Saturday, August 27, 2022

Wife Can't Stand That Her Husband Puts Ketchup on His Pasta

Everyone has that weird thing they would eat in their household as a child, but usually, you grow up to realize that what you were eating was really not normal. That's when you embarrassingly retire that delicacy so as to not draw attention to your bizarre food preferences. Unless you're this woman's husband, who will seemingly never stop putting ketchup on his pasta instead of, say, marinara sauce.


His wife unloaded her feelings on Reddit's r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit under the name u/nicorn_. Her thread sparked a ton of discourse from folks who apparently also do the same unforgivable act to their pasta to people who perhaps jokingly (or not jokingly) encouraged this woman to cut and run from her marriage. For the record, the original poster has weighed in to clarify that she's not planning on filing divorce papers much to chagrin of the online trolls. She did, however, acknowledge that she is not a fan of how their kids have seemingly started to put ketchup on their pasta too. Horrifying! We're of the impression that she needs to get rid of all access to ketchup in their household or put some marinara sauce in the Ketchup bottle as a trick if she really wants to keep this infectious disease from spreading. Otherwise one day, some force within this woman will compel her to squirt some Heinz on her own linguini too!


Now, it's also worth acknowledging that plenty of couples have done more damage to one another. For example, this guy rated his girlfriend's cooking in front of her entire family. 


Keep scrolling for u/nicorn_'s story in her own words and for the funniest comments!

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