Saturday, February 4, 2023

"'Wait...why is it so far over budget?' my boss asks": Update! Stingy bookkeeper Karen faces annual review, gets unwelcome surprise from management

Get ready for this incredibly satisfying update from one person who cashed in some malicious compliance at their workplace. 

As u/newtekie1 shared in 2022, they had to drive between two workplaces in their personal car, meaning that they relied on the company to reimburse any travel costs. But when Karen arrived at this workplace, she was determined to make budget cuts that made her look good, while inconveniencing basically every employee. She was such a penny pincher that she demanded the OP take the shortest drive between offices, even though the OOP tried to explain that that would add costly tolls each journey. 

Now, six months later, this Redditor is back with a wild update. It's finally time for Karen to get her comeuppance! And luckily for the OOP, they were able to catch the attention of upper management, who could actually do something about this Karen's role in the business. 

Speaking of Karens, one woman shared these tales about her mother's oddball antics in restaurants, and wondered if maybe, just maybe, her mom was a Karen.

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