Friday, August 26, 2022

'I am his mother, and I get to decide what people call him': Karen sets up meeting with principal because she doesn't like her son's nickname at school

Players are gonna play, haters are gonna hate, and Karens are gonna Karen. This thread was posted on Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/SnixPlaysAlot


This Mom was so determined to make sure her 7-year-old son would never be called Andy, but rather the original Andrew, that she set up numerous school meetings to correct the matter. Apparently, she was worried about this from day one, and the minute she learned some kids at school were calling him Andy, she made it her mission to put an end to this. Of course, she learned from her son's teachers that he actually likes being called Andy and even introduces himself as Andy to his peers.


You might think at that point, Andy's Mom would stop and take a moment to reflect and embrace what her own child wanted to be called, but NOPE! As we said, Karens are gonna Karen, and the last thing this Mom was going to do was admit defeat. Now, she is insisting on meeting with the school principal because the teacher refuses to make everyone call him Andrew against his wishes (hats off to the teacher for standing her ground!).Andy's Mom even admitted that her husband "feels like [she's] overreacting," but then goes on to say "if we don't get this under control now, he will be 'Andy' for the rest of his life!" What a tragedy!


This was certainly not the first Karen to come to our attention. This one threw a fit after getting kicked out of a bar for giving her underaged daughter a drink.


Keep scrolling for the original post and for the best comments on Reddit!

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