Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Woman's Ex-Boyfriend Calls the Cops When He Moves Out, She Mocks Him With a Cop Photo Shoot

Nothing like a bottle of wine and two Party City cop costumes to get proper revenge on your ex.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/ExtensionPresent15, who was dating her high school sweetheart for 4 years and even chose to go to the same college as him per his request so they could be together (red flag). 


Eventually, he dumped her and slept on the couch for a week before moving out. On the day of his move, however, she was surprised to find two cop cars waiting outside the whole time…as if she was some kind of threat. She thinks maybe he was nervous her father was going to show up. Who knows? Point is, it was an act of hostility so what did she do to get back at him? 


Wine, Party City, and a social media photo shoot of her and her friend in cop costumes. Take notes, people. This is how you get back at someone while also just trying to make light of a messy situation. For more breakup content, take a look at this post about a girl who was dumped because of how she spoke to her car, and keep scrolling below for the full story!

20+ Memes of the Week for Work Wardens Who Roast Their Coworkers (March 22, 2023)

When in doubt, don't ask your Karen coworker, or so I've been told. In fact, stay as far away from her (or him, we don't discriminate against Karens around here) as you can. Sure, your team may be severely understaffed, but it's the rule of thumb, so no cheating. On top of the fact that you're overworked because of said lack of employees, you also aren't making close enough to what you should be making.

Why? Because companies are greedy, bosses don't like promoting good workers, and all in all, you don't even want to work because the atmosphere is so toxic. Plus, the customers suck. That is if you work in the service industry. And what am I here for, if not to complain? It is my right, my duty, and my responsibility as a meme angel. So without further ado, scroll down and check out the best coworker memes of the week.

You can check out last week's memes here.

'AITA for making an insurance claim': Internet torn over guy's decision to press charges against good samaritan who broke a window on his vehicle

Typically, if someone breaks something of yours, you might expect them to be responsible for replacing it. But what if that thing wasn't exactly new? What if it was already broken in another way already? Should the person have to replace it with a new version of the already broken thing?

That's the question that came to the forefront of discussion sparked by this thread that was shared on Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit. The posting Redditor, u/Admirable-Cabinet-52, shared their experience to the popular subreddit to see if they were in the wrong for making a good samaritan pay for a new canopy for his pickup after they accidentally broke the window on it trying to help him close it.

Is this guy in the wrong for charging the kid for "breaking" a part of his vehicle? Should the kid not have touched the car—and is he automatically in the wrong for that? Either way, probably a good lesson for this young lad to not touch other people's things under any circumstances; you don't know what kind of a-holes might be out there looking to profit off of your attempt at a good deed. It's this same kind of thing that caused a lot of places to put protections in place to protect first-aid givers against lawsuits resulting from administering CPR.

Keep reading to see some screenshots of the original post and let us know what your verdict on this matter is in the comments. For more, check out this woman who was roasted on AITA for her cruel comments to her SIL. 

'AITA for being Karen-ish with retail workers?': Customer flips out on retail workers after they ignore him for a half hour

After being ignored for over a half hour while shopping, this dude had a complete meltdown! 

While sharing his story to r/AmItheA**hole, this dude made sure to preface his story. He wrote that he's been around service workers his whole life, and worked service industry roles before, so he apparently knows what it's like to be in that line of work. However, he clearly forgot that when he went to a store and got ignored. 

The first red flag is that the OP thought he'd get great service inside a dead mall. He and his wife waited around in a  store without seeing a single employee. When they finally found a cashier, they said they'd send an employee over to help them find what they needed. But after another 25 minutes, there were still no employees around to help the OP and his wife. 

Scroll down to read about the wild overreaction that happened next. Then, this mom got called a "Karen," but she insists she was just trying to keep her child's face off the internet. 

'You disrespected me by consuming my almond milk': Woman gets on a plane and leaves boyfriend because of milk, leaves dramatic letter

Every so often on the Internet, you come across a crazy story and scroll through the comments, realizing that no one is acknowledging the behavior of the storyteller. That seems to be the case with this story, which was posted to Reddit's r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit. 


Here's the deal. We are sympathetic to the fact that the Redditor is lactose intolerant and has to buy different kinds of groceries, separate from her partner. We are also sympathetic to the fact that her partner has been repeatedly disrespecting her by eating these special products that she purchases for health reasons. For me, it was the letter she added in her edit that felt like a red flag. For starters, it was highly dramatic and clearly made it seem like this couple has serious communication issues on both sides. Our take on the whole milk debacle? It's quite possible that everyone sucks here.


For more stories like this, here's one about two entitled aunt Karens.

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer Karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

Karens enjoy being given attention (albeit negative), and unfortunately, it tends to come at other people's expense. Especially those who work in customer service, AKA baristas, servers, retail workers, etc. This Karen picked the wrong day to mess with this barista, as it was the employee's last day. Karen had a constant rude, demeaning attitude, making employees and customers hate her alike. So it couldn't have been that much of a surprise that this employee snapped. But of course, we're talking about a Karen here, and anyone who doesn't worship the ground she stomps on is an immediate enemy in need of quick, skillful termination.

Karen barked at the barista, fed up with the fact that it was 'loud' in the coffee shop, and the barista had had enough. She herself replied with a taunt, admitting that she had ignored every request Karen had ever made to 'remake' her drink. This amounted to about a year. The aftermath of this brave confession was a total meltdown on Karen's part, as she totally lost it. Common Karen phrases such as, 'Get me your manager!', 'Fire her!', and 'I'm calling corporate!' were used. Much to Karen's dismay, nobody really cared all that much, because it was this employee's last day. Scroll down for the full, hilarious story. For more stories like this, check out this tale of malicious compliance, where a man fought his HOA's bylaws by hiring a goat.

‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

There are people that are willing to go to great lengths in order to avoid paying, such as this Karen, who took advantage of an employee at a nail salon. He was just doing his job when she made an executive decision to make his life unnecessarily harder. She ignored his instructions and purposefully kept moving her hand out of the UV/LED light, so her fingernails wouldn't dry. He gently put her hand back in a couple of times, as it is his job to do so, and she lost it.

She called the cops, because, well, she is, as the title suggests, a little unhinged. When they arrived, she claimed he 'forced her hand into the light' and announced her desire to press charges. To say she got carried away a little would be putting it lightly. The police questioned the people in the shop, and the result of this whole mess was… nothing. That's the problem. She stirred up trouble and didn't pay for the service the salon provided. Plus she didn't get into any trouble for making up lies and wasting police time, either.

u/davidpham268 was furious and took to Reddit to complain. Commenters chimed in that it was his duty to press charges on her for not paying the bill. For more stories like this, here is a man who took malicious compliance to a whole other level when he 'hired' a goat for yardwork after his HOA forbade him from hiring an actual company.