Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Funniest Football Memes Only Steeler Fans Will Understand

Pittsburgh is a drinking city with a sports problem, so of course they have some of the most intense and dedicated football fans. If you're from this city, you don't so much have to be a football fan per se, but you most definitely have to be a Steelers fan. Because if you ain't a Stillers fan, then "you ain't sh*t"—according to Steeler fans. These rowdy football fans are not only so intense that the team doesn't even need cheerleaders to cheer them on, but they also give their team a good name in memes. Sure, if you know football you would probably understand most of these memes too. But these memes are 100% Steelers, baby. Browns fans will cry. Raven fans will roll their eyes. And Patriot fans will probably punch a wall or throw something. But yinz Steeler fans will love these memes, even the ones that hit them where it hurts, because Steelers fans are the best!

Entitled Neighbor Karen Calls Tow Truck When Guy Parks in Front of His Own House

Most of the joy of owning or residing in your own place is that, while you're in that space, the rest of the world can be damned and leave you the hell alone. This is a privilege that is a huge motivator for a lot of folks who seek to enter themselves into immeasurable debt just to have a place that they can call their own. A place away from all the travelers, Karens, and other nuisances that are the entitled people of the world. 

Imagine this user's shock and horror when he was confronted by a Neighbor Karen in front of his own house for parking there. The feeling of having that bubble of peace pierced by her cutting gaze and sharp jewels must have been unsettling. 

Reddit user u/hunting-my-myelin posted this story to Reddit's r/EntitledB*tch subreddit in a thread titled "EB calls the towing service on me for parking in front of MY driveway." Commenters poked fun at the Karen and shared their thoughts in the comments. 

For more, check out this Karen who lost it at a guy who was selling a dining set on Facebook. 

Oh, and 'EB' in posts from this subreddit stands for "Entitled B*tch"

Monster-in-Law Organizes a Religious Ceremony for Grandkids Against the Parents' Wishes

Let's preface this story by acknowledging that we love all grandparents. We love when they try to understand trends, we love when they give weird outdated gifts (one time I got a DVD in 2019), and we love when they try to help. Hopefully, however, it's not too controversial to admit that grandparents can sometimes become an imposition.


This thread was posted on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Ecstatic-Bullfrog291, who shared her story about how her mother-in-law organized a surprise ceremony at a baptist church for her three-month-old twins without clearing it with the twins' parents first. The original poster and her husband haven't set foot in a church in over a decade and have actively sought to keep their children away from religion, yet despite being completely aware of this, the twins' grandmother made plans of her own. Not only did she find a pastor for the ceremony, but she insisted that the parents drive their twins several hours to her community. 


Let's not downplay this. Traveling with three-month-olds is about as excruciating and uncomfortable as watching Johnny Depp's appearance at the VMAs last weekend. So the question is: should this Redditor appease her mother-in-law, or should she put her foot down? We're going with the latter here. How a parent chooses to raise their children when it comes to religion is 100% their choice and no one else's. Compromising now might send the wrong message to the twins' grandmother, who could continue to push and push and push (like when you're leaving a store and don't see the sign that clearly says "pull"). We're also of the mind that the original poster's husband should take the lead on this because, after all, he's the Monster-in-Law's son.


We've seen other instances of family drama. Like this story where a college student excluded her mom from helping her move into her dorm room after years of feeling ostracized by her stepfather.


Keep scrolling for the original post and the best comments!

Dad Demands Participation Ribbon For His "Loser" Son, Gets Exactly What He Asked For

Ask, and you shall receive! Just beware that the Monkey's Paw doesn't curl into a fist and smack you right on your entitled behind.

That's what happened to Greg's dear old dad when he demanded a participation ribbon from Greg's karate instructor. It's an age-old rule that martial arts instructors are not people to be trifled with, but clearly, that's a lesson that Greg's dad never learned. He must have missed out on the cultural masterpiece that was American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt. So, when he grew aggressive with his entitled behavior, the instructor gave him exactly what he asked for.

After all, martial arts instructors have fists of hardened steel that are registered weapons of the FBI. 

In today's world, Greg's mom would be on Twitter trying to get Greg's instructor canceled for being insensitive to the losing kids. The instructor, meanwhile, would have thinly veiled political rhetoric and images of the Punisher logo sprinkled all over his profile. 

I love the idea of a loser ribbon, I feel like if I had received a few of those, I might have been spurred into more motivated adolescence. That, or caved to the increased weight of expectation. Who's to say? Either way, this is a glorious act of martial malicious compliance

Oh, and before people complain about my amalgamation of references to different martial arts genres, arts, styles (or whatever they're called) these things mean nothing to me, and as far as I can tell they're all the same. Except for that one where you pretty much just hug each other in different ways the whole time, that one's kinda weird.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Dad Jokes You'll Never Admit Are Actually Kind of Clever

Ah, dad jokes. You gotta live with 'em and you could probably live without 'em


Whether you're eating at a fancy restaurant or you're at an event with mixed company, if your father is present, there will be at least one dad joke. Probably five or six. It's important to remember that the job of a father includes nurturing, love, support, etc. All of that is true. But we cannot forget that the primary responsibility of a father is to embarrass you and to do it loudly with unapologetic confidence. We must also not forget that the secondary responsibility of a good dad is to laugh the most at his own joke. You're not fathering correctly if you're not cracking yourself up while your partner and children cringe.  The more we embrace these responsibilities, the more we embrace the artistry of the Dad Joke. 


For more classic Dad behavior, check out these parenting tweets, and for now, keep scrolling below for the Dad Jokes of the century.

10 Top Trending Tinder Moments of the Week

Welcome to this week's top Tinder moments a collection of the "hottest" things this week in online dating. This week's collection features some short kings, cunning linguists, and one individual who doesn't like capital letters. 

A whole lotta conversations and text posts this week, so get your eyes ready for some good old fashioned reading. It's only a matter of time before we forget the art altogether as we'll soon be getting our daily dose of ads and entertainment via an algorithm that connects to our brain chips and reads our thoughts in order to give us our most compatible content. 

I can hardly wait, but until that day here's another tried and true listicle of some bizarre strangers on the internet. 


Impatient Parker Honks at Spot-Leaver, Takes as Long as Possible to Leave

Busy parking lots can be a stress-inducing nightmare, especially when you have somewhere you desperately need to be. Not to mention there can be tens of other drivers seeking to find that same unicorn parking space that you are. Cruising around the parking lot or nearby streets until you see someone walking to their car can sometimes be the only way to ensure that you aren't going to spend an undeterminable length of time driving around the lot in circles like it's NASCAR.

The appropriate way to hail one of these crucially departing persons is to give them a friendly wave. If you're not feeling shy, you can even roll down your window and ask them if they're about to leave. 

What you shouldn't do in this situation is antisocially start laying on your horn the moment they get in their car and start getting themselves prepped for departure. If you do this, I guarantee you will be waiting even longer than you would have initially.

Alas, this is the approach that a spot-seeker took when trying to take Reddit user u/jlb183's spot. They ensured they took as long as possible to leave in a fantastic act of petty revenge. They posted their story to the popular Reddit sub of the same name, receiving a warm reception from readers. 


"Honk at me? Ok, fool, we dying here, how about that?" -docscifi808

"'I live here now.' 😂" - Catinthemirror

"Right? I'm sitting here and ordering a pizza for delivery now." -carrotkatie

"And the ones that honk are the ones who won't park in the open slot that's three spaces further away, or won't pull to one side while they wait so others can get through." -Fedupintx

"I think you met the guy." -jlb183


For more petty revenge check out this apprentice who recalibrated his cheap boss's thermostat. 

Woman Invites Herself to Her Boyfriend's Family Vacation and Doesn't Understand the Problem

You have to hand it to this lady. She has audacity! 


This 18-year-old had started doing long distance with her boyfriend and after three months apart, she learned that he and his family were vacationing at an amusement park a few hours away to celebrate his sister's birthday. Rather than see if her boyfriend could extend his visit for some one-on-one time, she decided to invite herself on the trip and insert herself into a vacation where she was clearly not wanted. This thread was posted on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/ultimate_yikesss.


Her boyfriend sent several signals that she shouldn't come, which she acknowledged and actively ignored. She also expressed frustration that the sister's girlfriend was invited and she wasn't. Perhaps that's because the event was, I don't know, the sister's birthday?! This, of course, didn't seem to cross the Redditor's mind.


She admitted in her post to having taken out some of her anger on her boyfriend and although they have since made up and his parents have given the two of them some more time to spend together, the tension remains. We think that tension will continue to remain until this couple breaks up like they clearly need to.


The Redditor's boyfriend and his family were not out of line to structure their vacation around the sister's birthday. It certainly was not his parents' obligation to prioritize this unstable relationship. 


We've seen other stories about couples on the rocks. This relationship fell apart after the boyfriend used approximately $800 worth of his significant other's skincare products.


Keep scrolling for u/ultimate_yikesss's original post and for the best reactions!

Red Flag Alert! Job Applicant Asked To Send Photo of Herself for Receptionist Position

People talk about red flags in relationships all the time, but not enough people are talking about red flags in the job application process. This woman was asked to send a photo of herself in order to qualify for an interview to work behind the front desk at a gym. She shared her story via this thread on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, where Redditors were quick to call out just how grimy this request was.


If the goal here is to hire someone with a certain "look" that fits the mold of what the gym is promoting, that burden should not be placed on the person working at the front desk. They're not hiring a personal trainer, they're not hiring a model, they're hiring someone who has the skills and experience to be a receptionist. It's not a job that should have anything to do with superficial optics; it's a job that requires organization and management skills. Pure and simple.


What's astonishing is how obvious this employer is about what they're looking for. You'd think someone so shady would be better at covering up their shadiness. But nope! That email response was about as unprofessional as looking for other jobs on Linkedin while in the office. Who does that? Not me! Never!


This isn't the first time we've come across stories of job applicants standing up for themselves in the interview process. This applicant was uncomfortable with sending strange video recordings in the place of a first-round interview. 


Keep scrolling for the original post and for other Redditors' impassioned reactions! The original poster later included an update from the employer, which you can find below as well! 

'You might go to jail if you don't work overtime': Employer and Labour Board threaten charges and arrest if employees refuse 12-Hour overtime shifts

With the backing of the local Labour Board this employer has allegedly issued this cease and desist to their staff, threatening scaffolders with charges and imprisonment if they refuse to stay after their 10-hour shift for "voluntary" overtime. 

The cease and desist claims the company has received a determination from the Alberta Labour Relations Board that declares workers "Have engaged in a strike or job action by coordinated refusal to work overtime." A matching determination listed on the Alberta Labour Relations Board site gives credibility to these allegations.

Reddit user u/Revolutionary-Job361, who posted photos of the cease and desist, claims that their Father works at a "giant oil mine" in Alberta, Canada. The mine has reportedly been struggling to attract workers and has resorted to providing incentives for workers taking on extra shifts. This extends to most working groups but not to the scaffolders. As a resort, the user writes, the scaffolders have defaulted back to their contracted hours, refusing to work the "voluntary" overtime that the employer was offering.

"So they started only working the hours required under the contract. 40 hours a week. Everyone else is working 12-hour days 6 days a week. The company just sent a cease and desist letter for an 'illegal work action' threatening jobs, future employment, and even court MANDATED overtime with jail as a consequence for not working."

As the thread continued to blow up, commenters began asking where the determination was. "I can't help but notice the Labor Relations Board's order is not attached," commented one user who was doubting whether or not the determination even existed. The poster of the thread began responding to these comments with a link to the determination.

Section 4 of the Findings on the decision issued by the Alberta Labour Relations Board reads as follows.

"The Board finds the anonymous letter, and the Employees' concerted refusal to accept overtime shifts for the purpose of compelling the Employer to agree to terms and conditions of employment, constitutes an illegal threat of an illegal strike pursuant to section 71, and the Board declares that these Employees have threatened an illegal strike contrary to that provision."

These tactics are attempts by the employer to strong arm employees into partaking in this "voluntary required" overtime. It is nothing but bullying and scare tactics to force the employees into breaching their employment agreements. 

Responders were quick to point out and react to the sheer insanity of the cease and desist.

"They even put "voluntary" in f-ing quotation marks!" remarked Reddit user Ar-phis.

"'Beatings will continue until morale has improved,'" quipped user thehammer-24.


Fail Blog's 30 Most Memes of the Week

These memes certainly were some of the memes. In fact, they remain some of the memes that we have ever seen. That's why they're making it this week into our memes of the week… because they certainly were memes that existed during the week. 

A day late and a dollar short this week but here's this week's collection of memes that we've posted to Facebook. One might even say that they were "Top" memes if they were so inclined. 

Here are some comments from the last post:

"Watching breaking bad, what is the blue stuff they keep talking about." -NotAPilot

TheHardSmoot also pointed out that, in addition to mentioned 4-year-old male personality traits from item #30 last week, young boys also love trains. That indeed they do. 

'Tesla self-driving software is the worst I've ever seen': Autopilot Tesla's are Absolutely Demolishing Child-Sized Mannequins


Monday, August 29, 2022

10 Infuriatingly Entitled 'Choosing Beggars' Who Demanded Everything For Nothing

It must be nice not to have to work for anything. How else could these entitled individuals have learned their nightmarish behavior? 

Every day it feels like there is a greater and greater number of people who think that they can shirk the rules of society and get everything they want for nothing. 

Thankfully we have online communities like Reddit's r/ChoosingBeggars and the numerous other social accounts that have been inspired to put these entitled people on blast. It's one of the few actions of recourse that we have against such behavior. In these posts, we can laugh at the absurdity and cry at the reality that is these people's existence. 

Read on and feast on this extravaganza of entitled absurdity. For more, check here after reading.  

The Best Tweets About Dating and Relationships This Month (August 2022)

Regardless of whether or not you're single or whether or not you've been in a relationship for too many years, the ways in which we relate (or don't relate) to our dates and significant others are certainly fodder for great comedy. 


We can all identify with trying to decipher someone else's sense of humor or trying to understand their interests (Dune just doesn't do it for me, sorry!). We can all identify with having a very different sleep cycle from our bedfellows (just be sure to give me a kiss goodbye when you leave and let me sleep for five more hours!). And of course, we can all identify with cultural or generational differences (try dating someone in their 30s while being your 20s and then try dating someone in their 20s when you inevitably reach 30).


No matter what your dating and relationship qualms are, we hope these tweets will provide some laughs and comfort.


For more dating fails, check out these top Hinge comments of the month and keep scrolling below for these memorable tweets!

'My BFFs don't approve of him': woman's friends don't like her new boyfriend because of his job

There are several important life lessons to keep in mind: always tip your servers well, look both ways before crossing the street, and remember that not everyone is going to love your significant other. The lattermost rule is easy to forget but crucial to remember.


This Redditor learned this universal truth the hard way. Her thread on Reddit's r/datingoverthirty subreddit depicts how she began dating a great guy who is considerably different from her toxic ex-boyfriend. Her ex was attractive and successful, but turned out to be "controlling and cocky." Somehow, the Redditor's friends Alyssa and Kelly seem to prefer the a$$hole to the new guy, perhaps because the new guy works as an electrician. As they all have more encounters together, the Redditor's boyfriend is starting to notice that her friends are not his biggest fan.


As the comments on Reddit will indicate, it's quite clear that if there's anyone the Redditor needs to break up with, it's Alyssa and Kelly. They sound like the most toxic friends since those featured on Lena Dunham's Girls.


If your own so-called friends don't like to see you happy, then it's time to cut them off just like it's time to end your 7-day free trial to Sling TV (which you only got because you don't have cable, but I digress…) Provided that no one is getting hurt, it's important to be confident and happy in your own relationship regardless of what shallow snobs like Alyssa and Kelly think.


We've seen other instances of friends behaving badly. This bride kicked her oldest friend out of her wedding party because her friend didn't enjoy partying the way she did. Yikes!


Keep scrolling for the original post and the best reactions!

'My review comes up a lot in their interview process': Worker's Glassdoor review creates trouble for previous employer

This employee has learned that a Glassdoor review they wrote when they quit their job has given their past-employer grief with hiring. The employee writes that they left their position after experiencing unprofessional treatment from their manager, which they felt necessitated the review being written.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit this week by user u/DenniseDenephew, who shared their experiences with the popular sub. They posted their topic with the title "Left my old place due to bad management - My Glassdoor review comes up a lot in their interview process."

Platforms like Glassdoor offer employees one of the few avenues that they have to respond to their experience working for an employer and offer feedback. This, in turn, provides applicants unprecedented insight into what treatment they might receive working for that employer. After all, all too often, the wolf wears sheep's clothing. However, these reviews need to be taken with a grain of salt; there will always be one or two people in any group who are outliers with unique experiences. But, when the bad reviews start to rack up and are all singing a similar tune, it can be a good indicator of what your experience might be like. It's not cut and dry but can be a red flag. 

So, it's no surprise that u/DenniseDenephew sharing their experience might have caused a few waves at their old place of work, and if what they said rang true with job seekers, it might have cost them a few applicants.

In a world where references from previous workplaces can make or break your successful application, employers unquestionably hold a lot of power. Platforms like Glassdoor provide something to even the scales.

What do you think? Have you ever used one of these platforms?

'Do I just find someone to bring for the show of it or stay strong?': Single lady debates what to do about her plus one invite

Who in this day and age hasn't been single and dreading an upcoming wedding they have to attend? Not only is the universe set up for single people to be repeatedly shamed (how many times must one check that box on a form?), but single people also have to deal with the politics of the "plus one" invite.


These Redditors have weighed in on the conversation in a thread posted to Reddit's r/datingoverthirty subreddit by u/XrayKiloLima, who expressed her frustration at receiving yet another one of these invitations. She clarified that working in a male-dominated environment for much of her life hasn't helped her in relationships, and every time she attends an event, she is asked if she brought someone else along with her. Those recurring questions are certainly tough, but some Redditors feel that not receiving a "plus one" invite at all could be even more insulting. That being said, other folks expressed that the original poster should in no way feel pressured to bring someone along just for the show of it. If she genuinely has someone in mind that she'd like to be there, great! But if not, it will only make the situation more awkward, not to mention the people getting married will have to pay for a total stranger's food and drinks. 


We feel that the Redditor can be more unapologetic in her single status. There are advantages to being single at a wedding too! Not only could you meet someone, but also if you make it seem like your non-existent plus one was supposed to attend, you can get two free dinners! 


We've seen other instances of wedding drama in recent weeks. For example, this bride angered her father when she wanted her stepdad to walk her down the aisle.


Keep scrolling for u/XrayKiloLima's post in her own words and for some of the feedback she received!

Manager Demands Their Inferior Process is Followed, Predictable Outcome Ensues

There is something about being a manager that makes you think you know better than the actual people doing the work. Maybe it's in the way that even a tiny semblance of power links neurons in their brain that causes them to overestimate their knowledge and abilities. This dreadful disorder of "manager-ism" afflicts many a manager you might have encountered.

This is how it was for Reddit user u/AdElectrical5354 in a story they shared with Reddit's popular r/maliciouscompliance subreddit. Their manager insisted that they follow the written process to the letter, even though the frontline grunts doing that work knew better and had adapted their own optimizations. This, predictably, led to a decrease in productivity and missed delivery schedules. 

The original poster writes that this manager wasn't all that bad, just inexperienced, and learned from their mistakes, even reaching the point where the two would become close over time.

Managers: never assume that you know more than your producers! Especially when stepping into a new role or new organization. 

"At least he appeared to have learned his lesson!" responded user NoHospitalInNilbog in the comments. 

"Showing a capacity to learn and improve from the experience is a sign they may actually be one of the good ones." voiced user yParticle in reply. 

"Lol, when what you learned implodes because [of] real life. [A] classic example," commented Smoke_Water, sharing their own experience. "I remember training people for fueling aircraft. The training videos were all one way, but the actual work was completely different. Every time I would train the new guy, I would say, everything you just learned. Forget about it. Then we would show him the right way."


Sunday, August 28, 2022

'I won't be pursuing this position': This candidate refused to make impersonal video recordings for his interview

In this day and age, interviews are a two-way street. As much as the candidate should put their best foot forward, so should the company. And if a company elects not to demonstrate just how its work culture is a robust and healthy one, the candidate is absolutely justified in concluding that the work culture is neither robust nor healthy.


This prospective candidate turned down a job opportunity because the company wouldn't take the time to schedule a real interview; instead, they required the candidate to take strange impersonal video recordings. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/AlistairBennet. Based on the reactions in the comments, this seems to be a recurring trend for first-round interviews and candidates are not happy. 


Instead of going forward with the interview process, the Redditor opted to write a formal email explaining with authoritative clarity exactly why this process has been dehumanizing. The implications behind these video recordings are what's most upsetting here. Candidates should feel lucky to be considered and should feel the need to impress their potential employers, but companies should also feel lucky to consider qualified candidates and should do everything in their power to make them feel welcome in the interview process. On top of that, at the end of the day, an interview should be an interaction between people, not an interaction with yourself.


We've seen other bizarre interview processes, such as this instance when a restoration apprentice quit on Day 2 of the job because his interview created a wildly false impression of the position.


Keep scrolling for the original post and for the best reactions on Reddit! 

Update: Entitled Parents Play Favorites Older Brother, Dejected Younger Finds Out Why

This is one of those threads where all you can do is think to yourself, "Oof. That's rough, buddy." as you read. Some people had the absolute misfortune of being born into twisted families where the parents were either entirely selfish or just wanted nothing to do with their child. 

This Redditor had initially posted about six months ago to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit to see if he was wrong for having an issue with the fact that his parents had bought his older brother a car but not him. The problem arose unexpectedly, his parents had bought his brother a car for the brother's 18th birthday and so the original poster (OP) of this thread had expected the same. When his 18th birthday came and went, without the fanfare or car his brother's birthday had brought, the OP was hurt and confused and sparked a debate involving his extended family.

Normally this is the type of story where we would immediately be jumping into talking about how entitled the child is, but that is not the case in this unique scenario. These entitled parents really just favor the OP's brother and want his brother, their firstborn son, to be more successful. They're even willing to convince themselves that this is the truth when it's not true at all.

Fortunately, the OP has grandparents who genuinely care about him and are willing to support him in a fight for fairness from his terrible parents. As he explains in an update thread that was just posted, it turns out that his parents did not want him from birth. His parents had wished for both a son and a daughter and so had become delusional and convinced themselves before he was born that he was going to be a girl. When he turned out to be just another boy they were shocked and it planted the seeds of resentment.

The original thread and reactions are featured in items 1-11 of this list, with the updated thread being items 12-25 and items 26-29 from another subreddit where this story was reposted. 

Entitled Cafe Owner Tangles With POS Vendor and Loses, Lives to Regret Their Choice of Words

When you're largely dependent on a specific 'something' to keep your business running smoothly, it's never a good idea to upset the people running that thingor treat them poorly. Unfortunately, entitled business owners have yet to learn that they shouldn't mess with these people, or their business could go under. On the other hand, it's fortunate for us because it makes for some great stories.

This particular story was just posted to Reddit's r/maliciouscompliance subreddit by user u/nobjangler who told the brilliant tale of their malicious compliance.

Commenters expressed their delight at the story in the comments.

"I worked nearly 20 years for a POS vendor and this brings a tear of joy to my eye." replied user gruppa.

"I love telling this to new hires when I explain that I have their back and the customer is not always right." replied the original poster.

"At this point, they're not the customer anymore, anyways. So they're definitely wrong." remarked user SysErr.


Scroll on to see screenshots of the thread below and check here for some more malicious compliance.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

'Stop calling it quiet-quitting': Woman defines 'work-to-rule' and rallies workers to use this form of protest

Since the dawn of capitalism there has been a war going on between corporate elites and the working class. Yes, there are periods of peace occasionally. But workers cannot get distracted—because the second you do, the wealthy will take that as a chance to get wealthier. 


Many people on social media apps across the board use the sites to connect with other people struggling in their toxic workplace. In many ways, it's become a new place to rally the masses and start a workforce revolution. I'm not saying that this video is doing that or will do that, but it is an example of spreading knowledge to help the working class. 


Recently, a term has been popping up in many videos called "quiet-quitting," which has been defined as basically the same thing as "malicious compliance." It is when you do what you were hire to do and nothing more. However, a TikToker recently went viral for calling out the new term for 1; already existing as a form of protest called "work-to-rule," and 2; for being a detrimental term in helping the working class.  


"For the love of God, Comrade. Stop calling it 'quiet-quitting'—it has been and always has been 'work-to-rule.' A form of protest in which employees do exactly what is stated in the contract and nothing more in order to slow down production. It has always been a thing. Do not let the f****ing elites talk you into thinking that this is bad. You're not quitting your job, you're not doing anything wrong. You are doing exactly what they hired you to do and they're pissed because you're taking back your power. Don't f***ing call it 'quiet-quitting!' It's not. You are working-to-rule."


The TikToker and the viewers all agree that this term is bad for the fight in worker rights and portrays the form of protest as something like "quitting," when in fact it is there to help set healthy workplace boundaries and get paid what you're worth. Some people are even calling it "working your wage."

Dating Advice: Woman Asks Reddit Why Literally Every Man She Matches With Only Talks About Himself

A good date takes a genuine interest in the other person's life. For this woman, that means most men are not good dates.


This thread was posted on Reddit's r/datingoverthirty subreddit by u/Capable_Okra, who expressed having a "conversational issue" on the apps. What happens is after an introductory exchange, the men she chats with tend to only answer her questions about their lives without returning any questions about her interests, career, friends, etc. As Liz Lemon on 30 Rock would say, "that's a dealbreaker, ladies."


If he doesn't take an interest in who you are on Hinge or Tinder, he is unlikely to take that same interest in person. If he's unable to recognize your social cues when you try to sneak in information about yourself, then he has no interest in dating you, but rather he has an interest in dating somebody (or some body). Most of the discourse online seems to be in agreement that this is unfortunately a common symptom of being a single "available" male in a metropolitan city. Let's put "available" in quotation marks as the emotional availability here is clearly up for debate.


It's important to acknowledge that self-involved behavior can be corrected, but let's be real. That takes a lot of work for the other person. It's better to just swipe left, raise those standards, and stop blaming yourself for the fact that some people have zero self-awareness.


We've seen other instances of dating fails online. Check out these top Tinder moments of the week for more!


Keep scrolling for the original post and the dating advice that u/Capable_Okra received!

'Corporations quiet quit long before employees did': this hot take on quiet quitting asks companies to look in the mirror

Quiet quitting is really about setting boundaries and corporations are going to have to accept that to a certain extent.

Viral Thread: Hilarious 'Service Desk' Job Description Doesn’t Sugar-coat the Reality of the Job’s Duties

Once in a while, something pops up online that is entirely unorthodox and a bit out of left field. This "avant-garde" take on a job description is exactly that. A little zany and unacceptable, it has defied our expectations of the performative qualities that a job description normally offers. You'd usually expect a job description to tediously lay out all of the things you might expect from a role but in a crap-coated manner of corporate speak that seeks to make light of all the terrible aspects.

Without fail, if a job offer requests that workers work well in a "fast-paced environment" then you know that you are going to be working in a team that is eternally understaffed and in conditions of chronic stress. If a job offers an "exciting" environment you know that you're going to be working in one of hundreds of grey-cloth square cubicles doing the same thing every day for 40 hours a week with no hope of growth or career progression. Similarly, if a job describes a break room with a "kegerator and a ping pong table" you know that you're going to be expected to work 60-hour weeks cold-calling sales leads for a startup that was founded on a half-baked idea. I could go on.

Digressing back to the topic at hand, this service desk job description cut through all of that crap and, with a droll manner, provided an exact description of what a candidate should expect from this role. There's no sugar coating here, what you see is what you get. As multiple commenters have pointed out, none of this should be an excuse for paying below a living wage, but at least this employer has got part of it figured out. 

These screenshots were posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by Reddit user u/8BitSmits in a thread titled "Well at least they're honest…" In the short time since posting the thread has earned 11k upvotes and we expect to see that number continue to climb.

The most comment in the entire thread, in my opinion, was this one. 

"This is a perfectly reasonable, well-written, and honest job description that combined a little humor with a fairly candid assessment of the role. I like that," remarked SlothBasedRemedies. "But the pay is about half what it should be. You can't joke your way out of paying a living wage."

Wife Can't Stand That Her Husband Puts Ketchup on His Pasta

Everyone has that weird thing they would eat in their household as a child, but usually, you grow up to realize that what you were eating was really not normal. That's when you embarrassingly retire that delicacy so as to not draw attention to your bizarre food preferences. Unless you're this woman's husband, who will seemingly never stop putting ketchup on his pasta instead of, say, marinara sauce.


His wife unloaded her feelings on Reddit's r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit under the name u/nicorn_. Her thread sparked a ton of discourse from folks who apparently also do the same unforgivable act to their pasta to people who perhaps jokingly (or not jokingly) encouraged this woman to cut and run from her marriage. For the record, the original poster has weighed in to clarify that she's not planning on filing divorce papers much to chagrin of the online trolls. She did, however, acknowledge that she is not a fan of how their kids have seemingly started to put ketchup on their pasta too. Horrifying! We're of the impression that she needs to get rid of all access to ketchup in their household or put some marinara sauce in the Ketchup bottle as a trick if she really wants to keep this infectious disease from spreading. Otherwise one day, some force within this woman will compel her to squirt some Heinz on her own linguini too!


Now, it's also worth acknowledging that plenty of couples have done more damage to one another. For example, this guy rated his girlfriend's cooking in front of her entire family. 


Keep scrolling for u/nicorn_'s story in her own words and for the funniest comments!

Cheap Boss Insists on Low Thermostat Setting, Cheeky Apprentice Recalibrates It

We've all worked for or lived with this person in the past. That person who would rather suffer frostbite than pay one red cent for one of the most basic comforts that modern society offers. These people insist that the thermostat be set low or the heat be turned off and everyone else be damned. You're going to live and/or work in an icebox and you're going to like it. 

Well, this apprentice had a bright idea and decided that if they couldn't change their cheap boss's mind then they would warp his reality instead. The boss HAD to see 62F on the thermostat, so the apprentice just recalibrated it so what the thermostat thought was 62F was actually about 10 degrees warmer. Genius.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by Reddit user u/Santasotherbrother, who shared their story to the popular sub.

Readers enjoyed this short-and-sweet tale of revenge and shared some experiences and stories of their own in the comments.

"BRRR! I feel your pain, in my office, the temp is set to 72," replied sheilacmd "It is nowhere near it. I wear a hoodie all day at my desk. I took a thermometer in one day and the temp in my office did not go above 64, But the owners insist everything is working as it should."


'I don't even really like pancakes that much': Man Forced to Spend 24 Hours in a Diner and Eat as Many Pancakes as Possible

Losing is never a good feeling, in virtually any context. It's rough to admit loss even in the most lowkey situations, but it's something we all have to do unless you want to be that a$$hole who can never accept defeat. Nope, we do not recommend it, nobody likes that guy. Sometimes that's just the end of it, accepting defeat, and that's a pretty manageable task. Other times, however, we also made some kind of a bet, and now we're due a punishment. These kinds of situations are much rougher, especially if you were positive you weren't going to lose.


Today we introduce you to one Chicagoan who didn't exactly lose a bet. His fantasy football team came in last place and his punishment involves sitting in a pancake house for 24 hours and eating as many pancakes as possible to lessen the time frame. We'll let him explain his situation to you himself.

Friday, August 26, 2022

'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

This employee was accused of claiming hours they had not worked, with the employer demanding repayment of the supposed wages under the threat of lawsuit. The employee, Reddit user u/disappoint-mint, turned to this popular Reddit subreddit in order to seek advice and share their story.

They posted their story to the popular Reddit subreddit r/antiwork in a thread titled "I was fired am being told I need to repay $1,100." This 

Best Food Memes For Hungry People Who Can't Cook

Some people are great at cooking and some people are great at eating. If you fall in the latter category, then these food memes, which were posted on @middleclassfancy's Instagram account, are for you.


You might be the type of person who salivates over a well-curated charcuterie board. Or you might be the type of person who has been trying really hard to do more with your meal prep than ordering on Grubhub and purchasing Trader Joe's frozen meals. Or you might be the type of person whose idea of adventurous cooking was tossing in a few too many garlic cloves in your eggs because you genuinely thought it was a good idea. You might even be all of those people at once. Don't worry. We all contain multitudes. And fear not: all relationships with food are valid and welcome in this safe space. 


We've seen other stories lately about controversial food opinions and cooking fails. These folks, for instance, should literally never be allowed to set foot in a kitchen again.


Keep scrolling below for these @middleclassfancy memes!

Daughter Excludes Mom From College Move In After Years of Being Ostracized by Her Stepdad

Moving into your college dorm is a momentous occasion that many 18-year-olds share with their parents, but sometimes family drama can get in the way of that special day.


That's what happened to u/throw-away7289, who opened up about her own dysfunctional family in a thread on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit. After her Mom got remarried to Ryan, it became clear that Ryan's side of the family had no interest in including the Redditor in family activities. It started in a more subtle way. They would ask her to take certain family photos rather than be in them. They would organize outings around when she had to be home. When her Mom and Ryan had two children together, matters were made worse when Ryan gave his wife a locket with a picture of the Redditor's siblings, once again excluding her. Ryan said that the locket meant his wife "could always have her two children close to his heart." The Redditor's mom didn't even acknowledge her presence.


This was the breaking point for u/throw-away7289. After finishing high school early and starting community college, she began to distance herself more and more from her family. She slowly started moving her items out of her mother's house and stayed with her father before moving into her college dorm room. By the time she finished moving in, the Redditor's mother expressed her frustration that she wasn't invited to participate in the move-in process.


Our hot take here is that if the mom really had been paying attention to her daughter, she would have seen the signs and noticed that her daughter was being ostracized from her own family. While we don't think that this relationship is completely unsalvageable, it will take a ton of work on the mother's part to repair her relationship with her daughter. Telling her daughter that that she felt hurt without admitting any wrongdoing of her own is a poor start.


We've seen other instances of mother-daughter drama. Like this story, where a husband kicked his wife out of their house after she relentlessly bullied their pregnant daughter.


Keep scrolling for u/throw-away7289's full story and for these impassioned reactions!

50 Fresh and Funny Tweets to Lighten The Mood

This extensive collection of fresh and funny tweets is sure to brighten your day and take a bit of weight off the ol' shoulders. So settle down and enjoy an epic Friday as you roll into the weekend. 

This collection was originally assembled by Imgur user TwitterLitter, who frequently shares massive amounts of screenshotted tweets to the image hosting site in what users refer to as "dumps."

Browse on and enjoy this lengthy collection. If you still need another dose head here next.

'I am his mother, and I get to decide what people call him': Karen sets up meeting with principal because she doesn't like her son's nickname at school

Players are gonna play, haters are gonna hate, and Karens are gonna Karen. This thread was posted on Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/SnixPlaysAlot


This Mom was so determined to make sure her 7-year-old son would never be called Andy, but rather the original Andrew, that she set up numerous school meetings to correct the matter. Apparently, she was worried about this from day one, and the minute she learned some kids at school were calling him Andy, she made it her mission to put an end to this. Of course, she learned from her son's teachers that he actually likes being called Andy and even introduces himself as Andy to his peers.


You might think at that point, Andy's Mom would stop and take a moment to reflect and embrace what her own child wanted to be called, but NOPE! As we said, Karens are gonna Karen, and the last thing this Mom was going to do was admit defeat. Now, she is insisting on meeting with the school principal because the teacher refuses to make everyone call him Andrew against his wishes (hats off to the teacher for standing her ground!).Andy's Mom even admitted that her husband "feels like [she's] overreacting," but then goes on to say "if we don't get this under control now, he will be 'Andy' for the rest of his life!" What a tragedy!


This was certainly not the first Karen to come to our attention. This one threw a fit after getting kicked out of a bar for giving her underaged daughter a drink.


Keep scrolling for the original post and for the best comments on Reddit!

Vegetarian Presenter Forces All Attendees to Eat Vegetarian, Wondering if They’re Wrong

This Redditor posted to Reddit's "Am I the A-Hole" community this week to see if they were wrong for imposing their vegetarian diet on attendees of their presentations. The thread, posted by u/ForcedVegetarian was posted to the popular subreddit with the title "AITA for forcing a vegetarian meal even though we're not eating?"

Interestingly, this poster comments that their primary motivation for being a vegetarian (and forcing this diet upon others) is due to the pollution the meat industry generates. Yet, their profession is essentially just traveling around the place to talk at people. It's no secret that travel contributes a massive percentage of global annual CO2 emissions, with flight alone contributing 2.4%. Not to mention it's not good at all when all that bad stuff is getting pumped directly into the upper atmosphere. 

If they had said, "Yeah, I'm just not really cool with the idea of breeding masses of animals that sit in cages their entire lives just to be pumped full of corn and slaughtered." Then we might be discussing a different outcome here, but if their core reasoning for their preference and actions is pollution, then they are completely blind to the irony of their own existence. We're talking some serious hypocrisy here. 

As Redditor NesssMonster put it… "Be careful, it's a long fall from that high horse." 

What do you, dear Reader, think of this? Are they justified in their actions, or are they as off-base as I think? Keep reading to see screenshots and some reactions below.

Funniest Memes About Major Dating App Fails That Blessed Our Feeds This Week

Okay, so at this point, it's pretty darn clear that dating apps work for a whole lot of people. They've been around long enough and it's basically impossible to go through your life without meeting anyone who didn't meet their partner on one of them, at least in any major city. But even knowing that there is a substantial success rate, you can't really avoid the weirdos whenever you log on. And there really seems to be a never-ending surplus of them. You must have a bit of a sense of humor when using the apps, or else you'll simply get your a$$ handed to you. Or maybe you should try a more serious app because many of these memes tend to come from the same three.


Without further ado, let's get into these major dating app fails. Hopefully, this will encourage you to enjoy your time on the apps, or perhaps you'll just delete and re-download them for the 15th time.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Painfully Idiotic Memes to Remind You That Confidence Doesn't Always Equate to Intelligence

Confident people typically exude intelligence, grace, and sometimes wealth. When wielded properly, confidence can be a key weapon in any well-read person's arsenal. However, in the hands of someone with less-than-average intelligence, overt confidence can be excruciating.


Stupid people have always existed in society. And with the wind of the Internet at their backs, they sail the Web with confidence, unchecked facts, and unbridled free speech as a platform for their voice. In the modern age, the village idiot is not confined to the hut at the edge of town, uselessly spinning straw between their teeth as they babble nonsensical musings to themselves. No, no… The modern idiot is louder than ever, screaming at the rooftops of a worldwide platform that we all observe. 


Now the village idiots can take their incorrectness global, confidently posting whatever they want and whatever they think on the inter-webs for all of us to chuckle at. So join me, my intelligent friends, to gawk at the musings of the most confidently incorrect people in our world, who always seem to have the strongest Wifi connection. 

Top Trending Hinge Comments of the Month (August 2022)

People say that Hinge is among the more classy dating apps, but based on these comments, that does not seem to be the case. These memes were sourced from @hinge_comments and @hinge_funnies on Instagram, and they perfectly capture just how intentionally and unintentionally funny people can be on dating apps.


These aren't the types of comments that make single life seem glamorous at all. But we hope that if you're regularly coming across bold and insane profiles such as these, you feel perhaps less alone. I mean, the number one takeaway here is that people can be really weird online. They make bizarre photo choices (e.g. literally who are you out of these seven dudes in the picture?), they provide the most boring, generic answers to the prompts (e.g. "travel" and "coffee" are not personality traits!), and they overshare…a LOT (e.g. why are you already talking to me about your ex?). There are, of course, a few exceptions, and that's why we all keep searching and swiping and commenting and meeting…but we know it's rough out there.


For more content like this, take a look at these top trending Tinder moments of the week.


Keep scrolling below for these memorable Hinge comments!

Update: IT Director Quits Arrogant CEO, Reduces His Notice Period After Unprofessional Response

This IT Director found a better position and gave his notice which he then shortened due to the CEO's poor attitude. After she told him that he was "not being helpful" when he was doing his best (and then some) to contribute to a successful handover, he decided to live up to her words.

These are the types of "leaders" who will gladly tell you that "It's just business" when they're laying you off or refusing you a raise. Yet, when you find a better opportunity and give notice, they take it personally, acting as if you've betrayed them. Suddenly, "It's just business" isn't valid, and the employer wonders why all these employees end up "Turning against them," utterly blind to the fact that they are the common denominator. 

Reddit user u/YesImStillanAtheist posted his story to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit with the title "IT Director 'Not being helpful?' Time for malicious compliance." He then returned later to give an update to expectant readers.

Readers enjoyed the story, expressing their appreciation for their approach and requesting future updates as well.

"Congrats on walking the tightrope of screwing your previous company but not screwing your coworkers," said user DJ_Level_3. "That's a hard one! Hope you and the people you helped become successful and happy!"

"Thank you! A tightrope indeed," replied the original poster. "I did the best I could to walk it, but IT was not the interim person's core skill set. We were still reviewing documentation right up to the last minute."

Woman Who "Tells It Like It Is" Insults Her Date's Career and Gets Dumped

A second-date sleepover can lead to the start of something great. It can lead to cuddling, a cute breakfast in the morning, or maybe more "nighttime activity." Unfortunately for this guy, none of those possibilities came to fruition after some really bad pillow talk destroyed any chance at this relationship having legs. 


u/Individual_Section_6 aired his grievances on Reddit's r/datingoverthirty subreddit with a thread about a woman who insulted his career after the two were planning on spending the night together for the first time. He acknowledges that his date self-identified as "blunt" from the start, but that was not enough of an excuse for him. When he subsequently called her out, she immediately tried to patch things up and apologize. However, once you show your true cards, it's pretty difficult to take that back and this guy was not about to fall for an insincere apology. 


This is what happens when you notice a red flag and confront it immediately rather than put on rose-colored glasses or let feelings of doubt fester. Dismissing your date's career as "meaningless" (that's a DIRECT quote, ladies and gentlemen) is unacceptable, not honest. Scoffing at where your date went to college is a sign of ignorance, not intellectual superiority. And spoiling a great night of fun with a remark like that is the true egregious act here.


We've seen plenty of dating fails recently. Check out these Top Tinder Moments of the week for more.


Keep scrolling below for u/Individual_Section_6's story and the feedback he received on Reddit!

The Top 10 Trending 'Scottish Twitter' Moments of the Week

These are the top trending moments from "Scottish Twitter" a zany and magical place that is rife with Tweets that are phonetically written to replicate the bizarrely brilliant Scottish accent.

Some of the top-est trending bits and bobs from around the internet this week have been painstakingly gathered here for the pleasure o yer peepers. Noteworthy havens for these Scottish tweets include Reddit's r/ScottihPeopleTwitter community.

Tah all yaw lads an lasses ow thar… Reed on and enjowy.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

'I simply cannot afford to keep buying more skincare': Woman locks expensive products in a safe so her boyfriend will stop using them

Some boyfriends don't understand just how expensive skincare can be. This boyfriend was one of them. u/pinkyblinderz posted this thread on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit to discuss her significant other's continual usage of her products.


To clarify: this is not merely recreational skincare. u/pinkyblinderz goes into detail about how after her boyfriend used all of her $220 face wash (which was supposed to be used specifically for her eczema), she had a flare-up that resulted in her being hospitalized. So this is not a joke, people. u/pinkyblinderz needs those pricey products.


When the Redditor took inventory of just how much her boyfriend had taken from her, she estimated that he used about $800 worth of products over the course of three months. After repeatedly asking him to stop, she took matters into her own hands and bought a safe to lock away her valuables under the sink. Her boyfriend found out, of course, and felt betrayed. The real betrayal here, however, is his refusal to take her skin condition seriously. What might appear to be luxury items to him are actually necessary items for her health and wellbeing. 


Couples fight about little things all the time. This boyfriend even went so far as to critique the way his girlfriend took a shower. But sometimes these little things have larger implications.


Keep scrolling for u/pinkyblinderz's post in her own words and for some of the best reactions. Based on the feedback, it's clear that folks think this whole skincare anecdote feels like a microcosm of a much bigger problem in their relationship. 

'I did everything to support her in losing weight.' Boyfriend frustrated by girlfriend's weight-loss struggles, wonders if he's crossing the line

This boyfriend has reached his wit's end with his girlfriend's dietary practices, now he's wondering if he is overstepping and the internet has given him a definitive answer. 

In a trending thread from Reddit's popular "Am I the A-Hole" subreddit, the boyfriend, Redditor u/Unlucky_Revolution27 shared his story. He has been increasingly concerned with his girlfriend's weight gain and says that he has gotten her permission to help her get back in shape. 

Commenters were quick to put him in his place and, in some lengthy comments, made clear their thoughts on the matter. They made it obvious that his girlfriend should be rethinking her relationship.

"YTA. Have you considered asking her what's driving her to eat and the need to sm*ke?" replied Reddit user andravens. "You're offering all sorts of support for the physical and nothing for the mental and emotional. If you only care about why she's gaining weight because of her looks and passing care for her physical health, you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities. There is something deeper at play; if you care about her and love her, drop the talk about weight loss. Start talking to her about what's going on that's upsetting her or stressing her out or depressing her."

"He doesn't care about the mental and emotional, because you can't "see" them. He only cares about the physical because he's a shallow a-hole." responded another user. 

Sounds pretty similar to the date who lost it when his date ate too large of a salad.

Keep reading to see screenshots of the story and some key reactions below.

'My wife just went over the top': Man kicks wife out of the house for bullying their pregnant daughter

Some families fight more than others, but not every family fight escalates like this. u/Plus-Climate2355 opened up on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit this week with this thread about his dysfunctional family dynamic. 


According to his post, u/Plus-Climate2355 and his wife come from low-income backgrounds and worked all their lives so that their daughter could achieve what she wanted. Luckily enough, their daughter was a good student and managed to get a full ride to a good school. Sometime later, she broke the news to her parents that she was pregnant, that there was no father in the picture, and that she wanted to have the baby. She moved back home, which the Redditor was perfectly fine with considering she had some savings of her own and liked to help out with family chores and responsibilities.


However, the Redditor's wife gradually became more and more hostile to the daughter, claiming that she tarnished her chances at a promising future and chasitising her for wanting to raise her kid in their lower-income neighborhood. At this point, u/Plus-Climate2355 couldn't watch his wife attack their daughter any longer, especially during such a challenging period already. He kicked her out of the house, which he was legally able to do because it was not a marital property, and now his "in-laws are coming at [him] because everyone thinks she's right."


We've seen similar stories about father-daughter drama and family dynamics gone wrong. Like this woman whose mother-in-law suspected the worst of her and accused her of cheating when she was really just playing video games. 


Keep scrolling below for the original post and to see what other Redditors think about u/Plus-Climate2355's decision!


The Top 10 Liars of the Week Getting Roasted Online

People like this will do just about anything for clout and fake internet points. Luckily there are some true heroes of the internet who strive to put these liars in their place. 

These idiots were made examples of for their wildly inaccurate claims and were showcased in some of the top trending posts on Reddit's r/quityourbullsh*t community. On this popular Reddit subreddit, users will post screenshots of lying losers getting shut down. With some pretty brutal responses. 

For more losers getting put on blast, check out this thread.

'He said he lost the lease papers': Landlord devises new lease to get current tenants to leave in 2 months

Time to add yet another horrid landlord to the seemingly endless list of horrid landlords. This thread was posted on Reddit's tongue-in-cheek r/LandlordLove page by u/raimine, who shared their story of being cheated by their landlord after living in their apartment for five years. 


Imagine living in a place for five years, paying rent on time every month, never having an issue with your landlord throughout that period…and then all of a sudden, that harmonious relationship abruptly ends when your landlord tells you that you'll need to leave within two months because a relative bought the place. That's exactly what happened to u/raimine, who then realized they only had a copy of their signature from the original lease. When inquiring about the full copy of that document, the landlord said he misplaced it and was devising a brand new one stating the new terms. We think this seems like a pretty convenient "misplacement."


This is not the first time we've seen landlords exhibit shadiness. In fact, shadiness seems to be inherent in the DNA of many landlords. Like this one, who refused to fix a leaky, damaged ceiling.


Keep scrolling for u/raimine's post and for some of the reactions on Reddit!

Frustrated Karen Gets Customer Fired From a Store Where He Didn't Even Work

This guy was fired from a store he didn't even work at after an enraged Karen insisted on his termination. The story was posted to Reddit's r/IDontWorkHereLady community by Reddit user u/Own_Row_9101, who shared his story to the popular subreddit.

Thanks to retrogressive policies like "The customer is always right" we have conditioned all entitled people in the world to think they can get everything their way. The sad thing is that they are often completely right and they have this worldview reinforced time and time again by constant arse kissing from customer service agents (who have to do so in order to provide for their families.) Over time these entitled people become more and more self-obsessed and conceited and evolve into full-blown narcissists. 

"The fact that she kept singling you out every time she wanted something rather than ask another employee is mind-boggling." remarked user SheWhoLovesToDraw. "Some people are denser than a blackhole, I swear!"

"Probably in her mind, they were the only one in uniform," responded brianorca. "Since the store's actual uniform was so different."

'Let's play a game called, look in the thief's purse': Small business owner follows a shoplifter home after catching her stealing merchandise

Oh, how the tables turn

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Funniest Times People Have Tripped up Their Words and Said Something Hilariously Inappropriate Instead

Sometimes words are hard. As the wise Kevin from The Office once said, "Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?" It's the question of the ages. Though language is important in every form of human civilization, sometimes the words are against you. Trying to make an intelligent sentence come out of your mouth when you're running on 30 minutes of sleep and working a minimum wage job is a lot to ask for, TBH. Or when you pull an all-nighter creating the best presentation, but since you didn't sleep and skipped breakfast all that intelligence goes out the window and words get jumbled and you say something like "d*ck" instead of "p*ck." It's hard out there, man! But, when you look back at those cringey trip ups with your words, it also provides for some hilarious grade-A fails to laugh forever about. So enjoy memes!

Top Work Memes This Week That We Can All Relate To (August 23, 2022)

As long as we have jobs, work memes will never get old. Part of the charm of getting through the work week is the humor we can derive from strange office dynamics and awkward professional encounters. From gossipping to your co-worker as soon as a team meeting ends to awkwardly trying to maintain posture and composure on your walk back to your desk from the bathroom, these types of office encounters are unfortunately inevitable. 


The reality is, much to the chagrin of most folks out there, we're probably not going to get to retire any time soon. As much as we'd like to take a year long vacation, we don't have the time and money to do that. So, we might as well make lemonade out of lemons and gain some pleasure or at least commiserative recognition from these memes and tweets.


Sometimes, antiwork memes can ironically be the thing that gets you through the work day. Or they might leave you in a state of existential contemplation, but who's to say?


Keep scrolling for some awkward-as-h*ll worplace memes!

'An Impressive Bit of Creative Writing': Cafe owner destroys Karen's 1-star review with scathing response

When this disgruntled customer left a 1-star review describing their poor experience at a cafe, the owner set out to put the story straight with this thorough and scathing response. Screenshots of the exchange were posted to a popular Reddit subreddit by Reddit user u/rainier-cherries, of the employees who works at the business. 

The employee posted the exchange to Reddit's r/quityourbullsh*t subreddit, a larger sub that often deals with stories such as this where people who are bragging, exaggerating, or lying get shut down. 

In part of the Karen's review, she mentions calling in advance, which the owner sets straight by pointing out that she had actually sent through a written request with intense instruction regarding her daughter's food allergies. All of which were complied to.

"My daughter has to follow a special diet we would love to order [a]cheese plate for her with aged cheese," the instructions began. They continued, "She cannot have gluten, soy, eggs, sugar, [or] milk (she can do cheese if aged not mozzarella.)" Before concluding with a left-field request to "Surprise her with [a] fruit plate for her birthday, it would be great. Thanks."

Commenters had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the owner's response and pointed out how, well, pointed their words were.

"It's missing "f- you" at the end," commented user North-Ad-5058.

"It's pretty heavily implied," replied user Appropriate_Town6385.

"This is a great example of telling someone to go f*ck yourself in the politest way possible," offered user Stephen501.

Keep scrolling to see the screenshots and reactions below. For more Karen's leaving 1-star reviews and getting wrecked check out this similar thread.