular dads are killing it with the comedy. 

It's pretty ridiculous the stuff that these guys can come up with. I guess a nondescript amount of time raising kids will drive you to some insane lengths in order to find some semblance of joy. 

Regardless, this clever collection will give you some laughs for certain.

For some similar memery check out this list of parenting memes.

Terrible In-Laws Kick Their Daughter Out and Attempt to Ruin Her Life, Her Legendary Sister-In-Law Destroys Them

Sometimes your true family isn't blood-related. We can't count the number of stories we have seen where the connection between "family" members ended with their blood. Sometimes you have to choose your family and sometimes, if you're lucky, your family will choose you. 

This trans-daughter is incredibly fortunate to have her brother and sister-in-law in her life. Her parents though sound like absolutely terrible human beings.