Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Senior Designer Uses Gendered Slur on Junior Designer, Calls Her Lazy, Surprised When HR Gets Involved

Maybe we should feel bad for u/aitabadworker. He sounds like he is pretty stressed out. But, it's the way that he is taking his stress out on other people that is the problem here.

u/aitabadworker posted to AITA this week asking for advice regarding his coworker, who he also refers to as his subordinate. Really, she seems to just be his coworker though. 

He does seem to be a little confused on the matter. Stating both that "I'm not technically her "boss," and that "I've tried to look out for her best interests and be a friendly boss". 

So, that's the first red flag here. A guy that is not technically someone's boss thinks that he also is their boss. Oh, and he wants to tell her what she can and can't do after work hours.

Meanwhile, he's holding a grudge against her for not asking for work that she doesn't know about because he hasn't told her about it.

It sounds like he is unraveling at both ends a little bit and if he doesn't want to get fired before the baby comes he needs to take a time out and sort whatever it is that is causing this in his mind. 

Go see a therapist or take up meditation and stop taking it out on the people you work with!

The first part of this post is the original thread along with a selection of comments from that post.

Item #19 begins a second post that was made about the original topic in the r/antiwork subreddit where commenters were even less sympathetic. 


For more like this check out this insane and narcissistic list of rules that were posted in a medical clinic.

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