Saturday, December 12, 2020

Mall Santas' Most Ridiculous Requests From Kids

Kids have quite the rampant imaginations. This particular wild AskReddit thread delves into the most ridiculous requests that kids have sent Mall Santas' ways. Clearly, being a mall Santa takes its own level of saintly patience and acceptance. You just never know what those kids are going to ask for. 


Text - eldercrocling420 • 1d 3 2 Awards Never a mall Santa, but I was santa claus for Halloween one year and a kid came up to me asking for caterpillars. Reply 1 1.2k 3 ...


Text - lobamansa • 1d Not a mall Santa but look the part. A few years ago I was waking the dog late and I approach a family at the bus stop, instantly three children run at me. DO NOT BOTHER THE GENTLEMAN a stern voice commands. The older of the kids stops in his track. The middle kid slows to a stop. But the youngest runs at me, stops in my path, crosses her arms and ANGRILY declarers Santa, why did you lose you way and not find our house AGAIN? I stated I was not Santa but she wasn't having an


Text - i_live_in_a_truck • 1d 1 Award 6 years old, "I want to be happy" Reply 530 ...


Text - ninthtale • 1d I've never been a mall santa, but i have a relevant experience. I was an ALT in Japan a couple of years ago now, and we had an English speaking test where I would ask each student what they wanted for Christmas. Most were all like "I want an iPhone XR" or maybe snacks or something, but one kid said he just wanted a mechanical pencil.. Reply 4 341 3 ...


Text - RosaGG • 1d I'm not a mall Santa, but I was Santa's elf for 2 years when I was younger. I was the helping set up kids and getting them to smile, not the one taking pictures. The request thy brought tears to my eyes and that I still remember 10+ years later is the kid (6-7 years old) that asked if Santa could cure his mom's cancer and make her happy again. This kid didn't want his mom to hear, so he'd asked me to get his mom to stand further away. Santa told him he didn't think that was so


Text - PeepsDeBeaul• 1d 3 Awards I think I broke some poor Santa guy. The Christmas after my identical twin died, I asked for her to come home. Reply 909 ...


Text - Ulavala • 1d 82 Awards I've been a Mall Santa every Christmas for a couple years. This one, l'd have to say...4 year old once asked for his "mommy and daddy to lov each ofver." His dad was the one taking him. The next year, he came back and thanked me. Both his parents were there. I almost cried. Edit: Thanks for the awards! The kid is now in Kindergarten, so yeah he was 4. I wish I could see what's happened to him now. Reply 4.0k


Text - 1147298 • 1d My father used to play Santa for a local charity and his elves would hand him gifts with the children's names on them. Santa would call out the child's name and Santa would give them the gift, simple, and it would bring a big smile to the children. Well, my father had poor eyesight and he was nearsighted. This one year he gets the gift and starts calling out Mary Christian, no child comes forward, my father calls a few more times, still no response. Finally the Elf looks at t


Text - blindgirlandherguide • 1d I once convinced a kid that I was watching to ask Santa for some bladder control medicine. Santa didn't find it as funny as myself and the kid did though. E QReply 1 417 ...


Text - lazarus870 • 1d Obligatory "not a mall santa" and this didn't even happen at the mall. When I was a kid, a woman at my school had foster kids (one of whom was a student) and she collected donations for kids on the wrong side of the track. So my mom used to donate our old church clothes to them. And my sister had this super puffy white dress. The lady who gave the donations to the kids told my mom that the little girl who received the dress cried when she received it because it was so nice


Text - JesusChristsGayLover • 1d 1 Award For their mom to be back with them. Reply 723 5 ...


Text - damienwhite12• 1d When I was 5 or 6, we were going to my Dads Christmas work party with Santa there. I got into an argument with my parents before leaving and they scolded me pretty good, not sure what it was about but I probably was asking for it. Either way when I went on Santa's lap and he asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I simply responded that I wanted 2 parents who loved me. Obviously he was deeply disturbed by this and called my parents aside to express his concerns. They were


Text - Substantial_Remote62 • 1d 3 Awards Not a mall Santa, but I took over a property from a friend once that was being rented out to drug addicts. They were already way behind on rent payments, and we put them out. They left behind the worst mess imaginable. As I was cleaning out the kids' room, I found a letter to Santa from what I guess must have been a six or seven year old girl. It read "Dear Santa, you can please get me one thing for Christmas. If you can't, it's ok." if Reply 1 1.2k 3 •.


Text - Wash80 • 1d I was an elf. I remember we had this young Santa that worked with us. Not many like him since he looked young for the part. He was on shift one evening and we had this little girl come who was hearing impaired. Well this young Santa made her day by knowing Sign Language. They were able to have a conversation with each other. I remember the Mom crying a bit. # QReply 517 ...


Text - Hellastylish • 1d My friend was Santa and I was the photographer, there was a family with 2 twins 1 baby and 2 bigger kids. The twins were very excited and begged their mom, then the mom's like okay! And then the twin was like "I want a hot air balloon!" They had a british accent so it sounded VERY cute, we were right by the build a bear workshop so the other twin was like "and I want a cute princess dress for my kitty cat!" They looked at me smiling saying "can you take a picture of us?"


Text - AM_Conspiracy • 1d 4 Awards This was in 2005 so I was a junior in High school and I was Santa's helper (elf) along with another girl who was also Santa's helper and this little boy came and asked Santa for a pirate ship. But the kid couldn't pronounce his r's that well so it sounded like he said he wanted a pile of shit for Christmas. The mall Santa I was working with looked confused as hell so I had to tell him that he said he wanted a pirate ship not a pile of shit. When my shift was do


Text - SuzQP • 1d Years ago I took my son to see Santa. As we waited, we were able to overhear some of the kids talking to Santa ahead of us. One little boy said, "I just want Grandpa to be okay." Awwww. Santa replied with something we couldn't hear and then the child yelled, "That's the same BULLSHIT my mom says! You guys are LIARS, he told me can't even PEE anymore!!" I sill wonder if that kid got a catheter in his stocking that Christmas. Reply 89 3 ...


Text - Real_Space_Captain • 1d A story we always share about my sister: I went away to boarding school and my mom took my five year old sister and three year old brother to see Santa. My brother went "I want my big sister to come home." Of course, Santa asked where I was and my sister, helpful as ever, returns "my parents got rid of her!" My mom luckily was in earshot and easily clarify the misunderstanding. Reply 54 ...


Text - hazelhype • 1d Not a mall santa, but had an encounter. When I was 19 and my brother was 14, we decided to go to the mall when we walk by the mall santa who was talking to a little boy. The boys asked for his mom back. He even held out a money he had saved up for a treat, saying he would help pay if it cost too much. My brother and i can't help but do something for him. We immediately decided to buy the little guy whatever he wanted as a gift from his favorite store after they were done wi


Text - Emotional-Fruit • 1d My town does this event where there's a train ride (Polar Express) and it takes them to "The North Pole" to meet Santa. A local theater group for high school students are actors on the train and at the station as elves. I volunteered as an elf for a few years, we'd have activities like a coloring station, photo booth and my favorite station to work- writing a letter to santa. After the kids write their letters they would stick them in a fake mailbox and we would assur


Text - Hellocattty • 1d O1 Award Not a Santa, but I used to do the USPS Letters to Santa where you send local kids presents anonymously through the post office. You used to be able to go to the main city branch and read the actual letters from kids and pick one. One year I decided on a letter from a little girl asking for used clothes for herself and her sister. I cried on the spot. I went to Old Navy and a few other places and got them winter coats, boots, gloves, hats...I mean, this is Chicago


Text - JumpyBlueberry • 1d Not a mall Santa but when my daughter was four she was deeply obsessed with all things dental hygiene. She had seen an infomercial for a "Press to Paste" that "dispenses the perfect amount of toothpaste every time" and decided she needed it. So we take her to see Santa at the mall and when it's finally her turn she runs up so excited. She climbs into Santa's lap and he asks her what she wants most for Christmas. She gets a very serious look on her face and says "Santa,


Text - Bucket-Cat • 1d I asked for a turtle once Reply 1 239 ...

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