Sunday, January 9, 2022

Employee Refuses Boss' Demands to Work on Holidays and Weekends, Coworkers and Employer Turn Against Him

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is an unimaginably hard position to be in with your employer, especially when your coworkers start to turn against you too. It can feel extremely isolating and you start to wonder if maybe you are the one in the wrong. The gaslighting can be real.

Really, all you can do in these situations is quit.

Misguided Safety Failures That OSHA Would Disapprove Of

Things need to get done, but sometimes we take shortcuts that result in safety failures of OSHA-defying boldness. Walk around any job site for any length of time and there's bound to be cartoonish moments of dudes climbing into running woodchippers, hanging off dangerous ledges with no safety gear, and strapping together ladders into a horrible yet effective "superladder." Sadly, time is money, and that time gets turned into unsafe maneuvers that would make OSHA cringe. It just sucks to have to be the schlub risking their knees, back and fingers for 12 dollars an hour.

Guy Angry His Girlfriend Bought Him Driving Lessons, Can't See Writing On Wall

No one can force you to buy a car, but being a burden on your loved ones isn't something you should do if you can avoid it with a little effort. It's not too hard to read between the lines and see that even if this guy's gf essentially "bought herself a gift," it's definitely something that's important to her. For some more domestic bliss, here's the guy who refused to do dishes so his wife stopped doing chores to make a point.

Giveaways That People Are Pretending To Be Rich

The world already has plenty of genuine rich people that stink up the air with their gross displays of delusional entitlement. The last thing that we need tossed into the mix is a bunch of other people that are possessed by such haunting levels of insecurity that they end up insisting on pretending to be rich. Many of us have just enough awareness to be able to sniff out someone who is clearly putting on a front. Maybe these people's stories about their own experiences with encountering fake rich people will ring some bells. 

Lawyer Pulls Dash Cam Switcheroo On Rigid Insurance Attorney

Anyone in search of drama should highly consider any case of bad faith legal shenanigans. We don't know enough about law to know if people are allowed to do crap like this, but lawyers are experts in absolutely hammering at the rules to suit their needs, so anything could happen. Here are some things people later discovered were illegal.

Humorously Absurd Times People and Things Got Singled Out

It's not fun to be singled out, but sometimes the universe or our own actions make it something that's impossible to avoid. Sometimes a coworker just gets on everyone's nerves and something public must be done. Other times life just decides that your deck should be destroyed by an endangered species. There are absurd times people and things can't avoid being singled out.

Useless Ex-Manager Tries To Get Ex-Employee To Serve Karen Customer

What's worse than being ordered around by an entitled customer? Being told by your old manager that you need to help an entitled customer when you don't even work there anymore. This person played it off cooler than they had to. As a fellow customer, they were well within their own rights to have told this fellow customer that the milk aisle is up her own ass. Here's a time a Karen tried to bully a fellow customer and got mocked.