Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Power Tripping Assistant Manager Gets Put In Check

It's people like Fran that give the assistant managers of the world a bad rap. In this case, we see Fran express no level of sympathy and understanding for her absolutely exhausted employee who was fresh off an overnight shift. But alas, as will happen, the employee hit their breaking point, and decided to put into play some delightful malicious compliance. Fortunately, that malicious compliance ends up serving as the catalyst for getting Fran out of the business. 

Check out some more juicy malicious compliance content with this lying Karen who used her old employer as a reference, and then it backfired terribly.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance + Join u/fredzred • 176d 1 "Clean the store TOP TO BOTTOM. Don't leave until you do." yes boss ... L This happened when I worked in retail around 2005 (I was 15). I was working at a very small grocery store and although it was a small store we were always busy, as it was near a popular beach and along a highway rest area. The night before, l'd worked from 12am until 6am packing shelves (there was a huge delivery coming in that had to be stocked for the next day). I w


Text - At 12pm that afternoon (6 hours after finishing the packing shift and barely getting 5 hours of sleep) I got a call from the assistant manager (Fran) who wanted me to come in to work a shift. I explained that l'd just finished a shift and had only had a few hours sleep. FRAN: "But the other girl has called in sick and you're the closest person." (I lived in the motel next door. My family were managing the motet at this point). ME: (too naive to know that I didn't legally have to come in a


Text - I got dressed and walked like a zombie to the store. When I arrived we were extremely quiet, with the occasional customer every 10 minutes or so. I was surprised she called me in at all, considering that even on a busy day, 1 person can run the store on their own. FRAN: (around 2pm) "I'm going on my break. Will you clean the store while I'm gone?" I picking up a duster, knelt down on my knees and proceeded to dust underneath the shelves (It had been thoroughly cleaned during the 6 hour pa


Text - ME: "Why can't you do it? l'm exhausted and l'm doing my best not to fall asleep on the spot." (l'd informed her that l'd done the midnight packing shift). FRAN: "You have to do it. I have a bad back." Fran then proceeded to grab the duster and lean down (against OH&S bending guidelines) and dusted underneath the shelf to demonstrate. Making it look easy for someone who "claimed" to have a bad back. FRAN: "I'm going on my 15 minute break and by the time I come back I want the floors to be


Text - Queue the malicious compliance. I started cleaning under EVERY shelf and EVERY display like my life depended on it, and a few minutes after Fran had left, costumers began to trickle in. But I was under STRICT instructions to ONLY clean under the shelves. Customers began to cue at the register (this was before there was self serve registers). CUSTOMER: (after noticing I was there but not serving them) "Hello? Are you working? Can I get some service please?" ME: "I'm so sorry Sir." (bringin


Text - The customer stormed out of the store and a few minutes later, came back with Fran in toe (she had been outside smoking). CUSTOMER: (addressing Fran) "This poor young lady is in tears because you threatened her job. Fran, you have to stop doing this to your staff. Frank (the manager in charge of Fran) will be hearing about this." ME: (feeling brave an empowered by this) "I TOLD you I'm working on 5 hours of sleep after working all might with Frank packing shelves. I'm going to go home to


Text - It turned out that that customer was one of Frank's close friends and was the driver of the tour bus that arrived every day. I turned up to work my regular shift the next day and explained to Frank everything that had happened and how Fran had treated me. He told me to go back to work and he would take care of it. Fran got a HARSH talking to about her behavior and conduct in the work place and was let go. This was her FINAL warning, as she had been doing this for months to other staff mem


Text - I never saw Fran in work uniform after that but she did come in from time to time to buy groceries (we were the only grocery store in the area, apart from a takeaway shop). I'd always give the same "Hi. Welcome to [store location]. How are you today?" with the BIGGEST grin on my face. Boy was that sweet! 12.2k 374 1 Share

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