Saturday, February 18, 2017

Two Bikini-Clad Girls Riding In a Fast Car Is What Saturdays Were Made For

What better way is there to kickstart a slow-moving Saturday afternoon, cause Friday got away from you, than with the company of a couple scantily-clothed young ladies? Sit back, buckle up, and enjoy the ride, cause hell, I can't be the only one that did here. 

Submitted by: (via That Racing Channe)

Tagged: girls , Video , win , swimsuit

I Could Watch This Small-Scale Trump Handshake All Day

win trump handshake gif

Despite having a show that was 90% about handshakes, that reality-TV gameshow host who won the presidency has no idea how to shake hands with people. His weird, pseudo-masculine grab and tug is likely to pull someone's arm out of it's socket.

Trump handshake

That's what makes this mini version so much fun. It remind of Rock Em Sock Em robots, except it's a real thing. See:


via Eckectablog

Submitted by: (via ilez)

Watch This Guy Take Falling For a Girl to New Heights When He Eats Ground, Shattering His Arm In Process

Ugh, our poor fallen broheme of the hour just hit a bone-crushing rock bottom. Blinded by love or something stronger, we can witness the dire implications of falling for someone. Literally. Love hurts, but this is a whole nother beast. Hope the guy's on his way to a speedy recovery. 

Submitted by: (via Hip Hop Entertainment)

Tagged: pain , FAIL , injury , fall

World-Acclaimed Chefs Share Their Ritualistic Hangover Cures, You'll Be Ready for Round 2 In No Time


If there's one breed of hedonistically-inclined boozehound that knows how to silence a soul-crushing hangover, it's a chef. When it comes to the hangover, the chef has the golden recipe that will never fail to alleviate your tired 'ol soul. I don't mean to stereotype here, but growing up, the time I spent working in a restaurant as an alternating busboy/dishwasher (aka Team Bitch) was wrought by regular -- almost daily -- hilarious instances involving red-eyed, booze-on-the-breath, impossibly irritable chefs on epic benders that somehow kept showing up for work. Well, if these hangover cures are any sort of hint as to what they were shoving down their gullet, it might finally all make sense now for how they kept clocking on. 

Big shoutout to the people over at Munchies that pulled this invaluable list of five star, chef-prepared wisdom, together.

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This Pizza Photoshop Battle Started With the Best of Intentions but Devolved Down a Doughy Cheese-Covered Hole of Insanity

ilovepizza,pizza,photoshop battle

It's no secret that we love a good photoshop battle here at Memebase and Fail Blog, but this one descends into a hole new kind of level. This guy, who loves pizza almost as much as we do, is doing it goddamn right. 

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Never Sleep Again Thanks to These 13 Horrifying Museum Exhibits

Let's not beat around the bush, museums are generally the last line of defense between our world and spirit world. Housed within their hollowed halls are the relics of a different time, when ghouls walked the Earth and humans turned their darkest nightmares into weird clown paintings. 

Gaze upon these horrors and pray they don't steal your soul, like they stole mine. 

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Some People are Straight Up Stupid

picture dump,stupid

There are some people in this world who just personify natural selection and are the epitome of stupidity, the kind of people who make you wonder how their gene pool persisted for so long without being entirely wiped out. Well, these are some of those people.

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21 Times Denny's Tumblr Was Definitely Out of Control

wtf,dennys,funny,weird,fast food

This just in hot off the wire: Denny's isn't drug testing. Or at least these examples of pure ridiculousness hint at such a possibility. Seriously, what's in the water at those establishments these days. Cause whatever it is, I want some. 

Submitted by:

Tagged: wtf , dennys , funny , weird , fast food

This Photographer is Creating a Superhero-Inspired Toy Story on Instagram and Apparently I Have No Idea How To Play With Action Figures

action figures,superheroes

Play time's over! 

I've always wanted to say that. 

Japanese photographer hotkenobi is loading up Instagram with shots of superhero figures destroying things that are to scale. It's like if Toy Story starred the Avengers, and, man, is it cool. Now, if only they didn't take these figures out of the packages, he just depreciated their value by at least 75%. 

Check it out: 

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Here's A Guy Eating A Shit-Ton of Lightbulbs to Prove That Natural Selection Is Not Very Selective

I'm glad that someone shined a light on this. 

YouTuber skippy62able aka L.A. Beast wanted to find out how many lightbulbs a human can eat in 10 minutes. It seems painful, but he's got a bottle of Crystal Pepsi to wash down all that glass. This is what Darwin had in mind when he put the idea of natural selection into the world.

One can imagine 150 years from now when all the world is a barren wasteland, only those who can consume glass will survive. Is the L.A. Beast the next phase of human evolution. Short answer: Yes. 

via WiffleGif

Submitted by: (via skippy62able)

Tagged: glass , eating , lightbulb