Sunday, February 6, 2022

Ominous Signs That Mean Business

The world is big, and with it come a lot of threats. There's quickly rising water, bees, brain-eating amoebas, big holes and errant explosions to name a few. To name a few more, there are cliffs, electricity, angry biting monkeys, slippery cliffs, dangerous machinery and fires. So it makes sense we'd need a lot of spooky signs that say a lot with their creepiness.

And even though the signs are spooky, it's better than the alternative, which is just a pile of corpses. So maybe we can all thank the signs for their continued service, as well as the people who were smart enough to put them there. The modern world may have its figurative pitfalls like taxes and going to work, but at least we're all mostly literate at this point and able to communicate warnings of literal pitfalls to each other.

Oh yeah, also goats covered in poison ivy oil. There's another hazard. Didn't know stinging goats were a thing, but once again, happy to be aware of it now.

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