Saturday, February 6, 2021

Tumblr Unites To Create An Ancient Grilled Cheese

There Tumblr goes again with the random and entirely unforeseen gold. This time, we've got Tumblr users joining forces to craft an ancient grilled cheese. Cool and silly stuff. Check out more totally wacky and funny Tumblr gems over here.


Text - Can't drink the sarcophagus juice, can't eat the tomb cheese, what even is the point of archaeology ABC News O @abcnews World's oldest cheese found in Egyptian tomb – but it may be filled with a deadly disease


Text - ativantaliban-deactivated0988 (Chanting) ancient cheese with a deadly disease ancient cheese with a deadly disease ancient c scithesuperb 2,000-year-old lump of butter found in Irish bog


Adaptation - 2,000-year-old lump of butter found in Irish bog However, despite bog butter being technically edible, researchers advise against eating it. CAN WE STILL EAT THE FUCKING BOG BUTTER? dreamingofbabylon Fellas we've got ourselves 2 outta 3 ingredience for a legendary Grilled Cheese


Text - socialmediapeasant SCIENCE NEWS JULY 16, 2018 / 12:23 PM / 3 MONTHS AGO World's oldest bread found at prehistoric site in Jordan Will Dunham 3 MIN READ WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Charred remains of a flatbread baked about 14,500 years ago in a stone fireplace at a site in northeastern Jordan have given researchers a delectable surprise: people began making bread, a vital staple food, millennia before they developed agriculture.


Text - Grilled cheese!!!! dreamingofbabylon HELL YEA BAYBEE WE DONE IT ! GOD HERSELF GONNA GRILL US A CHEESE


Rock - socialmediapeasant #gimme the worlds oldest skillet #for reasons #worlds oldest tomato soup 56,882 notes Ancient Non-Stick Frying Pan Factory Found in Italy This 52 million-year-old fossil is the world's oldest tomato The 20CC year co pottery featureo a res coat ng that cevented focd from szickirg to :he pan. n, Tr rate ny arissr A ne PUNLI5HED ON On e. 12a5 PV EDT 12WA Tonight we dine like kings

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Tumblr Thread: Dude Cheers World Up With Dragon Head Drawings

Yay, another shining Tumblr gem that managed to put a smile on our faces. Tumblr is filled to the brim with totally random and hilarious nuggets. Sometimes, even some cursed images that are strangely hard to not look at. In this case though, we get to enjoy some nice, bubbly, wholesome art. 


Text - iguanamouth ive been real sad the last bunch of days so i drew some dragons except i didnt want to draw the whole body so theyre just heads. theyre just the heads Source: iguanamouth




Animal figure







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Twitter Thread: Grandpa And Great Uncle's Wholesome Doctor Visit

Ryan Kober's story about a visit to the doc's office with his grandpa and great uncle is just the kind of wholesome throwback we never grow tired of. The quick and hilarious account of what the two old dudes say and do while their hearing aids are being fixed up gave us a good chuckle. Hearing yourself using the bathroom is apparently an exciting thing when you haven't heard it in a while. 


Text - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear I'm bringing my grandpa and great uncle to get their hearing aids checked. *they enter my car* Uncle: See, I can hear you just fine, I don't need to go. Me: I didn't say anything. Uncle: What? Grandpa: Yes, l'm fine, thank you.


Selfie - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear Help


Text - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear *doctor is giving my uncle a hearing test* Grandpa: *LOUD HUMMING* Me: Grandpa stop humming Grandpa: YOU CAN HEAR THAT? >


Text - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear The doctor is out of the room and they are both humming very loudly in unison. I keep laughing and they keep thinking I'm talking to them. <>


Text - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear The doctor took out Grandpa's hearing aids to adjust them in the next room and now he's screaming/singing a broken English version of "It's A Smal World After Al"


Text - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear Now my uncle can hear himself so well he's whispering because he was so used to not hearing his own voice for so many years. >


Text - Ryan Kober @GrizzlyKobear *coming out of the bathroom* Uncle: I can even hear myself pee! I can't believe it! >




T-shirt - LAND Free OF THE HOME OF THE Bra

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Tumblr Thread: What Exactly Han Solo Was Smuggling

With a lot of additions to the Star Wars universe, and the directive that Star Wars should be okay for kids, there was some internal confusion over what "spice" is or does. That is of course until a certain writer had a hilariously direct conversation with George Lucas. People have made some other very humorous and poignant observations on Star Wars, like how Darth Vader is so extra, or this Star Wars fan calling out people's complaints. And for good measure here's a twitter thread on how different Star Wars characters take their coffee.


Text - vanyaliful S novasstillintheair Follow ... prokopetz Follow I know the Star Wars extended universe treats "spice" like it's this big scary drug, but I kind of like to imagine that it's basically just space weed, and the only reason Han got in trouble with the Imperials over Jabba's cargo is that he was evading import tariffs. alexanderrm Follow If we're just looking at mentions in the original trilogy, is there evidence it's even a drug and not something you put on bland food to make it t


Text - prokopetz Follow I am fully prepared to believe that the infamous Han Solo ended up in a life-or-death vendetta with the most notorious crime lord in the galaxy because somebody didn't want to declare taxes on three thousand kilos of cilantro. pagannerd52 Follow Every who pays a certain amount of attention to Star Wars knows this story already, but I was lucky enough to hear it recounted first-hand last year, so l'm gonna give it yet another retelling.


Text - So The Husband and I were at Sci-fi Weekender (a British based annual Sci-fi and Fantasy convention) last year, and one of the guests that year was Kevin J Anderson, one of the very notable Star Wars Expanded Universe writers. During one of the events, a quiet little interview in a cafe on the event site, he fielded a question from an audience member about what it was like to write for a franchise like Star Wars which often had lots of cooks working on one broth, and he had the following


Text - which is where a lot of Spice comes from, these Spice Mines of Kessel, and I got to really describe the effects of this Spice, this terrible drug and the addiction and all this and before publication I get this call, I get this call from the lawyers, and they say "Kevin, you say in this story that Spice is a drug, you can't say that, you can't say that Spice is a drug", and I say "What? What do you mean it's not a drug, of course it's a drug", and they say "Han Solo used to smuggle Spice,


Text - down, and they won't back down, and none of us will back down, and the book is very close to getting pulled, which I don't want because I worked hard on it and they don't want because they already paid me the advance, and eventually, with this great air of superiority they say "OK Kevin, we'll take this to the top. WE’LL TAKE THIS TO GEORGE". And they go to all this trouble, this was a long while ago when such things were not so easy to arrange, they go to all this trouble to set up a con


Text - his new book that Spice is a drug, it's a food additive, tell him it's not a drug, George". And there's this long silence on the other end of the line and eventually George says "It is a drug, though. It's, it's a drug, it's a food-additive? What? Of course it a drug, it's space heroin, what else would it be? What?" And that was then end of that.“ #sw #although i do love the concept of cilantro smuggler han solo 52,693 notes

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Tumblr Thread: Game Warden Who Let Poachers Reel Him Up In Scuba Gear

There's taking your job seriously and then there's laying in wait underwater so you can grab ahold of a an illegal fishing line, get reeled in and scare the crap out of poachers. For some other weird history, here's the very fast story of the first soldier to take way too many military grade amphetamines.


Facial expression - Terry Grosz was a fish and game warden that caught illegal fishers by waiting in the Eel river in a wetsuit and reeled himself in when the fisherman cast out their lines. After writing citations and confiscating their fishing rods, he went back into the river and swam away.


Text - ULTRA ultrafacts Source: [x] Follow Ultrafacts for more facts! theawesomeadventurer okay but this is a power move above any other hoseph-christiansen It gets even better, because he was doing all of this on a pitch black night. This dude swam towards a lure, slapped at it with his glove, and when it got caught; he let himself float and tugged on the line so the fisherman thought he had hooked a 100+ pound salmon. Once he was finally up to the shore, he turned a flashlight on in the guy's


Text - At this point, the guy who had reeled him in had literally fallen over in shock, and the other people with him were scared shitless. The warden whipped some citations out of a plastic bag in his wetsuit, made the trespassers sign them, asked if they had any questions, and then gathered all of their fishing gear. And he just. Walked back into the river. And quietly swam away, without another word. This man is a legend. do-you-have-a-flag warden coming out of his river to shame fishermankin

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History Memes For The Ages

More and more history is being made every day, so naturally people are gonna make history memes about it. Sure, it's probably more helpful to learn about the Spanish Inquisition in an actual book, but history memes are pretty good too. They're like 90 percent as good, probably. Yeah, that sounds right.


Organism - Timetravel How it starts: Let's enlight those peasants with my knowledge How it ends: tmade with mematic


Vertebrate - The entire Roman Senate when someone suggests that Hannibal might cross the Alps with war elephants Same dudes when Hannibal actually does it




Car - Critics delegitimizing Mary Shelley by saying Isaac Asimov was the founder of science fiction Isaac Asimov being a huge fan of Mary Shelley, and using.his fame to-promote her


Clothing - Sigmund Freud if he came back and knew the amount of boyfriends that are now called daddy


Hairstyle - French invent the word "menu" Half of Europe: YES. THAT'S AWESOME


Water - The Roman Empire The Holy Roman Empire


Dress shirt - The french still fighting in the town The british saying how they bravely escaped. from dunkirk


Forehead - When you find out you're related to your friend and 16 million other people who are direct descendants of Genghis Khan: Family just got bigger


Cartoon - The UK encouraging the populace to eat carrots for better night vision to hide the discovery of radar during WW2.




Water - Canadians when British call them to fight a world war: Canadians normally:


Photograph - The Wright Brothers The Wleft Brothers


Facial expression - You barbarians will never Oh yeah? Then why isn't this meme in amount to anything Latin? 0000 oe historymemes


Vertebrate - Medieval wars in movies: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Have at thee, varlet Charge! Medieval wars in reality: We're just gonna sit in here for two years And we'll sit out here for two years. Huzzah! Read the room Jerry.


White - GIF of Swiss expansion over the past 200 years


Clothing - Leonardo da Vinci after inventing the first tank ENCHAN DER T I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet ENCHA DER but your kids are gonna love it.


Furniture - Featherless Biped THIS IS A MAN


Property - Teenagers arriving to the western front in 1916: CAIT 30 l fresk Pa


Bird - Socrates: Do not write things down! The written word will turn your brain to mush! Plato: NOTED


Product - Medieval's Welcome to Medieval's, can I offer you some grain soup, baked grain or maybe some grain water?


Outerwear - 2001 Buy encarta encyclodepia Only for $79.99 OH NO! W Ω И 維 ANYWAY


Forehead - "Christopher Columbus discovered America!" "No, Leif Erikson did!" The early humans that crossed the Bering Strait into the Americas tens of thousands of years ago: Amlajoke to you?


Organism - Modern Artists: Tracing is cheating and should be called out as a pathetic deed! Renaissance artists: Lmao ezpz A.... a. k..k. A han ...


Dog - Belgians Belgians in the Congo

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