Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Weirdest Things Drive-Thru Employees Saw

Cars are a strange semi-private space, and they give people an extra sense of security to be weird. That makes it harder to work a drive-thru job where you spend all day leering into people's cars. Some customers are even looking to freak employees out, which has gotta make work a little rough. For more customer service stuff, here are weird things Walmart employees witnessed and some totally mindless things said by credit card customers.


Text - BoltzTV 25.3k points · 15 hours ago & S 2 92 I worked at a Tim Hortons and once saw an old lady with like 50 cartons of eggs in her car, I made a joke saying "looks like you could make your own breakfast" and she got real straight faced and said "oh honey those aren't eggs". Still have zero clue what else you would store in egg cartons... hillbilly_trash 16.5k points · 12 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago 24 e 3 2 Golf balls. I used to steal gold balls from a golf course water hazard and the


Text - NetDork 21.6k points · 16 hours ago e Someone pulled a gun on my brother because the salsa containers weren't completely full. You can get as many as you want for no extra charge.


Text - SanchezGeorge1 20.3k points · 13 hours ago · e 2 & 4 More I was working the drive-thru at Burger King edited 57 minutes ago in a snowstorm. Driver orders a coke with no ice. When I hand them the coke, they empty it a bit, break off a couple icicles hanging from the car, put in the coke, and drive off without saying a word.


Text - OozeNAahz 16.4k points · 15 hours ago Had a drunk guy come through drive thru. A cop car was in line right behind him. Told the cops about the drunk guy (he was blitzed and was going to kill someone). Cops said they knew as they were planning on pulling him over before he turned in and went to the drive thru. They decided they were hungry and decided to get food too before pulling him over. They stayed at the back window and had us give them their food first so they could follow him out.


Text - MomoPeachBear 15.1k points · 14 hours ago 3 Only worked drive-through for a year but the weirdest thing I saw was an alpaca in a minivan. They asked at the window if they could order some apple slices for the alpaca. I just gave them two packs on the house.


Text - Voiceisaweapon 12.2k points · 16 hours ago The entire car was filled with trash. Like legitimately up to ceiling in the back seat and up to shoulder height in the passenger seat. I was so stunned I nearly forgot to give them their food


Text - [deleted] 10.6k points · 17 hours ago 2 9 Had a customer come through with a giant grandfather clock in the back seat. The thing was so huge it was sticking out the side window, which just so happened to be on the left side of the car. Which meant dude couldn't get close enough to the window to reach his food and had to step out, cursing the whole time.


Text - _Junkstapose_ 8.9k points · 18 hours ago I used to see someone come through with a lifelike mannequin in their passenger seat. I asked about it and turns out they did it to use the commuter lanes on the highway (you must have more than 1 person in the car or cop a fine)


Text - intothepizzaverse 934 points · 14 hours ago I worked at Domino's and one lady used a hand crocheted blanket to keep her pizzas warm. Kept the blanket in the front seat and draped it over the boxes. I crochet, so I know how much work went into that blanket...


Text - Solenthis87 7.2k points · 18 hours ago My little sister used to work at a local Wendy's. A woman came through the drive- thru one day with either a pet or a service animal. That animal happened to be a monkey.


Text - partofbreakfast 5.6k points · 15 hours ago edited 10 hours ago A Two guys were hotboxing and decided to come to the drive thru. They did not stop smoking even when they pulled up to the window. I swear a cloud of smoke rolled out the window when they lowered it to pay. They offered me a hit and I politely declined.


Text - balancedroses 5.2k points · 15 hours ago a car pulls up, and all 4 people are just completely naked, just casually chilling.


Text - thekoonbear 5.2k points · 17 hours ago Does a naked man with bags from Burger King and Taco Bell already count as a "thing"?


Text - hondac55 4.8k points · 14 hours ago 2 2 4 This girl used to come through with like 3 dogs. I finally asked her, "do you have to feed these beasts?" And she explained that she just walks and grooms them. Well, one day she came through the drive through with like 15 dogs and she screams through the intercom "MY BUSINESS FINALLY TOOK OFF" and got a bunch of chicken tacos for them. Come to think of it...I think she may have been trying to flirt with me. Damn.


Text - salty-MA-student 4.7k points - 15 hours ago - edited 11 hours ago A woman drinking a tall boy of Budwiser. It was 530 in the morning at a Starbucks. There's also a guy that takes his 3 dogs for rides. They ride in buckled seats and wear goggles so the wind doesn't hurt their eyes. Edit to add: the lady drinking the beer was driving. Dont fucking drink and drive, guys.


Text - --Jester-- 3.0k points · 15 hours ago Story time! I was working the drive through at Carl's Jr. one evening as a very innocent 17 year old. It was pretty close to closing time, sometime after 10pm. A car pulled up and some slightly slurred speech said something I didn't fully understand, but I heard the word "food" and since it was the drive through it seemed like a safe assumption that they wanted to order food. It's not typical to ask if they can order food first, but I replied "Sure, g


Text - "Hold on a minute," I replied. I then walked back to where my manager was currently preparing their food. He asked if there was a problem and I said "Kind of...they need to talk to you. I'll wash up and take over for you here..." I'm pretty sure he picked up on my distress and didn't argue or ask any more questions. By the time I finished washing my hands he came back with a slightly annoyed look and told me I should just finish making their order and he would pass it out to them. I'm not


Text - penndawg84 2.8k points · 13 hours ago My gym teacher, drunk. He started eating the tacos at the drive through window. He was there for over 5 minutes, just eating. I saw him the next day in school, we both acted like nothing happened.


Text - damboy99 2.2k points · 15 hours ago There is one quy who drives a Herse. It was a car that ran well and he could afford it. So when a teenager pulls up to the window in his Herse you get a little shocked. I also saw someone with a chicken. Complete with a Harness and leash. It was cute.


Text - CanJohnEven 1.9k points · 13 hours ago Dude had a full on sex doll dressed up in his passenger seat. Sunglasses, dress and even a hat. I couldn't even tell it was fake until I asked for their order. Coworker and I looked at each other simultaneously and we both said "was that a sex doll?" This is in a "wealthy" area of my city as well so it was definitely a first.


Text - glucosa86 1.9k points · 15 hours ago Not really weird but... There was a very very large woman (no judgement) who would come through covered in sweat, I assume because it was summer and she didn't have a/c in her car. And she stored her money in her bra. So when she went to pay you'd have to watch her pull soaking wet cash out from between her boobs and accept it from her without flinching. It also made me laugh when people would come through in $500 cars with $2000 sound systems


Text - Akschadt 1.8k points · 12 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago, Not sure if it counts as something weird.. but I found out after marring my wife that she would go to a certain chick fil a location drive through almost every day before work.. turned out during the time she was going there I was working there and I ran the drive through 5-6 days a week and strictly In the mornings.. soo for about a year I saw my wife almost every day before I even met her... and didn't realize it till after being

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