Friday, February 24, 2023

'She accused me of mansplaining': Teen refuses to work with study partner after she claims he's 'speaking to her [friend] like an idiot'

This guy was unsure about the difference between mansplaining and being a dude explaining a topic, so he turned to r/AmItheA**hole for advice. 

Many women have experienced mansplaining – depending on what circles you're in, it might happen all the time! But for this 15 year old, he's been accused of something he doesn't think he did. 

As he writes, the OP, Ellie, and Mia are all in a class together. He and Ellie study together during and outside of their physics class, as he recited parts of the lesson to help him remember and to reintroduce the material to Ellie. While the OP thought this was going smoothly, he suddenly got called out by Mia. Now, he's turned to r/AmItheA**hole to ask if he really was being a mansplainer, or if he was just a dude studying for physics class with his friend. 

In this case, I understand this girl's frustration about mansplaining, which happens literally all the time if you're a woman, but she's definitely in the wrong on this one. The subject is quite fraught, so the viral "mansplaining chart" is included below to help! 

Commenters agreed that the OP was correct this time around. This classmate needed the lesson, and hopefully the embarrassment and fallout from this will make her rethink her words in the future.  Next, check out these 30+ people who shared the opinions that would be super unpopular if they said them aloud. 

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