Tuesday, January 10, 2023

'Are you kidding? I would buy this immediately': Internet completely divided over utterly bizarre food label

As the saying goes, in marketing, all attention is good attention, but is that really true of this bizarre labeling choice? People had very strong opinions, both positive and negative, about the super weird label on this food. 

Twitter user @theactualemma shared a photo of a plant-based food product, with the caption, "I've never put something back on the shelf so quickly lol." The photo, as you can see below, shows a long mismash of a paragraph, with phrases like "yesss wee knowwwwww iiiit's on EVERYYY PACCKKKKKKKK." 

The singular sentence, which also has no punctuation, is proving quite divisive. Some people loved this copywriter's bold idea, and said they'd be swayed to purchase the product for themselves. Meanwhile, it was a major turnoff for other people, and there were tons of jokes to be made about this run-on sentence. 

I tend to side with copywriters doing whatever they feel like, for obvious reasons. However, in this case, I think the writing does look a bit last-minute, and it's not very informative about the product, which is certainly helpful when you're in the supermarket deciding between brands. I'd probably put it back on the shelf too, if only because it's a major eyesore to read! I hope the copywriter is out there still bringing big ideas to the table, where ever they may be now. 

Next, check out these tiny animals (and their owners) who are having a very bad day. 

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