Sunday, May 24, 2020

Bridezilla Announces Engagement At Friend's Wedding

Man, that's a low and self-centered move. This bridezilla is the queen of bridezillas. To seize the profound moment of your friend's wedding to make an announcement about your own life situation, is the definition of toxic. That being said, it sounds like the bridezilla got what was coming to her for the stunt, years later. Can't even imagine the look on her face when that pregnancy announcement came on the wire. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + JOIN u/yazdon • 3d 4 3 6 Don't announce your engagement at someone else's wedding, or this might just happen to you... (Originally I posted this to r/pettyrevenge, but I think it belongs here.) Last summer I was at a cousin's wedding. His bride and her family had been close with ours since before I was born, and the couple had known each other since they were toddlers, so it was a particularly exciting event for both sides of the family.


Text - However, after the ceremony was over and the party had only just started, one of the bridesmaids decided to announce her own engagement. The attention was immediately taken away from the newlyweds and brought to the bridesmaid (who I'll call Sarah) and her equally-smug fiancé. My cousin's wife (I'll call her Emma) didn't make a scene or utter a single negative word about Sarah. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, but she kept grinning and acted very happy for the other couple.


Text - Sarah later picked Emma to be the maid of honor at her own wedding, which took place last weekend (I wasn't there for it, but my cousin sent me some of the best bits on snapchat and explained the whole situation). This is where the fun begins.


Text - Emma's two much-younger sisters were the flower girls at Sarah's wedding. At the very last moment, Emma switched out the white petals in their baskets to blue ones she had secretly brought with her. She told her sisters not to say anything about it or let the bride see them until it was time to scatter them down the aisle. Sarah looked very confused upon seeing the blue petals (which didn't coordinate whatsoever with her theme), but of course she didn't say anything about it in the moment


Text - Finally, it was time for the speeches. The speeches took place in front of a massive screen, displaying a loop of photos with Sarah and her husband, which had been compiled by Emma.


Text - Emma took the remote that controlled the presentation screen and at first she showed some pre-approved humorous photos of Sarah with Emma and other friends to facilitate a couple lighthearted jokes. Then, at the very end, Emma said to Sarah that she must be wondering why there were blue petals instead of the white ones originally planned. That was when Emma displayed the last slide from her presentation.


Text - Emma announced in front of everyone that she was five months pregnant, and that she'd just discovered the baby was a boy, hence the blue petals. The last slide? Her ultrasound picture. There were shocked yells and gasps, Sarah had a fit, but those involved in the scheme cheered so loudly that I sincerely regret watching the snapchat recordings with headphones. Apparently Sarah had been very nasty to her bridesmaids before, driving several of them away and forcing the others to pay ridicul


Text - Emma and my cousin were eventually thrown out of the party, but they were all smiles. Sarah's fuming mother went to confront her outside, and Emma retorted with, "Gentle, gentle! l'm pregnant!" T reckon Sarah doesn't speak to the majority of those bridesmaids anymore. [Tl;dr] Self-important bridesmaid announces her engagement at my cousin's wedding, stealing the spotlight from him and his bride. Said bridesmaid foolishly names my cousin's wife her maid of honour and behaves like a complet

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Irritating Times Students Encountered Toxic Nonsense

This Twitter thread serves as a collection of times that students encountered challenges, adversity, from teachers or classmates. If anything, it can serve as a valuable reminder to stay true to yourself, and not let any of the haters get ya down. There will always be someone around ready to crack the next joke or laugh at your expense. Who cares? 


Text - Justin Boldaji @justinboldaji I became radicalized when I was in 4th grade & I took a science test & studied hard for it & ended up completely acing it but when I was done with the test I was bored & drew monsters in the margins of the paper & my teacher gave me a 90 out of 100 because of the monsters


Text - bloop. @hibanako Replying to @justinboldaji i had a 7th grade english teach who told me to turn in an assignment i had already turned in and i told her and she literally yelled at me that i didnt and told me if i did to find it then and it was like the 10th one


Text - (goth) Kassa @kassaotaku Replying to @justinboldaji My Spanish teacher in 10th grade, made us do 12 questions of a test in a 1-20 question Scantron then made us do the other part of the test on another Scantron but starting at 13, then made us do another 15Q in a bigger one, Then take everything and put it in a single Scantron


Text - ダークソール @DarkSoul4242 Replying to @justinboldaji (English as a second language) I got once sent to the principal's office for talking back when my English teacher said "I am been" or "I will can" pointed out it was "I have been" and "be able to", she got hysteric and straight-up gave me Os for the whole year, dividing my grades


Text - Sparrow/Liz : liminal nest @UntoNuggan Replying to @justinboldaji Context: My mom is from the UK, my dad from the US, I grew up in the US with children's books from both countries In kindergarten I kept getting marked wrong for writing "colour" and I was so upset, especially because I didn't realize there were US/UK spelling differences


Text - rae bae @epicgringa Replying to @justinboldaji sophomore year in HS i had to write a ~persuasive essay and i didnt use the cookie cutter outline bullshit everyone used to write the paper and my teacher used my essay as an example to the class on what not to do.


Text - Satan's Craft Room @CraftSatan Replying to @justinboldaji My HS vice principal interrupted my history class to share his personal story of going to UC Berkeley and being a Navy Seal. I cont to read the text. He pushed the book to the ground. Few years later he was on the news for faking credentials and lying about being in the military.


Text - hrwinter @hrwinter Replying to @justinboldaji A professor gave me a failing 66 for a midterm. There were no red marks. When I went to his office hours to ask, he said it was because I only used answers from the book and not statements from his (incorrect) lectures. I'd somehow failed by not quoting him directly.


Text - My Dog Eats Sticks @chetsbabe Replying to @ubersle and @justinboldaji I had an English teacher in 10th grade yell at me in class on our first research paper saying, "You can't write one sentence paragraphs." I now get paid to do so. Suck it Mr. Kidwell.


Text - * marissa * @mxrivel Replying to @joshcurwin and @justinboldaji elementary school teachers are so annoying- they're teaching you basic things like writing but they will not let you do anything slightly different from what they do :/ when i was younger i wrote left handed but the teacher told me that was wrong and now i'm right handed


Text - Karlie Marks @KarlieMarks Replying to @justinboldaji and @_aurely my senior thesis had a point knocked off for using the word "wed" instead of "married" even though wed fit the sentence structure better than married. also teach said she "didn't believe in perfect papers" and was really just looking for a place to dock my grade.


Text - Leah @ubersle Replying to @justinboldaji In 4th grade, I answered the quiz question, "What do you call an animal that eats only plants?" as herbivore. My teacher marked it wrong and said it was 'vegetarian. I'd have taken that to the Supreme Court such was my wrath.


Text - "Shine bright, circus man' @ChancellorSRA Replying to @ubersle and @justinboldaji I had a similar thing in 4th grade. Question: what do a plant's roots do? 9 yo Me: suck up water and nutrients Teacher: WRONG. They hold the plant in the ground. My mom, looking at the test answers: I... think your teacher might hate you.


Text - Gillian Smith is LOCKED IN @thishere_nomad Replying to @justinboldaji My 4th grade science teacher had us make sun-cookers and my scientist parents looked at the directions and tossed them out the window for being wrong. My sun-cooker was one of two that actually worked and both of us got D's for not following directions.


Text - Josh @joshcurwin Replying to @justinboldaji In second grade I took a math test, and instead of the normal 7, I wrote the kind that has the small horizontal line intersecting the vertical, cause l'd seen it in a book and liked it. The teacher marked each answer with such a 7 as wrong. 1.


Text - JOI Biden 3030 @imacopyouidiot9 Replying to @justinboldaji My 1st grade teacher was teaching us math and I solved all the problems in the workbook when she was talking. She told me that "it was homework" and made me erase all my answers.


Text - Mike Provencher @RevilFox Replying to @justinboldaji My 6th grade Home Room teacher had a deal where if you do all of your homework for 14 straight days, for every class, and get it signed off by every teacher, she would buy you McDonald's for lunch. I did it, and when I showed her she said, "Yeah, this deal isn't for you."


Text - Brooke Zoom School of Law class of 2020 @Yarsian Replying to @justinboldaji I went to school where some teachers checked our notebooks. Like if we didn't have the notes exactly how they wanted them it would hurt your grade. Doodles were right out. So was understanding things differently. They also controlled what color folder went with what class.


Text - an anthropomorphic guillotine, hungry and waiting @Queen_Antifa Replying to @justinboldaji I knew how negative numbers worked in first grade, and instead of writing 0 when we subtracted a large number from a smaller one, I wrote the correct answer. The teacher marked these as wrong and told me not to get ahead of first grade.


Text - RogerStonePrisonbound! @TamarSmith3 Replying to @Damaia and @justinboldaji In 4th grade read Agatha Christie books under the table. My teacher would punish me for it. I was nine years old and reading adult books! Years later I thought how limited my teacher was for not recognizing what an advanced reader I was and encouraging it.

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Tumblr Thread: A Deep Look At The Incredibles

Man, Tumblr does it again with just the kind of thread that leaves us speechless. As far as Tumblr taking us down rabbit holes goes, this one takes the cake. We get to see a deeply enjoyable analysis on a movie, "The Incredibles", that so many of us love. There's just no school like the old school. 


Text - silverhawk honestly tho that scene in the incredibles where mr. incredible sees the names of all the old super heroes that used to be his friends / that he knew from Back in the Day and how every one of them has been killed by syndrome is such a chilling scene for so many reasons like for one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on the same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc that means that almost every hero wanted to try out being a hero again despite


Text - theladyspanishes I think the core of that scene for me is, when you're insane like me and you go through it frame by frame, you can work out that Gazerbeam defeated the omnidroid twice - the only super we have enough information to confirm did so. I always wondered about his body in the cave, how and why he got the password... But it makes sense. This thing goes haywire, gets an upgrade, and goes haywire again? He must have been hella suspicious! So he does what any good superhero would d


Text - swan2swan Also Gazerbeam probably has X-ray vision-so he not only survived long enough to defeat the Omnidroid, he had the ability to see Syndrome entering the password. animagix101 Holy guacamole! I should pay more attention, I don't think I got any of that stuff! nigga-kun does anyone think about the fact that now mr. incredibles has to live w/ the fact that all his friends getting killed by syndrome could have been avoided if he had just been nicer to syndrome from the beginning


Text - breefolk-hates-staff ^| was thinking that from the beginning reading this and was shocked it went through so many comments before anyone pointed that out. Syndrome waited until his machine was almost ready to go before asking Bob to come to Nomanisan. He also was surprised to find out that he was married to "Elastigirl", which means he likely built his list and went through everyone else before finally deciding it was time to kill Bob.


Text - gay-jesus-probably Also, Syndrome literally didn't find Bob until the start of the movie. He found Frozone and was stalking him. If Lucius hadn't hung out with Bob, then Frozone was going to be the next one lured. There's literally a scene of Mirage realizing that the guy in the car with her target is Mr. Incredible. He wasn't going through the list, he was stalking and finding every former Super he could, luring them to the island, and then killing them, for the sake of improving his rob


Text - and like, let's be real here in the intro Buddy was crossing the line the second he showed up, Mr. Incredible mentioned he'd been very nice to Buddy, via signing a ridiculous amount of autographs and doing pictures and stuff, and that he was not going to risk a childs life as a sidekick (albeit in less words). Buddy literally showed up by breaking into his car, and then stalked him all evening until he was arrested. That's disturbingly obsessive behavior, there's no amount of niceness tha


Text - kiokushitaka reblogging for the last comment because blaming mr incredible for the deaths of his comrades is honestly such a weird take and i dislike how it's framed as "fact" when it's not. it's syndrome's fault and syndrome's fault alone. full stop. he murdered them because he was selfish, entitled, and obsessed with mr incredible to a fanatical degree.


Text - andy-the-anon You know what's really great In the beginning when Mr. Incredible says, "Go home, Buddy. I work alone." He's holding up Bomb Voyage In Syndrome's flashback, he's looking down on him, no bad guy in sight Do with that info what you will


Text - bookish-actor This is such good analysis, but it's also worth mentioning the difference between these two scenes which, supposedly depict the same thing. In the first, Bob is clearly busy, trying to keep his eyes on Bomb Voyage (a fantastic supervillain name!!!), so he is distractedly telling Buddy that he is busy and that he doesn't need help. The lighting is realistic, and although he is CLEARLY fed up with dealing with this obsessive and toxic fan, he keeps an even tone and doesn't sna


Text - In the flashback, it's a different scenario completely!! The lighting is all focused on Bob as if he's under a spotlight and it is only the two of them. Bob's pose here is also ridiculously condescending. He has his hands on his hips like a superhero and is looking down at Buddy with contempt and scorn. In addition, when he turns to leave, he dismissively waves his hand as if saying "Get out of here." It's also interesting to note Buddy's position here. His arms are extended either in wor


Text - It's also amazing to me how much Buddy's suit is a reflection of himself. Everything from the black and white color scheme representing his black and white way of thinking, to the huge S because here only thinks of himself. Bob's suit, however, is blue. In addition to being associated with a calming and rational thought process, I think it's also to represent that he's on the side of the police. He's not here for his own glory, he's essentially working as an extension of the police force


Text - littlewitchlingrowan Also, let's not forget when Bob is catching Bomb Voyage and trying to keep Buddy from yeeting himself towards almost certain death, he's on his way to his own wedding. That makes two things abundantly clear: Bob doesn't have an aversion to working with other people. Remember when he runs into Elastigirl earlier in the day? She reminds him not to "forget", and he promises he won't. They were standing over a thief they ended up accidentally nabbing together, or so we th


Text - than fine with a partner because he married his. The other is that, Bob is trying to protect Helen. She may be more than capable of handling herself, as she flirtatiously reminds Bob on the rooftop just hours before their nuptials. But the one thing that's priceless to the Supers are their secret identities. With Syndrome following Bob begging to partner with him, it puts Helen in danger. A fanatical fan like that can end up possessive, meaning once Syndrome discovers her, could see her a


Text - Which leads me to my next point. Blaming Bob for all his friends getting killed is buying directly into Syndrome's revisionist history of Bob "rejecting" him. Remember, if Syndrome hadn't shown up to Mr. Incredible busting Bomb Voyage, none of the ensuing chaos with the bomb on the rocket boots getting dropped on the train tracks and blowing them up, causing Bob to lose Bomb Voyage, then forced to stop a speeding train, resulting in the passengers getting injured, the attempted suicide be


Text - Hero syndrome This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Learn more The hero syndrome is a phenomenon affecting people who seek heroism or recognition, usually by creating a situation which they can resolve. This can include unlawful acts, such as arson. The phenomenon has been noted to affect civil servants, such as firefighters, nurses, police officers, security guards and politicians.


Text - People with hero syndrome generally cause an accident or disaster with the intention of then coming in to render aid, and become the 'hero'. The reasons for this often vary. The perpetrator may be trying to validate their own self-worth, or be seen as brave by others. In this way, hero syndrome is comparable to Munchausen syndrome. For example, an arsonist may start a house on fire so they can rescue the people inside, in an attempt to garner the respect and gratitude of the victims and a


Text - korben600 A couple of things: - The reason Syndrome found all the other supers first (including Frozone) was because Bob kept getting fired from his jobs, forcing the government to wipe his existence from multiple companies and forcing his family to move each time that happened. He unintentionally saved his family by forcing them to relocate so often. - Two of the biggest differences between the two versions of "go home, Buddy" is the focus, and length. In Mr Incredible's version, "Go Hom


Text - much more important because those were more important to Mr Incredible (since the first two ended the superhero movement, and the last was his wedding). Buddy, on the other hand, only flashes back to "Go home, Buddy". Which is weird because Buddy almost died later that night from a bomb on his cape, and he almost killed dozens of people on a train by dropping a bomb on them, and because of that, he was indirectly responsible for the death of supers. All three of those things should be muc


Text - - Also, on a more sobering note, some have brought up how Incredibles 2 seems a step down from Incredibles 1, and while that's arguable, there's some related bits in there l'd like to mention. You know how there were a slew of superhero's in the movie for when they made superhero-ing legal again?


Text - Notice anything funny about that lineup? Anything at all? Okay, here's a hint then. How many of these heroes were working before heroes got banned? How many of these new heroes are from Mr Incredible's era? Answer: None. Frozone, Elastigirl, and Mr Incredible are the only ones who were active before the ban, or more specifically, were left from those active before the ban. Think about it, Elastigirl was on the news basically continuously, there was a UN declaration on supers, any super le


Cartoon - And it's not like she and Bob were loners who never interacted with anyone, look at their wedding day, it's packed to the gills with capes (and possibly some secret identities too): So...what happened? Syndrome happened. This isn't just some serial killer picking people at random, Syndrome systematically wiped


Text - out an entire community of people, arguably, an entire generation of supers, since Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack seem to be the only kid-supers in existence. That's why Elastigirl is so emotional when she's introduced to these new supers, she thought her people, barring her family and Frozone, were wiped out by Syndrome. And in a way...they were. Nobody's left from her era of superheroics. None of her old friends survived. It's just her, Bob, and Frozone left out of what was once a thriving


Text - one by one until the population is decimated. The members of the community have to intervene themselves to slow/stop this "syndrome" because the government, which was supposed to protect them, is unaware of, or is blatantly ignoring the crisis until it starts hurting the "normal" community. Because of this "syndrome" th just this gap in this community, where an entire generation is just...missing...with the few survivors having to counsel the new, untouched generation, and helping them ac


Photograph - And take a look at that wedding shot again.


Photo caption - Anyone look familiar? If it's to hard to tell, at least four of the people Syndrome killed were at Bob's wedding. Mr Incredible wasn't watching supers getting killed, he was watching his friends getting killed. People he trusted enough to share his secret identity with people he trusted enough to share his wife's secret identity with. Hell, our poor boy Gazerbeam got a front row seat with Edna and their NSA agent that's usually reserved for family only.


Text - And that's bad enough, but something else occurred to me, Bob and Helen clearly haven't been keeping in close contact with their superheroic friends, Bob asks Frozone if he's been keeping in contact with Gazerbeam, implying they haven't talked in a while. Additionally, Bob's life, and the superhero community's life, went tits up basically immediately after his wedding night. So if there was any point for them to stop talking with other supers, it'd be then. So what does that mean? It mean

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Design Fails that were Someone's One Job

If you're a perfectionist, then it might feel like a relief that people out here are doing such unprofessional jobs of just about everything. That, or it just makes you fear for a world that's at the whims of such majestic incompetence. However you feel about it, there are still people installing utility poles in the middle of streets and designing confusing and unusable stuff every day.










Text - T is for turtle

6. Invisible fire door

Brickwork - 消火栓 FIRE HYDRANT 消防检的使用方法 天火器的使用方法


Text - hel


Label - 859-323-6211 (after-hours) 859-257-6730 Triage 859-323-0077 s physician and phone number: NC FAMILIESARENOWHERE Our Lady of Pece RIVENDELL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HOSPITAL Chid Aute Payeh Berietre Acute Peyh Adaleent Aeute Paych Adult Bubutae A Dets Adulecet Stance A treatmd Perl Ноpе (800) 548-2621 (270) 843-1199 (270) 796-3772 fax has a place.


Font - Vhbjrereq Sponzorováno STAR WARS LEGO 3 DAY ONLY FLASH SALE 80% OFF LEGO UAR WARS STAR WARS STTAR WARS LEGO LEGO 10+ Hase 249 Další informace


Text - A 19 of 32 Figure 4 KEELE MAKE SKILLS Figure 5 PowerPoint photo slides These slides are availble within the THINK Power Point templates on the website at BREA K THROUGH in world-leading research


Kettle - max.


Text - you're a MILF (Mother I love forever) MOTHER'S DAY IS ALMOST HERE






Nature reserve - A CANALBANK Class 1,2 & 4 MOT'S SERVICE & REPAIRS 01324 810999 QUINNTECH ANALBANK WORKSHOPS AND OFFICES FOR RENT Details 01324 8102227831 328 8






Street light - FOUNDRY ST URLA






Cartoon - Kira Nguyen Things That Are NOT Aesthetic: Official Group 2.0 12小時, jes de hano 心讚 口留言

22. The product melts itself



Pink - Wibra 111 BAB ்ப Ginl HELLO BIBY HIP HIP HOORAY





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