Thursday, January 27, 2022

Cousin Wants To Do Interpretive Dance At Dad's Funeral, Gets Shot Down

Sure, everyone grieves differently. But it's safe to say that most people wouldn't completely appreciate a full-on casket dance while they are sad. This person was put in the interesting position of having to fight their cousin on their insistence of doing an interpretive dance segment at his own father's funeral. Damn, dude. Get your own dead dad.

The Aunt and cousin didn't take their dismissal lightly but honestly, these things are more about what the deceased would want. And it's extremely safe to say that having a dude dance on his grave might not have its intended impact on the memory of the dearly departed. That thing would be a full-on spectacle, man. They were even planning one recording it. At that point, isn't it sort of obvious that maybe this whole venture isn't right for a funeral?

If, for some reason you want to see people make someone's loss about themselves, here's the shameless unhinged nice guy who decided to shoot his shot at a recent widow. Aren't people so interesting?

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