Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ducks Chat It Up With One Another

They're clearly planning world domination. Never underestimate a couple ducks that are having a passionate conversation with one another. 

Submitted by: (via Robert Wilson)

Tagged: birds , ducks , ridiculous , funny , Video

TV Whisperer Fixes Issue Using Percussive Maintenance

If only every problem went away by hitting the absolute soul out of it. This guy is lucky it worked or they'd just have a video called "jerk smashes TV." While that cackle is otherworldly, the most important unanswered question remains: did the fork go in?

Submitted by: (via Impact)

Drifting Hot Wheel Cars Plain Old Awesome

Many of us have had our experiences with playing around with Hot Wheels cars when we were growing up. It's a video like this, where you get to see some awesome Hot Wheels cars drifting around that can really bring on the tidal wave of nostalgia. 

Submitted by: (via tyotoys)

Tagged: cool , toys , Hot Wheels , awesome , Video , win

Funniest Ways That Kids Have Insulted Adults

There's no getting around the fact that children are just plain old strange. They're these miniature human beings that have an uncanny knack for spewing out wildly unexpected sentiments at a moment's notice. Naturally, some kids are more devious than others. Maybe you were one of those kids yourself. Hard pressed to follow the rules that the rest of society put in place, and told you to abide by. Maybe you were just channeling that oppositional energy from a young age, and it ended up getting you in a whole lot of trouble. If that's the case, you probably had your work cut out for you as you navigated the ins and outs of school. Oh, school. A time ripe for learning about the consequences of not following the rules. Maybe that rule breaking behavior ended up manifesting in you dishing out all kinds of creative and ridiculous insults to those around you.

This particular AskReddit thread honors the most outlandish and humorous insults that kids ended up coming up with. If you're an adult on the receiving end of one of these insults, hopefully you didn't take the insult seriously for a second, and instead appreciated that kid's ability to churn out some banter that you'd never heard before. Banter can certainly be fun if we allow ourselves to drop our guards, and just play along with it. Of course there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and that can end up being the time that kids are better educated on what they really shouldn't be saying to other members of society.

You don't want to end up growing up to be one of those adults with a nasty head on their shoulders, a misplaced moral compass, and a daunting inability to treat those around you with a sliver of respect. As with all matters of life, there's a strange balance to these things. We love a good roast or creative insult here. Especially when you get the ruthless silver tongued wordsmiths in the comments section that are ready to stir up all kinds of trouble. The YouTube comments section is really its own kind of comedy goldmine. You've got to love the internet for what it provides there. It can be this playground of sorts where everyone goes to work at trying out their most absurd insults. You just don't want to take things too far. Sometimes, you can get lost in the fun of a back and forth with another online user and end up saying something that you ultimately come to regret. But anyways, all ramblings about the wild realm of online banter aside, these kids certainly brought their A game for when it came to surprising folks around them with unexpected words of sheer ruthlessness. If anything, we'd have loved to been able to read more about the fallout from some of the more piercing insults. It really just boils down to whoever ends up receiving that insult. It'd sure be nice if everyone in the world had a great sense of humor, but thus is not always the case.


Font - 1 Award I recently was working with a kid and another teacher, and the kid turned to the other teacher and said (about me) "she probably listens to 'all by myself' at night". A G G Reply 4 212 ...


Font - Abra_ka_da_bra · 17h A kid said I look like a raw salad. Wtf he meant, how can a salad not be raw, why did he need to say "raw salad" and not just salad? G Reply 148 ...


Font - UlaireOtsea • 16h Singing a lullaby to my daughter and she popped her pacifier out of her mouth and shoved it in mine. Yes, I'm a terrible singer... G Reply 129 ...


Rectangle - Billbapawpaw • 19h 1 Award When is your baby due? I'm very obviously a dude G Reply 230 3 ...


Organism - purple_explosion • 18h I teach elementary Special Needs, and one of my students was angry with me, and yelled at me to "Go to lunch!". My lunch break is really the only time I actually leave the classroom, so I know that was her way of telling me to get lost... It made me laugh so hard internally. Probably externally, too. G Reply 118 ...


Organism - 1992_City_Champs · 15h I did my student teaching placement with 6th graders. We were doing something and the principal stuck his head in to say hi. He did the whole dad joke "don't let any of these guys scare you away from teaching". Without missing the beat, some kid said, "yeah, let the paycheck do it." G Reply 1 99 3 ...


Font - humanperson1989 · 19h What boring thing are we going to do today, teacher? G Reply 92 + ...


Font - TheAbyssAlsoGazes • 18h I was jogging around my neighborhood. Out of shape and out of breath near the end of my run. Three little girls were standing on their stoop watching me lurch past. I saw them giggling as I approached. Then in unison they started chanting "Fart face! Fart face! You're a farty fart face!" They didn't stop til I was out of sight. It hurt cause I am a bit of a fart face but I didn't realize random children could instantly tell. G Reply 1 154 3 ...


Rectangle - RedditRoxanne • 17h "Hmmm now where should I put this?" - two year old neighbor after trying a bite of a brownie that I baked. She placed it in the strawberry garden. G Reply 4 54 3 ...


Font - riccketts • 18h My 5 year old brother plays roblox 24/7, He called me a bacon haired noob. 6 Reply 45 ...


Font - brerosie33 · 17h I have large lips. My cousin Mollie was three. " Hey brerosie, why did God make your lips like a fishy?" Reply 1 46 ...


Font - WhitestTrash1 • 17h My 5 year old said I smelled like salad the other day. I'm 90% sure it was an insult. G Reply 1 38 ...


Organism - Instar5 • 18h My niece went through a phase where she thought all women were pregnant, including grandma in her 70's and herself (at 3 or 4 years old). I think it was because her mom was pregnant twice after her and it was confusing. I'm glad I was there to let her know that not all women were running around constantly pregnant. Reply 4 38 ...


Font - natacon • 16h My son (5 at the time) called me a dumb antique after I pretended to not understand a joke he had told me. It stung but I was quietly proud of him. G Reply 1 32 3 ...


Font - one called me a flying banana. Reply 25 5 ...


Font - boyvsfood2 · 18h Man, my old boss got me a shirt that says, "With great beard comes great responsibility". The beard on the shirt looked like my beard, albeit a little bit longer. My nephew was like 7 or 8 and was staying the weekend with us. He saw the shirt and with all due sincerity asked, "Are you gonna have a beard like that one day?" I was crushed. G Reply 46 3 ...


Font - hand_truck • 14h My four year old daughter, "Daddy, I can do something you can't do." "What's that, honey?" "Brush my hair." You guessed it, I'm bald. G Reply 4 17 3 •..


Font - uselessgooseless · 12h My mate's 2 year old was looking at my driver's licence photo (taken about 8 years prior). Me: That's me in the picture! 2YO: What happened? Brutal. G Reply ...


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Guy Lies To Constantly Late Wife So She Shows Up On Time

Being in an inter-punctual marriage has to be rough. No one should have to lie to their spouse in order to trick them into showing up to their graduation ceremony on time, but life is strange, and it happens. And as it turns out, it's weirdly common. For another one about an uncompromising spousal interaction, here's a picky eater husband who demanded fancier meals.


Font - r/AmIthe/ le · Posted by u/Chewychew5150 9 hours ago の30 @163 30334 AITA for telling my wife that she needed to be a my graduation an hour before she needed to because she is always late for things? I (27m) have been with my wife (27f) for 8 years. For 5 of those years I was in the military and I developed the habit of being early for everything I do. It is a huge pet peeve of mine if people are late for things when they could have been on time. If something happens out of your control an


Font - My wife is the type of person who is always late. Throughout our relationship she has made us late for events and it has been embarrassing. One of the worst incidents was when I was home on leave. We were planning on meeting my mom for breakfast ( I haven't seen in two years) at 9:00am. I told my wife the day before that I want to leave our place at 8:30 so we can get there by 8:50. We both wake up at 7:00 and I'm ready by 8:00. At that point she hasn't even started to get ready. I remind


Font - I was pissed but kept it to myself until we got home. I told her that I hated that she always made us late and it can be embarrassing sometimes. She apologized and said she would work on it. It never got any better. If anything she would get short with me if I mention the time. Fast forward 3 years and I was graduating the police academy. The graduation was set to begin at 10:00am and people could start showing up at 9:15. Well.. knowing my wife and not wanting her to be walking in as the


Font - Well sure enough I see her driving in AT 9:15!!! Of course I was a little pissed but glad that my plan worked. The rest of the graduation went as planned and I was happy. Afterwards a group of us and our spouses went out to celebrate. At one point my wife mentions that she was lucky that the ceremony got pushed back or she was going to be late. My friends were confused and told her that they saw her car and that she showed up right on time. My wife then asked what time was the ceremony su


Font - When we got home my wife blew up on me! She said she was pissed that I lied to her and didn't understand why I did. I told her that I knew that she would be late and so I told her a slightly earlier time be safe. She said she was hurt and felt that I had manipulated her. This is where I might be the a you think I feel? I told you that the graduation started ole. I said “ how do at 9:15 and you were still late! You knew how hard I worked throughout the academy and you couldn't even be on t


Font - pdaddyfire 9 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago 20 9 3 22 & 17 More NTA I literally had to lie to my mom about doctor's appointments, school events, games, anything that involved a time because she is always late. I still to this day have to lie to her about what time events start. It never occurred to her that being late affected everyone around us. I'd constantly get punished at practice if I was late. We've missed doctors appointments that I needed for being late and shed raise hell but it


Font - Nothanksimallgood Partassipant [3] 9 hours ago 34 E 2 NTA. I wouldn't bother tricking her anymore, but I also certainly wouldn't wait for her. Next time you tell her that you need to leave by 8.30, then you leave at 8.30. If she is not ready, she gets left behind. If she is meeting you somewhere and she is late, leave. Everytime she is so late, she is telling everyone that her time is more valuable than theirs. It is rude and inconsiderate.


Font - NotThisAgain234 Colo-rectal Surgeon [31] 9 hours ago NTA, but you need to stop letting her make you late for events. With the breakfast with your mom, you should have left in time to meet your mom when you said you would. Wife can drive herself, take an Uber or stay home. You accommodating her gives her no incentive to change and she does not respect other people enough to do it out of courtesy. So hold to your own standards and she can reap the consequences of doing as she pleases. I kno


Font - dftaylor Asshole Aficionado [13] 9 hours ago - edited 7 hours ago 3 NTA. People who are always late tend to have a fundamental lack of respect for other people's time. Telling them an earlier time is a totally valid tactic if they won't grow up enough to show up when needed. The fact that she immediately turned it to being about what you did wrong, rather than thinking "I'm so unreliable he's had to trick me - and even then I was still late" is amazing. You are so NTA.


Font - samlom131718 9 hours ago NTA. My guess is that she's gone quiet as she knows she's in the wrong but doesn't want to admit it as then she would have to accept that she didn't make an effort to get to your graduation on time.


Font - BeefBrutalizer 9 hours ago NTA - My aunt and her family are this way. The only way to get them to come to anything even remotely on time is to tell them it starts an hour earlier than it really does. Your wife isn't mad at the plan, she's mad that the plan worked so well. She's mad that her lateness is so predictable that other people know to plan around it. It's embarrassing.


Font - Pergamon_ 9 hours ago Was she going to be late? Yes. Was she on time because of you? Also yes. For an adult to always be late is unacceptable and rude. Of course their are instances were one is late, but she is ALWAYS late and that is just not OK. She needs to understand that. NTA


Font - eatmoreunicorns Asshole Aficionado [18]] 9 hours ago NTA. We do this with my stepmom because she's always late too. We usually tell her an event is 30-45 minutes earlier than it is. Your wife is a grown woman who doesn't know how to manage her time. This event was important to you so she needed to be on time to it. I'm the same way as you. I hate being late. I'd rather get there 15 minutes early and wait in my car until it's time to go in than risk being even a few minutes late.


Font - Mag-1892 Partassipant [1] 9 hours ago NTA She was late to fake time anyway so she proved your point.

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Entitled People and Their Comical Demands

There's something spectacular about witnessing the unadulterated audacity of absurd entitled people. Whether it's a bridezilla trying to bully a wedding photographer into working for free, a landlord who's baffled why they have to provide their tenants with working faucets, or just some guy who's trying to buy a brand new TV with a wallet full of monopoly money, it never seems to get old. Entitled people with their laughable boldness keep finding new ways to demand ridiculous crap.


Grey - View Profile JAN 13, 9:34 PM Hey girl ! Hope you're good ! Soo I hope this isn't too much of a trouble, but I started this brand, clothing brand. & the username is taken is there anywaaaaay you could change it ? Like just add a number or an extra letter or something lol AA It would mean the absolute world to me I have everything ready to launch soon and this is the only thing holding me back to post lol Beautiful name btw lol JAN 14, 10:46 AM How about I pay you $20? I really really need


Font - Hi, sorry 2 bother u. I need help with food especially pads A A pls. have 2 children and their father doesn't take care of them. We haven't eaten in 2 days pls. 17:20 Hello Please write down everything you'll need, I'll try to buy and deliver them where you are in Johannesburg by Saturday the latest if that's okay. 19:16 No give me money. I want money send it 19:22


Hair - Hello! I'm looking for a simple tattoo shop that takes walk ins to get this small alien tattoo about the size of a quarter. I've called a few and don't really want to pay a base pay of $60 for this. Is there any around here that doesn't have a minimum. I understand why there is a minimum, but just trying not to spend a lot for something so small. 1:11 1


Product - ... be 1h 3 My wife bought me a Range Rover cake for my birthday. Look at this shit, I'm mad as fxck this shxt look like a smart car, a stuff pillow & even that dumb truck from the movie "cars". Now her & her friends mad cause I cursed all of them out. $20 obo. Inbox now or I'm bout throw this shxt down the street. Serious offers only no low ballers WANEE $20 - WAUKEGAN, IL Land Rover cake MESSAGE


Product - @Morrisons · 1d This Half Term, we're donating over Morrisons Morrisons 60,000 free Homemade Pizza Kits from our stores to support hunger across the holidays. The kits feature everything kids'll need to make their own pizza and will be donated to local schools and community groups to pass on to families in need. Dolce Pizza 38 27 134 835 Replying to @Morrisons Why not try healthy meal options rather than pizza? 8:16 · 10 Feb 21 · Twitter for Android


Font - Looking over wedding day, 5 hours will not be enough to cover the entire pictures that l'd want. We unfortunately cannot stretch our budget for photography any more. & I wanted to ask if you guys would be willing to stay an additional 3 hours for full coverage of the day of.


Font - 15:43 1 Comments Phil Kenda Over priced @£3.99 on Kindle 34 m Like Reply Message A Author That's actually below average price for an ebook at the moment, but all of my books are also available in libraries if you prefer. 24 m Like Reply dam Croft libraries, if open, would be the last place l'd choose a book from. Being visually impaired the Kindle offers an ideal solution. Why not try the 99p introductory price? l'd then probably follow you as an author. 16 m Like Reply Message Author Thi


Font - ... I'm eating breakfast at the busy restaurant below my apartment. A lovely young woman just asked me if I could "hurry up and finish my breakfast, my friend is coming in 15 minutes and we want to take your seat." So, l'll be here for the rest of today. 1:07 AM - Feb 10, 2019 - Twitter for Android




Font - when I became a military spouse I thought I would get free stuff WTF! STATIUN: UI Item Count: 2 1 LA CREMA CHARDONNAY - GL* 1 LA CREMA CHARDONNAY $12.00 $12.00 GL* ubtotal State Tax Total before tip: $24.00 $1.68 $25.68 Tip amount: Grand total:M a Mlitany spous it thank a militar25.68 time Shpuld be free-Inext Credit spouse CREDIT CARD PURCHASE Card Tune Vics $25.68 I TranscTo FRE-AUTH SHiped Cand Entry Hethod Military spouses deserve drinks for free fuck this place!! OMG FUCK THIS PLACE!


Gadget - BIN CLI BUY SELL SWAP AND COMMUNITY GROUP (HBS) • 12 m · Oak photo frame. FREE OWigan, Engla Sold it once to someone who asked me if I could hold it until today. So I held it till today because I am nice like that.... Then she messaged me at 3:30 to ask if she could collect but because I didn't reply within 29 mins (literally) she followed it up with some abusive message about me selling it elsewhere and how I could have just told her. So if anyone would like this for free you are welco


Font - We need more ppl like him in this world he open WTXL Tallahassee 2 2 de fevereiro às 10:06 · O Children's MINNESOTA Game GameStop WTXLCOM Minnesota man who profited off GameStop surge buys video games for local children's hospital 239 17 comentários O Curtir O Comentar Ver mais 6 comentários I do appreciate the generosity but is it really a big deal to celebrate someone donating less than 1% of their profits? Curtir Responder · 2 h 1.


Handwriting - Madeira Hi, Every year you putout sunde boautinl hang vg baskets Do yanthink uhNduld be Poss uble to Change the olow d the lowt's pleae It'sa lutd orary White and redMaybe d calows Then would look ge ! White and red of amx MD 174 luvely, Thank you. 2 Dima Fotografia: Ilídio Gonçalves


Product - Ok do whatever u gotta do b Today 11:38 AM $567 Hey rent money more evenly? can we divide the $850 is too much. I have no money $600 should be fair If you going to ask why I agreed to pay $850 in the first place was because I wanted you to like me, but you don't. Not in that way Text Message


Font - Reviews PetSmart ... Sarah L. *O 07 00 12/27/15 My husband and I have shopped here consistently for years, but we will use a different location from now on. They will literally lock the doors right in your face if you show up 2 minutes after closing. O Useful 0 Funny 3 O Cool 0 3 people voted for this review

Submitted by:

Teachers Who Pulled Total Bro Moves

Our academic lives were needlessly fraught with tyrannical, despotic excuses for educators who taught us more about fear than we ever learned about math. That's why it's important to remember that some of them are thoughtful people who care about what they do, like this teacher with a great dihydrogen monoxide lesson or this teacher who fought the power using gummy bears.


Font - enchiladacheese 2 days ago 2 @2 It was a professor, but she said she wasn't going to have a textbook for the class. Basically, she didn't respect the textbook representatives trying to take the pharma approach to force kids to buy an $170 access code. Instant respect. You just had to show up to the lectures and she'd teach you what you needed to know.


Font - Straightup32 3 days ago 3 3 3 I had a professor that made it crystal clear that if we ever made an appointment and didn't show up, he'd take 5 points off of our final grade. I tried to find him during office hours and he wasn't available. I told him that I deserved an extra 5 points because he wasn't available when he said he would be and he gave it to me in the interest of fairness


Font - bitchtits93 3 days ago 4 6 S6 3 In my first year of high school, my class decided to play a simple prank on our English/SOSE teacher, by all laughing when he faced the board, and then stopping every time he turned around to face us. After a few minutes of this, he just left the classroom without a word. We all sat there, confused, until a few minutes later the assistant principal comes in and explains that we've really upset our teacher; he made us believe we'd seriously fucked up... Then


Font - Mariospario 2 days ago 5 6 34 6 My highschool science teacher paused class to rip a student apart for bullying another student. Called it out as soon as it happened, infront of everyone, and that bully never went near that other kid again. Will always remember that.


Organism - Back2Bach 3 days ago 5 e5 3 6 A math teacher went to the hospital several times to visit a student who had been seriously injured in an accident. The teacher offered companionship, free tutoring, and genuine encouragement.


Smile - Thesorus 2 days ago 2 3 e5 3 4 math teacher : "I don't care if you have good grades or bad grades, if you work hard, I will work harder to make you pass". He worked hard for me; I passed ...


Font - Mom_is_watching 3 days ago 3 3 2 Told us a joke about his name (before we could) and allowed us to eat during his classes "because kids your age can't help being hungry all the time", as long as we did it quietly. Great guy. His whole attitude made all of us actually pay attention and do our best.


Organism - Scratch_That_ 2 days ago 2 3 English teacher in high school asked where my homework was. Responded "I forgot to do it" and he said to the rest of the class "Why can't you guys be like Scratch_That_? He doesn't come up with some excuse he just tells me he didn't do it"


Font - jodehleh 2 days ago I moved out of home during high school. It was stressful, to say the least. I started to fall behind in assignments, I would be absent for days at time, I missed tests etc. I ended up explaining the bare minimum of my situation to my English teacher, and their response always stuck with me. "Just do what you can." 9 2 6 3 & 7 More It may not seem like much, but right then and there, for sixteen year old kid who felt like simply living was a burden... it was everything.


Font - sk8erguysk8er 2 days ago 5 5 3 3 When I was a kid we had to purchase these red punch cards to get lunch at school. Unfortunately we didn't have that much money so there were times where my punch card would run out and I wasn't able to eat for a while until we got enough 10 money to repurchase another one (why nobody in my family applied for assistance was beyond me). I had one teacher who noticed I wasn't eating every day and she would bring an extra sandwich and offer it to me whenever s


Font - Andreas_NYC 2 days ago e 3 2 Junior year of high school, English class. We were discussing a story we had read. One student (let's call him Carl,) made a point. The teacher was dismissive and basically said Carl was wrong. The next day, after we took our seats the teacher said, "Before we begin, I was thinking about what Carl said yesterday. I was wrong to dismiss it so quickly. Let's take a look at that again." He then went on to repeat Carl's point and initiate a conversation with the e


Font - PancakesandMaggots 2 days ago I remember my first math class in college. I didn't take any math my senior year of high school because I finished my math requirements my junior year. Anyway, the first math test hit me like a truck after never having to try in high school and I scored in the low 60's. The next three tests, I learned to study and got 3 98's in a row. The last week of class, the professor (who was a hard ass by the way and would kick you out for having your phone out) called


Font - Caelus 2 days ago 32 Instead of shouting at my loud class for not shutting up before the lesson began, my history teacher decided to quietly tell the story of a pink elephant that wanted to be an astronaut. After a few seconds, people started to shut up and listen about the pink elephant. When everyone was quiet and listening, he stopped mid-story. As much as it made me respect him.. WHY DIDN'T YOU FINISH THE STORY FFS! THAT CLIFFHANGER!


Font - Techpreist_X21Alpha 2 days ago edited 2 days ago 2 A supply teacher spend the day recovering my lost sticker collection. I'm sure its done in other countries but in uk primary/junior schools. Playtime becomes a trading hub on the playground for stickers. Anyway, one particular day i made a massive haul of stickers which I misplaced for a split second and it was gone. I was devastated and my teacher saw me in distress when i got back from class, my teacher promised she would get them all b


Font - paoerfuuul 3 days ago 2 We had an exam, saying "I'll test your honesty and your teamwork, I'm gonna leave the room once your exam starts". So we thought it's between honesty that we don't share answers with each other, and teamwork by cheating. We were so desperate, and cheated the exams. Professor came back 5 mins before the time is up and asked, "so did you share your answers with one another?" And yes we said. "Okay" he said. Since you are all honest and you proved to me that you had y


Font - Nicholi417 2 days ago S I had a professor once state that she doesn't believe in trick questions. Students trick themselves up enough without the professor helping that along. She never did put trick questions.


Handwriting - maqueron 2 days ago He told me he gives $3 to Wikipedia every month. Respect.


Organism - Pimpcool420 3 days ago · edited 2 days ago He admitted that he didn't particularly want to be a teacher but did it for a stable career (the type of guy who should have been an English PhD but didn't have the money to chase an academic career like that; he was way too good to be teaching high school English).

Submitted by:

Bride Sends Wedding Guests 30-Day Diet Plans, Outrage Ensues

Weddings have an uncanny knack for bringing out the worst in people. Maybe it's because weddings are these momentous events that bring with them an insane amount of build up, nervous anticipation, and the reunion of various family members that should basically be kept as far apart from one another as possible. With that being said some folks just become possessed by this toxic sense of perfectionism where they're so committed to making sure that nothing goes wrong, that they end up creating a complete chaotic mess of stress in the process. In this case, we're dealing with a bride who has the unreal audacity to send all of her guests 30-day diet plans. That seems like a great strategy if you want to rest assured that you're going to have a ton of people not want to attend your wedding. People are already going out of their way to set up their own busy life schedules so that they can make an appearance for your special day, and then you hit 'em with an aggressive, totally unrealistic diet plan amidst that? So. Much. Yikes. This guy's reaction seems completely warranted when considering the circumstances. There are certain lines you just don't cross. While weddings seem like they can blur some of those lines, because people will put up with a certain amount of nonsense for the ones they love, this particular move by the bride is downright inexcusable. If anything, it sounds like she could massively benefit from being given a little reality check.

We're no strangers to seeing people being served up reality checks in other parts of life at this point. It could be a rude choosing beggar with a gnarly case of entitlement, who insists on wasting the time of an artist who is hard at work and just trying to survive off the funds they can make while practicing their craft. But alas, it seems that this world will never be in short supply of folks that fell through the cracks when it comes to practicing common social decency. They're blinded by a cloud of ignorance so thick that sometimes it's as if the reality checks themselves are pointless. You've got to wonder on some level whether or not this bride would even benefit from a reality check herself. It seems like she's opted for the defensive road based off the argument she already had with her brother. On top of that, the poor guy has to deal with what sounds like an enabling family and indifferent groom that aren't interested in helping him resolve the matter at all. Still have no idea what she was thinking when she sent one of those diet plans to her mother who is diabetic as well. Like, how is that even real life?

All in all, it's quick little tales like the one we're provided in this AITA post that can remind us that there are always going to be folks out there that are stooping to new lows for when it comes to being a morally righteous individual. We really do hope that they were able to figure out some kind of peaceful resolution.

1. And here we go. Buckle up for some juicy bridezilla drama.

Font - The past few weeks were filled with drama. My M33 sister's F36 wedding is in 2 months. Hosted at my mother's house. My sister's been stressing out about getting everything done on time making everyone around her stress out too. She sent me and my wife an invitation on Monday afternoon. My wife noticed something else was sent along with the invitation. She came to me and handed me the envelope and she looked so upset almost crying. I opened it and found that my sister sent a 30-day pre-wed


Font - My sister basically wanted my wife (my wife's pregnant btw) to lose weight by following this diet so she could look "fit" at the wedding. Two things: 1. some of those 'meals' my wife is allergic to. And 2. My wife isn't even one of my sister's bridesmaids for Christ's Sake. I get that it's her special day or whatever and I get that my sister takes care of herself (literally can't help but look in every mirror she passes), but she's turning into a Bridezilla. My wife and I felt offended. S


Font - Said that I shouldn't make this personal because everyone got a copy of this plan. Including her. But mom is diabetic so I don't know how that works. I reminded her that my wife i pregnant but she said I was making a big deal out of it causing drama and refusing to go with the flow. We argued for 30 min then I hung up. I've been sick (bedridden sick) for days but I had to get up on my feet to deal with...this. I spoke to her fiance to see what he thinks and he blatantly told me to keep hi

4. Folks got fired up in the comments section.

Rectangle - 22 Awards NTA. You could send your sister a 30 day pre-wedding personality repair plan. 18.1k •..


Rectangle - Simmi1128 · 1d 1 Award 100% NTA. Your wife is pregnant like she should NOT being about her diet like wtf. No offense your sister is crazy for even sending out an diet plan to a pregnant woman. Plus she is not even in the wedding party so what your wife look is shouldn't even be a worry.


Organism - NTA. To answer your question, yes – your family is insane. Your BIL may be the most insane of all. How could he have the prescience to know this shit is nuts, but still be willing to marry your sister? She's TA. What a nightmare. 145 ..


Font - awkwardbutterball • 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA. I'm glad that you stood up for your wife. It's hard enough when you are pregnant to not compare yourself to a whale. At the first trimester. It deff gets worse. And to have someone tell her to go on a diet is a quick way to bring her confidence down. Your mom is either on your sister's side or doesn't want to deal with the drama and figured it would be easier to tell you to "let it go" versus telling her daughter that she sucks. 209 ...


Font - gloompicnic · 1d · Partassipant [2] I cannot even process the narcissism that would allow you to believe that your wedding is such a privilege to attend that you're willing to go on a diet plan to be able to attend. Fact check: no one ever wants to go to a wedding. You're not that important. NTA. That is insane to ask of wedding guests. 343 ...


Font - NTA. And just because your sister was horrendously offensive to everyone and didn't single your wife out - does not make it much better. Your sister does not seem to understand the meaning behind a wedding and a healthy marriage. It doesn't mean everyone needs to be size 4 and look 20. I am honestly sad for her because she sounds miserable and is absolutely going to have everyone she cares about sort of hate her. Your wife doesn't need to be subjected to your family's insanity. In fact, I


Rectangle - badb-crow • 1d • Professor Emeritass [98] NTA. Trying to make other people go on diets - anyone, no just a pregnant woman - just to go to her wedding is ridiculous and controlling. If she really sent this shit to all her guests I imagine you won't be the only ones refusing to come, and she'll be lucky if she doesn't end up posted on the internet somewhere and mocked. 49 ...


Organism - greenbastardette · 1d · Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [341] NTA- the sheer entitlement of trying to control the diets of everyone involved in the wedding. Feels like a sitcom bridezilla, but less likeable. You do not owe your sister control over your diet. No one does. Everyone enabling her has created a monster. 35 ...


Rectangle - crazybookgal • 1d NTA!!! Wow. Your sister was 100% in the wrong here. 20 ...


Rectangle - NTA - I can't help but wonder how long her marriage will last 14 •..


Font - NTA 100%. There was me thinking that sis had done that by accident. But even if she sent that to her bridesmaids, she is 100% a bridezilla. All she should be worrying about is that everyone is happy, healthy, and has a fun time. She's waaaay too focused on the wedding, and not the marriage. From what the fiance said, this may not be a marriage made in heaven! 26 ...


Rectangle - Puggy_ • 1d The fiancé doesn't want to be involved, speaks about not being allowed to visit his dad in the hospital and is kept busy with this wedding? Uhh... I have questions for the fiancé. Anyway, NTA. Many times NTA. What a bridezilla. 3 3 ...


Facial expression - Orginal TaraFromSpace · 1d NTA. Your sister is power tripping on things that are not her business. Go you for standing up for your lady. 10 3 ...


Rectangle - piggyequalsbacon • 1d NTA - I would send back a pic of me eating pizza. 3 3 ...


Rectangle - BabyBunnyOfDoom · 20h NTA she is acting like a major bridezilla with her disregard for other the health of others and from the sounds of it your sisters fiancé seriously needs to consider if he wants to marry her or not. She doesn't let him visit his dad in the hospital? Seriously? Vote ...


Rectangle - procrastinating4ev • 20h NTA, I wouldn't bother going to the wedding either, they wont last long anyway seeing as how she treats her fiancé. + Vote ...

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