Monday, February 14, 2022

Dude Live Tweets His Foray Into Creepy Liminal Space

This one might strike a chord with anyone who's ever found themselves exploring an abandoned area, or at least on that's just "not in use." It can get eerie very fast.

Liminal spaces are technically described as "a space between two spaces." So think like "areas between two states of being" like hallways and airports. That said the term has been used to describe areas that don't exist for their own purpose, and more broadly just very creepy, often empty zones of foggy understanding. In this case, a dude found himself wandering the backrooms of a hotel, but it comes off way creepier than that should be.

Maybe it's the quizzically pointless stacks of chairs and strangely airy zones with no people, but this all has the vibe of a level of a video game where something has just gone wrong or is about to go wrong. @Yearoutwilliam takes us on a journey through the back, into a space that feels almost adjacent to reality. Fun.

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