Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Stupidest Reasons Companies Fired People

Sometimes we get an awful reminder that we're just pawns in someone's idiotic game. With the wrong boss, we can be like clay in the hands of a bored, incompetent god. One who would rather fire someone than take the blame for their own mistakes or have a single difficult conversation. At least the good thing about getting fired for a stupid reason is that you no longer have to work for a complete idiot.

Unfortunately, a ton of us have had our run-ins with being fired from companies over the dumbest matters. Honestly, sometimes it can end up being for the best. Life is far too short to put yourself through nothing short of a hellish experience just because you're committed to chasing the next paycheck. There's always going to be another gig out there that can pay you a decent enough amount of money, without you having to bid farewell to your soul in the process. Sometimes just quitting the job in the first place or getting fired, actually opens up the opportunity for a far better job to present itself. For some more career drama check out some of the biggest red flags that people got during their job interviews

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