Thursday, September 29, 2022

'I had to do right by the team': Horrible boss fails to justify firing new single mother after she returns to work

Just when you thought horrible bosses couldn't get any worse...they go ahead and do something that you're pretty sure is fully illegal.


That's right. This boss decided it was more cost-efficient and best for the team and their clients to go ahead and fire Jess, a single mom who just returned to the office after maternity leave. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Happy-Mind-2618. It only takes a few sentences into this boss's attempt to justify their decision-making before realizing they are an awful manager with no moral compass. The first big mistake was hiring a replacement for Jess while she was gone. That replacement was a straight-out-of-college young male with minimal experience (so the boss could pay this person far less). Not only is it horrendous to fire a new mom for reasons that were completely out of her control, but also to choose her younger inexperienced male replacement instead is just bad optics all around. Here's hoping that this boss reads all these savage comments and then is met with a sweet sweet lawsuit very soon. 


For more unjust workplace stories, take a look at this post from someone who discovered her male colleagues call her Jessica Rabbit. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

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