Saturday, August 27, 2022

'Stop calling it quiet-quitting': Woman defines 'work-to-rule' and rallies workers to use this form of protest

Since the dawn of capitalism there has been a war going on between corporate elites and the working class. Yes, there are periods of peace occasionally. But workers cannot get distracted—because the second you do, the wealthy will take that as a chance to get wealthier. 


Many people on social media apps across the board use the sites to connect with other people struggling in their toxic workplace. In many ways, it's become a new place to rally the masses and start a workforce revolution. I'm not saying that this video is doing that or will do that, but it is an example of spreading knowledge to help the working class. 


Recently, a term has been popping up in many videos called "quiet-quitting," which has been defined as basically the same thing as "malicious compliance." It is when you do what you were hire to do and nothing more. However, a TikToker recently went viral for calling out the new term for 1; already existing as a form of protest called "work-to-rule," and 2; for being a detrimental term in helping the working class.  


"For the love of God, Comrade. Stop calling it 'quiet-quitting'—it has been and always has been 'work-to-rule.' A form of protest in which employees do exactly what is stated in the contract and nothing more in order to slow down production. It has always been a thing. Do not let the f****ing elites talk you into thinking that this is bad. You're not quitting your job, you're not doing anything wrong. You are doing exactly what they hired you to do and they're pissed because you're taking back your power. Don't f***ing call it 'quiet-quitting!' It's not. You are working-to-rule."


The TikToker and the viewers all agree that this term is bad for the fight in worker rights and portrays the form of protest as something like "quitting," when in fact it is there to help set healthy workplace boundaries and get paid what you're worth. Some people are even calling it "working your wage."

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