Sunday, May 24, 2020

Open Secrets In Various Professions

Everybody has to put on some kind of a front for their job, whether it's acting like you have a technical solution or pretending you don't gossip about the customers behind their back. Some industries are way shadier than they seem.


Text - J_C_Wizard49 1.8k points · 12 hours ago Vet worker here. Probably doesn't count as a "secret" but we absolutely do pet your cats and dogs a lot when you bring them in.


Text - HelpICantTalk 1.6k points · 18 hours ago It is not difficult to get super realistic details in CGI. I see people look at stuff like the stitching on shirts and how there's some fuzz on a peach or something like that in animated films. It looks impressive, but those details are super easy to make, just slap on a normal map and a particle system. Of course some details like cobwebs are more complicated but overall the tiny little things are just a texture or particle system. The actual hard


Text - AndyMike9 1.3k points · 16 hours ago "Military grade" literally translates in to "the lowest bidder." A lot of military personal, especially the Marines, use stuff from the Vietnam War, hand-me-downs from the army, etc. The government spends as little as possible on outfitting its troops in 99% of cases


Text - jyt4167 1.1k points · 14 hours ago That most of those "3 people have booked this hotel today" or "4 people are looking at this prodocut right now" pop-ups on travel agency website and ecommerce sites are lies. Totally static and made up.


Text - TheGarp 1.1k points · 18 hours ago There is no cloud, it's just someone else's computer.


Text - Thunder-Matts 9.4k points · 19 hours ago As a freelance ghostwriter, most of my clients are Russian or Middle Eastern men who publish five to ten ghostwritten romance or erotica books a week under female pen names. They spend 10k a month and double or triple that by flooding the market. At one point one client told me he had six of the top ten Regency Romance spots on the paid best seller list.


Text - ITworksGuys 9.1k points · 19 hours ago I am in IT We don't always know WHY the fix worked and we don't care. Sleepycoon 2.5k points - 17 hours ago The number of times I've put "gremlins" under cause of problem and/or "fuck if I know" under solution in a ticket without anyone ever batting an eye is appalling.


Text - Detective_IRL 8.7k points · 19 hours ago The sheer magnitude of criminal cases that detectives have that will pretty much never even get looked at, much less investigated due to a massive lack of staffing.


Text - SpicyHat 7.8k points · 20 hours ago Dummy thermostats are pretty common. It basically works like a placebo where people feel more comfortable when they think they have control over the room temperature. It results in way fewer complaints.


Text - Nardelan 7.6k points · 17 hours ago I worked as a retail a manger in the past. A customer's attitude and approach is about 99% of the reason someone would help them solve a problem. Sale ended yesterday? Your return is past the date? You want a better price on a clearance item? Be a normal kind person and you'll usually get your way. If you start off being shitty or demanding then, "Sorry, I can't help you, it's store policy."


Text - linkin06 5.8k points · 14 hours ago We don't actually know how general anesthesia works at the molecular level. There are theories but nothing concrete.


Text - maleorderbride 5.6k points · 20 hours ago If you see twelve different sellers for an item on Amazon, in all likelihood the total number of sellers is probably three to four, all of whom have multiple names selling the same item at different prices.


Text - AliCracker 5.2k points · 19 hours ago I'm a furniture upholsterer, and the amount of times other 'professionals' just recover the old fabric and filling drives me mental. If you're paying for reupholstery, ask for progress photos. Nobody needs all that nasty old fabric hidden underneath and it's not fair to the client as they don't necessarily know any better (nor should they have to)


Text - Blindsp_t 3.8k points · 19 hours ago We know all the websites you are visiting and all the rounds of Minesweeper you are playing while you are at your desk, but as long as you aren't doing anything illegal we don't care


Text - MrGorgon 3.7k points · 16 hours ago The amount of salt and fat in your food, especially at high quality restaurants. We kept a large hotel pan full of clarified butter behind the line, itd be empty by the end of the night.


Text - Brookany40 2.1k points · 18 hours ago The majority of regular broadcast radio shows are pre-recorded. If a DJ is broadcasting live (usually the morning shows), they still have no control over what music plays, it's all pre-programmed. They'll usually record phone requests and replay them during the voice break before the requested song is scheduled to play anyway, to make it seem like they're playing/taking requests. When the studio is empty, all phone lines are set to "busy", so no one c

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