Wednesday, January 11, 2023

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

People pay a lot of money to go to sporting events, and although we're all aware that it's not far from what you experience when in a movie theatre with a bunch of screaming kids (no offense), one can still have basic manners — because, we aren't kids, after all. We're adults. And as adults, we're supposed to communicate. Be the grown-up in the situation and all that. But the problem is, a vast majority of people are rude — and this especially goes at sporting events.

This is why I'm an introvert and prefer watching events from home guys. Because people are rude and inconsiderate, and there's no point in expecting them to behave as you would. For example, this man took to the r/AITA subreddit to complain about a woman who was being passive-aggressive and downright rude to him throughout a sports game he was attending. And fair to say, she really was acting like a child. But so was he… because you can't just knowingly put an enormous bucket on your head and expect the person behind you to shut up about it. They paid to see the game, after all.

So you, dear sir, knew exactly what you were doing. The comment section is pretty controversial, to say the least. Lots of Redditers side with the hypocrite, while others tell him he can't expect others to be nice to him when he's being such a jerk. Scroll down to read all about it. While we're on the topic of being petty, check out this wise neighbor who knew exactly how to exact some good ol' revenge on his building board for enforcing the most ridiculous bylaws.

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