Sunday, July 18, 2021

An Imaginative Conversation On Getting Out Of Work

It doesn't even matter that this is pretty much guaranteed to be fake. The conversation itself is ridiculous and entertaining. Maybe, the best course of action is to just play dumb if you really, really need to get out of work. That goes without saying that it'd certainly be a risky move, and not particularly an advisable, definitely unethical life hack. Check out some more highly unadvisable life pro tips over here

Employee Gets Pet Fox, Big Stink Ensues, Boss Calls Her Out, She Complains

Something is awry in this scenario. Of course, people should be encouraged to embrace whatever pet they've chosen to add to their home. Even if it's something atypical like a pet fox. But if you decide to roll with the fox for your pet, it sounds like you've got to go the extra mile to ensure that you're not carrying around that fox's stink with you wherever you go. Unfortunately, this employee assumed a defensive stance when she was called out. 

Dumbest Things People Were Paid To Do

Money can cause all kinds of trouble. There's something hardwired into the human DNA that reacts when there's money flying around, that can end up manifesting in people doing some truly dumb stuff. Especially if you find yourself in a place in life where you're hurting real bad for some extra change. Or, maybe you get particularly lucky like some of these folks and end up being paid to do absolutely nothing. That corporate money is just stupid money. 

Monstrous Manager Snaps On Employee, Employee Claps Back

Sure, everyone has their off days, and sometimes people end up hitting breaking points where they just need a mental health day. That still doesn't excuse being a complete monster to another human being, who didn't do anything to you. It sounds like this manager had a whole lot of nasty business boiling underneath the surface. The reaction did absolutely not fit the "crime." Life happens. People are late. Plans are ever vulnerable to falling apart in a reality that by its very nature is completely spontaneous. Good on this employee for standing up for themselves. For some more manager drama check out this incompetent manager who suspended an employee, and then still expected them at their shift

Choosy Beggar Tries To Severely Lowball Wedding Caterer

On a strange level it's almost intriguing to witness what kinds of bullish displays of entitlement can present themselves when a wildly irrational choosy beggar is stirring up the pot. Just the way that a choosy beggar goes about rationalizing their lowballing behavior. It's something else, man. This particular choosy beggar was doomed from the very start. Good for the wedding caterer for not getting tripped up for a second, and standing their ground. For some more juicy content involving a wildly entitled human being, check out the time that an entitled customer demanded a salt-free burger, got just that, and pitched a fit

Wholesome Things People Did For The Love Of The Game

As miserable as other people can make us, and as meaninglessly complex life can get, it's at least a good reminder that doing good things for other people actually makes us feel good. It's really not that complicated. To test your moral mettle, indulge in the shopping cart theory of morality. For some wholesomeness, here's a tumblr thread ageless matriarch that is mamaw or this twitter thread on this movie theater's favorite customer.

Man Discovers He's Been Living With Athlete's Foot For Years

I mean, hey, while this is certainly a humbling and humorous revelation to have after so many years, it's also better to learn late than never at all. Maybe this is just the kind of informative post that'll help enlighten other folks out there that have been living out the uncomfortable existence that is putting up with athlete's foot. 

Things That Look Like Tasty Treats But Aren't

It's a crying shame that the world is so full of tasty-looking temptations that look like food but aren't. There are beds that look like ice cream sandwiches, snakes that look like bananas, and boxes of mop heads that look like ground beef. If only we had the digestive capacity to enjoy a mop-burger, but alas. Things that look like tasty food surround us.

Client Drags Ticket Out For Days, Didn't Have Her Device Plugged In

Our hearts truly go out to the people in this world that are working tech support. By its very nature the standard tech support job unfortunately brings with it the inevitable series of impossibly testy and ignorant customers. It's honestly a wonder that some of these people are able to make it in this day and age with things being as technologically-infused as they are. It sounds like this particular client wasted people's time to no end, and couldn't have cared less about it. For another ridiculous tech support tale check out the time that a customer believed that the internet literally runs on magic

Random And Ridiculous Tumblr Gems To Fight The Clawing Boredom

Yeah, we have responsibilities and goals, but every day we all have moments of boredom that must be destroyed. Tumblr gemscan temporarily muffle the voice in all of our heads that screams "why am I here?" Sure it's only a temporary fix, but nothing is really permanent in life anyway. So we do our best with tumblr gems to quench the forever thirst.

Man Ignores Fact That Girlfriend Skips Outings Because Of Budget, Asks If He's In The Wrong

The fact that this poor girl worked an extra job just to try to keep up with an affluence and inconsiderate family is just a tad bit heart breaking. On top of that, it sounds like this guy is just about as clueless as they come. Based off what he shared regarding his own financial situation, it doesn't seem beyond reason to suggest that he could've helped her out a bit. But on, instead it was just pure confusion on his part over why she wasn't joining the various outings. Um, maybe because the money was tight. 

Wife Announces Pregnancy, Husband Assumes It's A Joke, Cringe Ensues

It sounds like this guy's wife was quite the trickster. The problem with repeatedly joking that you're pregnant is that eventually you'll end up losing some much needed credibility in the process. This scenario in particular brings to mind the whole "boy who cried wolf" predicament. Could the husband have kept his cool just a bit more? Sure. Also though, it sounds like he'd hit a breaking point of his own for when it came to being played around with. 

Incompetent Drivers Who Should Be Banned From The Road

The amount of actually qualified drivers on the road is shocking. It wouldn't be too stupid an idea to just start prying licenses out of people's idiotic hands. Sure, people would be be mad about it, but if you're the kind of idiot driver who finds yourself driving for an hour on rims or constantly has plywood flying off the back of your truck, just go be mad on the bus.

Spooky Signs That Mean Serious Business

We live with more than a few cartoonish dangers in our world. There's loose monkeys, plants that only exist to inflict pain, and brain amoebas. There are cliffs, falling rocks, and every manner of potential electrocution. If not for these creepy signs that make their message clear, we'd be having that much harder a time. While terrifying signs are first and foremost helpful things, that doesn't mean they're not real spooky.

Creative Misuses of The English Language

English is a big amorphous blob of a language, and it's difficult to say the right things even when you care about what you're saying. Throw in the fact that a lot of people only know some of it add a dash of "good enough" and you've got yourself some blunderous failures of the English language. But at least there's the consolation that if you want to buy a shirt that says "Pervert" in big red letters, you have options.