Thursday, January 21, 2016

Here are 2015's Most Popular Passwords, None of Which You Should Ever, Ever Use

2015 most popular passwords

Do you enjoy using sports as passwords or think you're clever for using a simple pattern on your keyboard (looking at you QWERTY people) to keep the haxxors out? You might want to rethink that strategy, because lots of people have the same idea. This data comes from the millions of passwords that leak every year, and shows just how uncreative people can be when it comes to writing secure passwords.

Submitted by: (via Splash Data)

An Irish Bus Driver's Act of Kindness Will Cheer Up Anyone's Cynical Mood

heartwarming facebook image bus driver in Cork Ireland tied old woman's shoes for her

Cork, Ireland has some really lovely bus drivers.

Submitted by: (via Clara O'Brien)

After Their Father Shredded Thousands of Yen, This Couple Spent Months Piecing it Back Together

Worth spending all that time or not, they are definitely keeping their father away from any shreddable values.

Submitted by: (via CCTV News)

Ok But Which Edition is Better For You, 1 or 2?

funny pun image eye see what you're doing there doc

Submitted by: (via fym)

Tagged: title , jobs , puns , books , medical , win

Can't Get a Persistent Suitor Off Your Back? Just Pretend to Be Hannibal Lecter


Sometimes, a guy just won't leave you alone unless you give him your number. That was Imgur user lucy2shoes' experience, so she decided to give the persistent fellow her brother's number instead. Then her brother pretended to be one of the most undateable people you can imagine, Hannibal Lecter.

Submitted by:

Tagged: list , text , hannibal , dating

Irish People Taste Test American Beers and They're Shockingly Accurate

Submitted by: (via Facts.)

Watch a Bunch of Dudes Attack Each Other With an Almost Real Lightsaber

Welp, that's fire.

Submitted by: (via Node)

Watching These Premature Twins Holding Hands Will Make You Want to Text Your Sibling

Submitted by: (via Anthea Jackson)

It's Three Weeks Into 2016 and Hopefully Your New Year's Resolution is Going Better Than Theirs

Submitted by: (via FailArmy)

15 Shower Thoughts to Get You Ready for Your Next Sudsing Session

2016,list,shower thoughts

Best consumed either while high or about to enter the waterfall of bathing and philosophy.

Submitted by: Unknown

Final Jeopardy Can Be a Harsh Mistress, Especially When Everyone Losses

Submitted by: (via BaryonicPhoton)

Tagged: Jeopardy , FAIL , TV , loser , Video

Stay Calm and Read the Emergency Proposal Instructions