Friday, August 26, 2022

Vegetarian Presenter Forces All Attendees to Eat Vegetarian, Wondering if They’re Wrong

This Redditor posted to Reddit's "Am I the A-Hole" community this week to see if they were wrong for imposing their vegetarian diet on attendees of their presentations. The thread, posted by u/ForcedVegetarian was posted to the popular subreddit with the title "AITA for forcing a vegetarian meal even though we're not eating?"

Interestingly, this poster comments that their primary motivation for being a vegetarian (and forcing this diet upon others) is due to the pollution the meat industry generates. Yet, their profession is essentially just traveling around the place to talk at people. It's no secret that travel contributes a massive percentage of global annual CO2 emissions, with flight alone contributing 2.4%. Not to mention it's not good at all when all that bad stuff is getting pumped directly into the upper atmosphere. 

If they had said, "Yeah, I'm just not really cool with the idea of breeding masses of animals that sit in cages their entire lives just to be pumped full of corn and slaughtered." Then we might be discussing a different outcome here, but if their core reasoning for their preference and actions is pollution, then they are completely blind to the irony of their own existence. We're talking some serious hypocrisy here. 

As Redditor NesssMonster put it… "Be careful, it's a long fall from that high horse." 

What do you, dear Reader, think of this? Are they justified in their actions, or are they as off-base as I think? Keep reading to see screenshots and some reactions below.

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