Thursday, February 11, 2021

Woman Googles Tinder Match, Forgets LinkedIn Shows Viewing Activity

In this era dominated by technology and a wealth of social media/dating apps, so many of us are primed for failing miserably at one point or another. It could just be the inevitable and unfortunate manifestation of having too much power at our fingertips. Who knows? With that being said, this woman experienced quite the embarrassing moment after realizing that all the times she looked up her Tinder match on LinkedIn, he could see it. Ouch. At least it all worked out. 


Font - r/tifu u/jocks4rocks • 13h + Join 15 3 16 17 TIFU by Googling my Tinder match M This happened a few months ago but resurfaced yesterday. I matched with this guy on Tinder back in November and we started talking. We hit it off and after a few weeks of talking, we made plans to go on a date. Before our date, I wanted to make sure this guy wasn't a serial killer or anything so I Googled his first name combined with some info about him that was on his profile.


Font - I found his LinkedIn and scrolled through it. His headshot was not one of his Tinder pictures, but I thought it was a really good picture and he looked way more attractive than I originally thought. I thought to myself, "This guy is way out of my league" and got nervous so a couple times, I considered cancelling our date but whenever that happened, I went to his LinkedIn, stared at that picture, and thought, "Nah I've definitely gotta meet him." I ended up going on the date and I'm super


Font - Yesterday, I was over at his house for dinner and afterwards, his little brother sent him his resume for a critique. My SO gives me a heads up that his brother's gonna call about it so I said it was no big deal and kept myself busy. While they're on the phone, my SO asks his brother if he wants a critique on his LinkedIn profile too. I glance over to the computer while this is happening and to my horror, I see the words "[SO's little brother] viewed your profile" on his screen.


Font - That was the moment I realized he pays fer Linkedin premium and can see everyonE who views hisprofile. I am signed into my LinkedIn on both my phone and computer, which means every time I stalked his profile before we met, he got a notification about it. Luckily he has never brought it up and we're still dating lol so I guess he didn't think much of it, but for a brief moment yesterday I was absolutely mortified. I'm still cringing just thinking about it. Tl;dr: Found out my SO got a noti

5. They're definitely not alone.

Font - olechunkacoal · 10h I actually had the exact same thing happen to to me! Except I got called out on it (but not in a bad way). Matched with a girl on Tinder, we had this great conversation and before she said goodnight we said we both wanted to keep talking and tentatively agreed we'd probably want to go on a date eventually. That night I tried to do a search for her on Facebook, but couldn't find anything, but I did find her Linkedin profile after I googled her name. I look at her resume


Font - basic info, then as I was closing the page, I suddenly had this thought; I remembered that sometimes people are able to see when you viewed their profile. I basically shrugged off the concern though, I figured who's looking at their LinkedIn page often enough that they're monitoring who views them every time. Cut to the next morning, I woke up with a Tinder notification from the girl, opened it to a message that read; "So does my professional background impress you?" I was so embarrassed


Font - feelinlucky7 • 12h O 1 Award Honestly, if I were him, I'd understand the initial search... and be flattered by the second after you went through with the date lol. Sounds like you're fine G Reply 4 7.6k ...

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