Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Gossip Girl GoT me.

Meet Adam Warwick. A Florida man that saved a drowning bear.

Taylor Swift Street Fighter

Some People Might Find That Sexy

I live in the UK

The true king!

Look up "Idiot" in the dictionary

With North Korea declaring war over the movie Interview... I give you Good Guy Russia

Mass suicide from France after World Cup game

Dogs v. Cats

Sometimes You Have to Lay Down the Law

The awesome / sad truth about solar panels

Darwin Award: Egyptians "watching" as a demoman defuses a bomb

All the World Cup players be like

While watching the city's fireworks show


He's Got a Great Rack

He's Got a Great Rack

Submitted by: (via Purple Haze1274)

Tagged: bewbs , craigslist , funny , idiots

Where are we?

Seriously, you'll only end up hurting them in the end.

Germany's strategy against France

More often than not, my first thoughts should not be voiced.

Now That's Bad-A

Most helpful cat in the world

Andy Murray keeps old man in his tennis bag

Of course I will, little Freedom Bird

"Get back to work!"

World Cup Update

Whoever did this... too funny

When my friend's wife said "only poor people get cancer from smoking"

Don't touch my motorcycle!

You know you are f**ked when...

Good Guy Canada

Start me up.

Up the Irons!

Respect to Lance Armstrong!

My "once in a life time" shot

When my Calculus professor asks me a simple subtraction question.

I wanted hints for an anniversary present. Instead I got a divorce

Traffic Lights

I hate my best friend sometimes

What's your favorite type of sprinkler?

Just won 4 Pounds of Toblerone. I'm getting diabetes tonight!

Minions... Minions Everywhere!

So THAT'S How it Works...

Funny cause it's true...

Found a seal in the kitchen