Thursday, August 10, 2017

Twitter Is Up In Arms Over This Taylor Swift Courtroom Sketch

Twitter Is Up In Arms Over This Taylor Swift Courtroom Sketch

In case you haven't heard, Taylor Swift is taking legal action against a DJ who she claims groped her in 2013.

Now the first courtroom drawing has surfaced from the legal proceedings and people thing it's utterly hilarious.

Seriously though, it's BAD but it's not THAT bad. 

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15 of the Worst Break-Ups Ever On Social Media

guy leaves a girl for his ex-girlfriend while they're staying at his mothers house - cover image to a list of the worst breakups ever on social media

These break-ups are ice cold. 

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Off Duty Cop Destroys Douchebag For Threatening a Girl In the Middle of a Restaurant and Gives Him a Taste of Justice

Off Duty Cop Destroys Douchebag For Threatening a Girl In the Middle of a Restaurant and Gives Him a Taste of Justice

This douchebag got a heavy dose of what was coming to him after he decided to threaten his date in a packed restaurant. 

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Tagged: FAIL , win , dating

23 Outrageously Dirty Memes For Those With Devious Minds

I do yoga to become more flexible - cover image to a list of dirty memes

Get the blood moving with these memes for those with dirty inclinations. 

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Tagged: sex , dirty , meme list

Woman Epically Trolls a Facebook Scammer and Drives Him Over the Edge

Woman Epically Trolls a Facebook Scammer and Drives Him Over the Edge

There's nothing better than seeing a scammer get led on and trolled into oblivion. There's something that is oh-so-satisfying about watching them slowly realize that they're the one's getting scammed. 

This lady got hit up by a 'Stephen Masumbo' and seized the opportunity to execute an epic troll. 

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Chick Gets Brutal Instant Karma On Snapchat For Cheating

Girl snapchats boyfriend to show that she's cheating but then experiences terrible instant karma.

This chick got what was coming to her, and more than she bargained for, when she cheated on her boyfriend with his brother.

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Tagged: FAIL , cringe , Awkward , STD , cheating

Man's Horrifying NSFW Story Goes Viral and Now People Won't Stop Having Sex With Coconuts

wtf FAIL failbook tifu funny - 3031557

I think there's one moral to the stories you're about to read:

Under NO circumstances should you attempt to fornicate with coconuts or any other fruit. You might THINK you can succeed where the others have failed, but based on these accounts you'll probably end up hurting yourself in some way. 

All these stories stemmed from one guy's TIFU (Today I F**ked UP) post which is the first story on this list. This prompted many others to tell their awful attempts at doing the dirty with coconuts, and it turns out a surprising number of people have tried it. 

At this point we're surprised that the story of 'Adam and Eve' doesn't involve a coconut instead of an apple. 

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Tagged: wtf , FAIL , failbook , tifu , funny

'Relief' Worker

sex FAIL funny - 9063532544

Submitted by: (via MelungeonQueen)

Tagged: sex , FAIL , funny

Smalltown Police Department's Facebook Page Is Trolling Comments Section and It's Gold

Smalltown police department is trolling their Facebook page's comments section, and it's hilarious.

This police department's winning the social media game. 

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24 Morons Who Got Instant Karma For Lying On the Internet

FAILS FAIL failbook facebook social media - 3030789

These people need to quit their bullsh*t.

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The Very Best (and Worst) of Cheaters Being Shamed on Facebook, Tinder, and More

31 People Share the Trashiest Things They've Ever Witnessed In Public

People share the trashiest things they've ever witnessed in public.

These are either really creative storytellers, or humanity is straight up doomed. 

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10 People Share the Most Entitled Things They've Ever Heard

Trump tweet about getting a small loan of a million dollars - list of things entitled people said

These people need to get a reality check.

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