Thursday, January 27, 2022

25 Chowder Heads Who Seriously Didn't Get Jokes

We are human, so naturally we like jokes. We like obvious jokes, stupid jokes, complex jokes, memes that make almost no sense, absurdist deviations of space and time, fart jokes, creative misspellings, some puns, and people getting kicked in the nuts. Of course it's not uncommon to have to reread something in order to get it. People are anything but transparent, and understanding subtext is a skill that makes, in our opinion, jokes funnier.

But there is a type of person out there who just doesn't get it. Sarcasm leaves them scratching at their own empty heads, the acoustics reverberating like so many an empty dormitory bathroom. Absurdist takes have them angry, wondering "where is the joke?" There is no jokes, that's the joke honey. And it's fine to be confused. But it's the anger that sets them apart.

It's okay to not get a joke. But to be an ass simply because you misread something, or try to repeat the joke back to someone having taken it literally? That's a sign of piquant dumbassery that leaves you a champion of oblivious people who didn't get the joke. Enjoy your crown of non-humor, you dry, dirty sack of used hospital rags.

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