Monday, September 27, 2021

The Full Saga Of The Racoon That Tried To Wash Cotton Candy

Raccoons have a habit of washing their food before they eat it. The problem is that cotton candy rapidly dissolves the instant it hits water, making the food a real predicament for raccoons. There's even a viral gif of this trash panda in particular trying to wash it and getting duped. What people may not know, though, is that this racoon, unlike most people, is actually capable of learning from its mistakes, and ended up getting to eat its long sought-after candy floss.

Justin Tucker Kicks Game-Winning, Longest Field Goal In NFL History

We're still in the early weeks of this NFL season, and we're already seeing a steady procession of wild and unexpected plays. In this case we have what's already stirring up quite a bit of controversy, as Justin Tucker kicks the game-winning, 66-yard field goal. The only problem is that the play clock was definitely at zero. With that element being factored in, there should've been a delay of game penalty. But alas, Tucker got lucky. Very lucky. 

TikToker Realizes Apartment Caught Fire, Smoke Alarm Never Goes Off

The worst part about this highly unsettling video is that apparently this dude's landlord shrugged off the whole dangerous incident, and said that the smoke alarms worked just as they were intended to. Um, my dude, they never worked in the first place. It's just good that this guy and his animals were able to make a safe exit. 

Funny Random Tumblr Gems To Help Stifle The Brooding Darkness

We can't all be having epiphanies all over the place, so sometimes we need to find someone who is. The churning minds of tumblrgrind up thoughts with their mandibles of endless deliberation, only pausing to add a stupid pun here and there. Is there anything to really learn from these quips and japes? Not really. Well sometimes there's some okay advice in there. But mostly it's a lot of stuff about Dungeons and Dragons. Here are some more tumblr gems to quench the forever thirst.

Choosy Beggar Bids More Than They Can Afford, Gets Upset When Rejected

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like this wild world's going to run out of choosy beggars that are ready to waste our precious time, anytime soon. This choosy beggar has the audacity to bid more than they can afford, and then get upset when someone else who actually follows through on their bid, takes home the product. It's like, enough is enough. Check out some more entitled people that decided to make the world a miserable place, over here.

Internet Weighs In On Sleep-Deprived Neighbor's Response To Loud "Nighttime Activities"

On the one hand, it's childish to needlessly embarrass people for the things they do in the privacy of their own home. On the other hand, shattering noise ordinances to the point that their "private" sounds become a part of your home, especially when you have work in the morning, is a relatable situation that would make anyone angry. The internet judged this person's prank-like response to his very loud sex-having neighbors. For a seriously maligned neighbor, here's the entitled neighbor dad who tried to usurp a driveway and had his car towed.

People Share Features That Instantly Make Men Less Attractive

For most dudes, these should just be a reminder of how low the bar actually is, which in turn makes us almost all of us look better. In general, if you can make a complete sentence, talk to a server without using slurs and bathe regularly, you're doing a good job, so keep doing you. None of us want to become people's worst first date stories, but all we can do is minimize the possibility by being decent. For some more horror shows, here arered flags people missed in past relationships.

Woman Outwits Karen The Building Manager With Greenhouse Workaround

This isn't the first time that we've encountered a tale centered on the nasty antics of a maniacal building manager, and we certainly doubt that it'll be the last time. In this case, it sounds like this narcissistic building manager was just looking for a way to assert their authority right off the bat. Unfortunately, the way that this Karen decided to assert her authority was completely uncalled for. The good news is that the tenant was more than ready to devise an ingenious way to work around Karen's BS. 

Relatable IT Memes For The Technologically Minded

If not for IT and tech support, we'd all be living in dirt, banging a stick with a rock in an attempt to get it to run MS Paint. We wouldn't have memes. We would just have to walk up to people and say "my face when" and use our actual faces to express feelings, like filthy animals. So here are some tech memes for the computer fiends. For a fun tech support story, here's the time a tech support employee caught a helpdesk scammer.

Twitter Thread: The Dog That Looks Like It Has Seen Nightmares

They say that an important part of what makes dogs relatable is their expressive faces, the common belief being that it makes them easier to communicate with, and also dogs with eyebrows are adorable. But it's not so often that we see a dog that gives off the same vibes as the guy at the beginning of a horror movie who warns you not to be wanderin' about so close to that ol' house down yonder. Its expression is so foreboding that your SECOND question is "how did it get up there?" For some dog stuff, here's a tumblr thread on an intuitive dog that learned proper dinner etiquette.

Tumblr User Passionately Explains Metric System

Knowledge is power folks. Did you plan on wandering your way into an enlightening Tumblr thread about the history and context behind the metric system today? Probably not. Yet here you are. Hey, you never know if this info might come in handy one day. At the very least, it could be some fun knowledge to break out if you ever want to spice up a conversation. Get some more tweets and Tumblr gems to win the battle against boredom, over here.

Nosy Neighbor Sets Up Shady Cameras, Pro Revenge Ensues

Few things in this life can be as devastating and frustrating as the realization that you've moved in next to a complete waking nightmare. It sounds like this guy really had his work cut out for him with a particularly nasty, two-faced kind of neighbor. The kind of person that errs on the side of passive aggressive nonsense, and acts like everything's okay when in reality they're genuinely upset. The thing about this neighbor though, is we're not even sure what they were really worked up about. 

Woman Gives Roommate The Fright of Her Life With Horrifying Clown Decoration

This is the stuff that nightmares are made of. I mean, just take a LOOK at that... thing. If that popped out of my closet in the middle of the night I would never be sleeping with the lights off again. 

This has to be on of the most legendary pranks of all time especially since it caused her roommate to move out of the house. That's some real stuff right there.

Misfortune Monday: Mistakes Were Made

We're human, and we make mistakes. We get frisbees stuck in trees, burn chicken and miss the bus. The thing is, we try to limit our mistakes so that that's kind of the extent of it. The multitude of exploded toilets and cars on roofs that seem to populate the hallowed halls of misfortune Monday are events we'd rather not let into our lives, but hey, mistakes happen.

Diver Finds Cool Old Gun In River

Here we see the natural environment of the river-variety of "sawed off shotgun." They've been known to hunt in North America and come up-river to spawn. Though younger specimens can be quite dangerous, it's unlikely that a wild gun of this age is likely to pose a threat.