Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spa-Obsessed Husband Maxes Out Wife's Credit Card, Doesn't See Why That's An Issue

OP's husband just so happens to be unemployed while also having a habit of getting weekly high-end massages that cost $250 a pop. Not only that, it seems that he's not even financing them himself. The internet was pretty quick to point out that for someone without a chronic health issue, no income and a baby on the way, that's a whole lot of money to be stealing from your wife to spend on massages. 

The presiding judges of the internet also brought up the thought that maybe this guy is getting something a little more than a massage. But still, even if this guy was getting totally legal spa treatment, spending a thousand dollars of your wife's money is some pretty unreasonable behavior. 

And if this guy really is getting "a little extra" from these expensive massages, there are far cheaper ways to cheat on your pregnant wife.

For some more unreasonableness, here'sthe husband who played victim after telling his wife she needed a boob job.

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