Wednesday, March 22, 2023

'AITA for being Karen-ish with retail workers?': Customer flips out on retail workers after they ignore him for a half hour

After being ignored for over a half hour while shopping, this dude had a complete meltdown! 

While sharing his story to r/AmItheA**hole, this dude made sure to preface his story. He wrote that he's been around service workers his whole life, and worked service industry roles before, so he apparently knows what it's like to be in that line of work. However, he clearly forgot that when he went to a store and got ignored. 

The first red flag is that the OP thought he'd get great service inside a dead mall. He and his wife waited around in a  store without seeing a single employee. When they finally found a cashier, they said they'd send an employee over to help them find what they needed. But after another 25 minutes, there were still no employees around to help the OP and his wife. 

Scroll down to read about the wild overreaction that happened next. Then, this mom got called a "Karen," but she insists she was just trying to keep her child's face off the internet. 

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