Wednesday, January 11, 2023

‘My Brain Is Glitching’ : 18 Strange and Unusual Perspectives by Talented Photographers Who Tricked The Internet

Things can get a little unusual on the internet… today, Photoshop is everyone's go-to, and I'm not proud to say that I've used it to alter a few photos back in the day myself (No, I'm not an Instagram model, just a regular internet troll). The more time goes on, the easier that is to do. Camera quality has improved drastically over the last couple of decades, and as of late, you have one of the best lens money can buy (There I go exaggerating) on your cellular phone. Particularly, an iPhone. Those things are known for their great quality, but I'm more of an Android fan myself.

How does that old saying go? One picture is worth a thousand words. Well, truth be told, more like four billion, but who's counting? While scrolling through r/confusingperspective, I happened on some brilliant pics that made me double-take for a sec. Scroll down to see some of the best. And if you're in the mood for more, check out these ones as well. They're sure to make your mind go a little funny.

'Now THIS is a boss!:' Woman Who Has Only Had ‘Narcissistic & Psychotic’ Boomer and Gen-X Bosses Shares Refreshingly Professional Email From Her New Millennial Boss

It's becoming more and more evident that the workplace culture that the Boomers set into effect many moon ago is not working anymore. So far the boomers are holding as tight as they can to it and Gen-X have been enforcing it. However, millennials are a different story. 

Millennials were told they could be whatever they wanted to be, but not told what the options were or how to obtain them. When they started to enter the workforce, they were called lazy, entitled, and many other things. So, millennials have suffered very traumatizing work environments to say the least. However, now millennials are reaching the age where they have been working long enough to make their way up to managing positions themselves. Instead of perpetuating this destructive authoritative "I'm your boss, so you must do whatever I tell you to do without questions and always be my little minion" management style, the are deciding to take a more emotionally intelligent direction.

One woman shares an email her new millennial boss sent her and she was shaking with excitement. This woman has only worked with Boomer and Gen-X bosses before and has some PTSD from their "narcissistic and psychotic" management styles. She had to send an email about something that upset her to her new millennial boss, but was nervous. Still, she sent the email and then waited on bated breath. The email she got in return had her body fill with relief. Her millennial boss not only apologized and took responsibility for the actions that upset her employee, she also applauded her employee for speaking up about the issue right away instead of letting it fester on the inside. The problem was not only solved, but also the employee now feels appreciated and comfortable in her position.  

"This should be the norm. This should be how work communication goes and it's not. And it is so f***ing refreshing to work for a millennial," she says. Read and/or watch to hear the entire refreshingly professional email from her millennial boss below 

'I broke down crying': Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

I love… —lamp? Did a moth write this post? If that were the case, then that would at least explain why she is so insistent that the lamp remain turned on.

At least it's safe to be certain that this boyfriend is not a moth as he, in fact, does not love lamp. In fact, he seems to rather despise it —at least at three in the morning when he's trying to catch some sleep before work. His girlfriend, who was having difficulty sleeping due to sickness, was insistent that her bedside lamp remain on so that she could read to distract herself. Things escalated, and the boyfriend stormed out to sleep on the couch before returning to redouble his efforts to have a bit of darkness so he could sleep.

You just know he was miserably tired at work the next day and complaining to his coworkers about how "Emily wouldn't shut her damn light off again."

Who is in the wrong in this situation? Read the post below and decide for yourself. For more couple's drama, check out this idiot dad-to-be who skipped his pregnant wife's doctor's appointment to have fish 'n' chips with the boys.

New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, employee gives them a piece of their mind and quit

The job interview process can be incredibly arduous and time-consuming; applying for a new role can be like working a second part-time or full-time job. This is made all the worse by how long it takes most organizations to conduct their interview process; it can be multiple weeks, even months before you know whether or not you have gotten a position you have been interviewing for. Of course, you'd like to think that you have some security once you've signed the contract and are awaiting the start of your first day, but games like this add another element of uncertainty to the mix.

This worker was due to start their first day of work at a new job; then, 12 hours before their first shift, they received a message from the employer informing them that they were changing the location of their role.

I'll give you one guess as to which industry this job was in… Of course! It's retail! What other industry would think they could get away with treating new employees like this? This is a classic bait and switch, and some retail operations will even write into your contract that they have the right to move your place of work without notice to another store within a given region.

Keep reading for the screenshots of the message exchange and the reactions. For more, check out this retail organization that instated a mandatory search of every employee at the end of their shift. 

Have you ever had anything like this happen?

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

People pay a lot of money to go to sporting events, and although we're all aware that it's not far from what you experience when in a movie theatre with a bunch of screaming kids (no offense), one can still have basic manners — because, we aren't kids, after all. We're adults. And as adults, we're supposed to communicate. Be the grown-up in the situation and all that. But the problem is, a vast majority of people are rude — and this especially goes at sporting events.

This is why I'm an introvert and prefer watching events from home guys. Because people are rude and inconsiderate, and there's no point in expecting them to behave as you would. For example, this man took to the r/AITA subreddit to complain about a woman who was being passive-aggressive and downright rude to him throughout a sports game he was attending. And fair to say, she really was acting like a child. But so was he… because you can't just knowingly put an enormous bucket on your head and expect the person behind you to shut up about it. They paid to see the game, after all.

So you, dear sir, knew exactly what you were doing. The comment section is pretty controversial, to say the least. Lots of Redditers side with the hypocrite, while others tell him he can't expect others to be nice to him when he's being such a jerk. Scroll down to read all about it. While we're on the topic of being petty, check out this wise neighbor who knew exactly how to exact some good ol' revenge on his building board for enforcing the most ridiculous bylaws.

Enraged Karen and Kevin curse out a 13-year-old at a restaurant

This Karen and Kevin are a match made in heaven. Who would have thought that such entitled, angry humans could find the person they were meant to be with for the rest of their lives? In this story, these two lovebirds found themselves at a busy restaurant and were frustrated that their food hadn't arrived yet. You would think that despite their frustrations, they would behave when a 13-year-old server came out to assure them that their food was almost ready. Well, you thought wrong!


Not only were they rude to the kid, but the encounter resulted in a physical fight as well. The Redditor, one of the cooks in the restaurant, had to step in and break it up. They shared their account of the story via this thread on Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit. Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more Karen encounters, here's a great one involving a mini Karen at an amusement park.