Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lawsuit of the Day: A Nebraska Woman is Suing All Homosexuals in the Name of Jesus


A 66-year old woman from Nebraska is suing all gay people, because she thinks homosexuality is a sin, and she wants the law to finally acknowledge it.

Also because she is out of her mind.

Sylvia Driskell filed the lawsuit on May 1 with U.S. District Court of Omaha, and in a handwritten, 7-page document she lists herself as the “ambassador” for the plaintiffs “God and his son, Jesus Christ.”

The defendants are listed as simply “homosexuals” – presumably, every single one of them – which would make for quite a full courtroom.

Here are a few passages from the lengthy, incoherent argument:

I Sylvia Ann Driskell; Contented that homosexuality is a sin, And that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in a closet.

Never before has Our great Nation the United States of America And our great State of Nebraska; been besiege by sin; The way to destroy any Nation, or State is to destroy its morals; Look what happen to Sodom and Gomorrah two city because of the same immoral behavior thats present in Our Nation, in Our States, and our Cities; God destroy them.

After the news broke, Dan Savage simply Tweeted that he hopes to get a chance to testify, which would be amazing.

You can read the whole insane document here.

Submitted by: (via Omaha)

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