Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Impatient Parker Honks at Spot-Leaver, Takes as Long as Possible to Leave

Busy parking lots can be a stress-inducing nightmare, especially when you have somewhere you desperately need to be. Not to mention there can be tens of other drivers seeking to find that same unicorn parking space that you are. Cruising around the parking lot or nearby streets until you see someone walking to their car can sometimes be the only way to ensure that you aren't going to spend an undeterminable length of time driving around the lot in circles like it's NASCAR.

The appropriate way to hail one of these crucially departing persons is to give them a friendly wave. If you're not feeling shy, you can even roll down your window and ask them if they're about to leave. 

What you shouldn't do in this situation is antisocially start laying on your horn the moment they get in their car and start getting themselves prepped for departure. If you do this, I guarantee you will be waiting even longer than you would have initially.

Alas, this is the approach that a spot-seeker took when trying to take Reddit user u/jlb183's spot. They ensured they took as long as possible to leave in a fantastic act of petty revenge. They posted their story to the popular Reddit sub of the same name, receiving a warm reception from readers. 


"Honk at me? Ok, fool, we dying here, how about that?" -docscifi808

"'I live here now.' 😂" - Catinthemirror

"Right? I'm sitting here and ordering a pizza for delivery now." -carrotkatie

"And the ones that honk are the ones who won't park in the open slot that's three spaces further away, or won't pull to one side while they wait so others can get through." -Fedupintx

"I think you met the guy." -jlb183


For more petty revenge check out this apprentice who recalibrated his cheap boss's thermostat. 

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