Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Worker Cries to CEO Husband Over Unfair Treatment, He Oversteps and Now Everything is a Mess

This worker was getting a pretty hard time from her supervisor. The post lends one to believe that there were discriminatory motivations behind the supervisor's actions. However, as some commenters have pointed out, if the poster got her position in the first place because of nepotism then it wouldn't be completely unlikely that she has been getting a hard time because she is unqualified for her position. 

Whatever the reason there's a lesson here somewhere… And it's probably that companies have rules about nepotism and working with family members for a reason. When she mentioned what was going on to her CEO hubby he took matters into his own hands. He got way more involved than he should have been in a project that was many levels below him, ironically putting himself out of his depth due to lack of perspective.

This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) by the worker/wife who got her CEO/husband involved. She's wondering if she is in the wrong for mentioning it to her husband in the first place. Now that her coworkers know who she is they are treating her completely differently (can you blame them?) 

The truth is, she's not directly the A-Hole just for mentioning it to her husband. She is kinda the A-Hole for hiding her relationship with the CEO and allowing this situation to eventuate by not reigning in her husband's reaction. The husband is the A-Hole for getting personally involved for personal reasons in something that's way below his pay grade. The supervisor is the A-Hole for being an A-Hole. Really, everyone involved in this shit-uation is in the wrong and responsible for it.

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